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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. He should check though, if the hit element is the local player, else, it'll bind the key when a remote player hits it.
  2. Use this function get a player from its ID: function getPlayerByID ( theID ) local playerFound = false for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( exports.players:getID ( player ) == theID ) then playerFound = player break end end return playerFound end
  3. Castillo

    MTA Market

    This is for people who don't know how to make it, so please, don't decide what is expensive for them. @Raahim: I may add gang color to my public gang system, or just make a gang system with more features to set it for sale.
  4. You're talking about race? if so, search for: g_RaceStartCountdown = Countdown.create(6, launchRace) g_RaceStartCountdown:useImages('img/countdown_%d.png', 474, 204) g_RaceStartCountdown:enableFade(true) in "race/race_server.lua" and add this after it: g_RaceStartCountdown:addClientHook(3, 'playSoundFrontEnd', 44) g_RaceStartCountdown:addClientHook(2, 'playSoundFrontEnd', 44) g_RaceStartCountdown:addClientHook(1, 'playSoundFrontEnd', 44) g_RaceStartCountdown:addClientHook(0, 'playSoundFrontEnd', 45)
  5. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Kno ... sted_files
  6. Castillo

    admin chat

    Eso es porque pusiste "..." en el segundo argumento, eso es el nombre del comando. function adminchat(thePlayer, cmd, ...) local word = { ... } local message = table.concat(word, " ") local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) if (isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup ( "Moderator" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup ( "SuperModerator" ) ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FF0000[Admin]" .. getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) .. ": " .. message, getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox("#C6FA78No.", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("chat", adminchat)
  7. Any errors? are you sure that "class" is set?
  8. Si, pero nadie te lo hara gratis.
  9. Usa el jugador que creo el marker como index en la tabla, algo asi: Fuera de la funcion: markers = { } Dentro de la funcion: markers [ thePlayer ] = createMarker ( args.. )
  10. That wouldn't happen if you created the objects client side.
  11. Deberia ser mejor: if Vida <= 0 then Asi verifica si las vidas son 0 o menores que 0.
  12. ">" es mayor a, "<" es menor a.
  13. That's right, this line: "peds.lua" dimension="0"> Should be:
  14. Are you sure that the resource is actually started? see if this says that it was executed: function makePed ( ) outputChatBox ( "Command executed!" ) local ped1 = createPed(299, -1629, -167.89999389648, 17.60000038147) setPedAnimation( ped1, "DANCING", "dnce_M_c",-1,true,false,false) end addCommandHandler ( "peds", makePed )
  15. This is to get the selected player and rank: guiGridListGetSelectedItem guiGridListGetItemText To restrict the bind, you'll have to make it server side and using: getPlayerAccount getAccountName isObjectInACLGroup
  16. function makePed ( ) local ped1 = createPed(299, -1629, -167.89999389648, 17.60000038147) setPedAnimation( ped1, "DANCING", "dnce_M_c",-1,true,false,false) if ( ped1 ) then outputChatBox ( "PED WAS CREATED!" ) end end addCommandHandler ( "peds", makePed ) Try that and see if it says "PED WAS CREATED" on your chat.
  17. You can try to download it from here: http://dayz-mta.net/
  18. Castillo

    MTA Market

    Indeed it doesn't, the turf system get's the nametag color of the player. Of course, you can buy it to use it with another resource, and I can change it to work with your system.
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat
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