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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. 1: triggerClientEvent 2: You mean on a wall? if so, you can use shaders.
  2. That's right, I didn't notice. You're welcome.
  3. function makeicon() local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local iconimg = guiCreateStaticImage( (x/2)-25, y/15, 50, 50, "icon5.png", false ) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), makeicon) function changeicon() guiStaticImageLoadImage ( iconimg, "icon2.png" ) end function trigger ( message ) outputChatBox ( "The server says: " .. message ) changeicon ( ) end addEvent( "triggered", true ) addEventHandler( "triggered", getRootElement(), trigger )
  4. Sera porque "playerTeam" no esta definido en ninguna parte? y ademas en "playerJoin" usas "source" en lugar de un team?
  5. Where do you store the class?
  6. Max wanted level is 6, not 8, all you can do is create your own, you could use element data.
  7. Post all the fr_server.lua content on pastebin.com and put the link here.
  8. function warpStatus ( player ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local status = ( not getElementData ( player, "warp.status" ) ) setElementData ( player, "warp.status", status ) outputChatBox ( "You have ".. ( status and "enabled" or "disabled" ) .." your warping", player ) end end addCommandHandler ( "nowarp", warpStatus ) function warpMe(targetPlayer) if (getElementData(targetPlayer,"warp.status") == false) then if isPedDead(source) then spawnMe() end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(targetPlayer) if not vehicle then -- target player is not in a vehicle - just warp next to him local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer) clientCall(source, 'setPlayerPosition', x + 2, y, z) else -- target player is in a vehicle - warp into it if there's space left if getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) then --removePlayerFromVehicle(source) outputChatBox('Get out of your vehicle first.', source) return end local numseats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(vehicle) for i=0,numseats do if not getVehicleOccupant(vehicle, i) then if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) spawnMe(x + 4, y, z + 1) end warpPedIntoVehicle(source, vehicle, i) return end end outputChatBox('No free seats left in ' .. getPlayerName(targetPlayer) .. 's vehicle.', source, 255, 0, 0) end local interior = getElementInterior(targetPlayer) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) end You must replace the function "warpMe" at "freeroam/fr_server.lua" with that code.
  9. Castillo

    Disable weapons

    Weapon ID's: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Weapons I don't know what could it be.
  10. Castillo

    Disable weapons

    Try adding commas: [ [ 38, 35, 36 ] ]
  11. These are functions, you need to learn Lua scripting to add it for admins only.
  12. getPlayerAccount getAccountName isObjectInACLGroup
  13. @zero: Where does the script store the bans?
  14. Castillo

    Disable weapons

    [ [ 38 ] ] 38 = minigun.
  15. Castillo

    Turf bug

    Try this: addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeHit', root, function ( pla ) if ( getElementType ( pla ) == "player" ) then if ( getPlayerTeam ( pla ) ) then setTimer ( function ( ) setRadarAreaFlashing ( Area, true ) setTimer ( function ( ) local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( pla ) ) if isRadarAreaFlashing ( Area ) then setRadarAreaFlashing ( Area, false ) givePlayerMoney ( pla, 5000 ) setRadarAreaColor ( Area, r, g, b, 125 ) end end ,5000, 1 ) end ,5000, 1 ) end end end )
  16. You can't, you must map them on your own.
  17. Castillo

    Disable weapons

    You must change the setting "weapons/disallowed" via admin panel.
  18. Castillo


    How are you using it? Is not automatic, you must make a script to give experience using the exported function.
  19. Castillo


    The script works however you want it to, can be zombie kills, player kills, or missions, anything you want, since it has many exported functions, more info here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Exp_system
  20. So, that would be item data, try this: radios = { {"Hot 108 Jamz","http://scfire-dtc-aa01.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1038"} } function use2 ( ) local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( rog_ucp_radio_grid) if ( row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 ) then local url = guiGridListGetItemData ( rog_ucp_radio_grid, row, 1 ) if ( url ~= "" ) then playSound ( url ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", rog_ucp_radio_button_stream, use2, false )
  21. Podrias editar el script y agregarle para que use el color del team.
  22. And, where do you save the URL at? grid list item data or item text?
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