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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Los blips no son automaticos, los tenes que crear vos, el MTA trae un recurso llamado "playerblips", probalo.
  2. That doesn't make any sense, what are you trying to do?
  3. Tenes un script para que haga eso?
  4. Was just a missing quote character.
  5. PM me the complete client side code with GUI, so I can test it.
  6. Maybe you forgot to set the server file at meta.xml or set it as "client" by mistake?
  7. We don't give support with leaked scripts ( valhalla game mode ). Topic locked.
  8. Yes, PM me the server side, problem is there.
  9. Do you get errors on the debugscript?
  10. Castillo

    Ping Limit

    There isn't any ping kicker set default by MTA ( as far as I know ), so you must have a resource running which does it.
  11. We don't give support with leaked scripts. Topic locked.
  12. Doesn't "\n" work? local file = fileCreate("file.txt") fileWrite(file,"first line\nsecond line") fileClose(file)
  13. Try enabling it when you show the GUI.
  14. I was actually asking to aboudmad for proofs that it's a scam.
  15. Castillo


    Tabs will be auto added by the script.
  16. Castillo


    You don't need that, that's done by the script, you just create a file called "help.xml" inside your resource, and fill it like this: "yes"> YOUR CONTENT HERE
  17. Castillo


    That's the helpmanager, you can add that by creating a XML file inside a resource called "help.xml" ( if I'm right ).
  18. Yeah, that's right, wrote it on a hurry.
  19. I think that I found my problem, try this one: local accounts = { [ "goofie88" ] = { "A314BF0A3A7A553CA3269B3CDD6E93D2", "4BF0A3A7A553CA3269B3CA21DD6E93D2" } } function seriousProblem ( _, account ) local accountName = getAccountName ( account ) local serial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) if ( accounts [ accountName ] ) then if ( type ( accounts [ accountName ] ) == "string" and accounts [ accountName ] ~= serial ) then addBan ( nil, nil, serial, source ) elseif ( type ( accounts [ accountName ] ) == "table" ) then for _, serial_ in ipairs ( accounts [ accountName ] ) do if ( serial_ == serial ) then return end addBan ( nil, nil, serial, source ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, seriousProblem )
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