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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. From the "Bank" button on the gang CP?
  2. Upon request of a forum user, I've added two new settings: Gang create key bind Gang chat key bind By default, they aren't set to any key.
  3. Castillo


    Usa getTickCount. Guarda el valor que devuelve esa funcion en una variable, y verifica cada vez cuanto tiempo paso desde que se ejecuto.
  4. Castillo


    Lo que esta mal es que no tiene el menor sentido.
  5. The resource description contains the details. Some of it might be wrong though, I forgot to change a few things.
  6. Apart from guiSetInputEnabled, did you use showCursor?
  7. Resuelvan sus problemas en privado, no hay necesidad de que el resto del foro tenga que aguantar sus problemas. Tema cerrado.
  8. Crea una libreria de UI hecha con las funciones DirectX. Que tenga todas las mismas funciones que la de CEGUI.
  9. Well, if you post incomplete code, how I'm supposed to know?
  10. Hello there, Around four years ago, I uploaded my first version of the SQL based gang system, and today, I'm releasing my completely remade resource, with new features and options. In this new system, you can choose to use MySQL or SQLite as storage method in connection.lua. [-] Features: Creating gangs - Custom color - Custom tag (currently useless, up to you to do something with it) - Bank - Message of the day (motd) - Logs Member system - Inviting - Kicking - Ranks - Shouts - Give leadership Bank system - Deposit - Withdraw Rank system - Creating ranks - Custom privileges per rank - Renaming/changing privileges of existing ranks [-] Exported functions: addGang ( name, leader, color (table), tag ) removeGang ( name ) doesGangExist ( name ) getGangList ( SQL: true/false ) getGangData ( gangName, dataName (leader, bank, motd, color, tag, members, createdOn, logs (table), ranks(table)) ) setGangData ( gangname, dataName (Can be a table), dataValue (Can be a table) ) getGangMembers ( gangName ) addGangMember ( gangName, accountName, rank, addedBy ) removeGangMember ( gangName, accountName, kickerName ) getMemberData ( gangName, accountName, dataName (gangName, account, rank, nick, lastAction, addedBy, joinedOn) ) setMemberData ( gangName, accountName, dataName (Can be a table), dataValue (Can be a table) ) getAccountGang ( accountName ) getPlayerGangInvitation ( player ) getPlayersByGang ( gangName ) getPlayerGang ( player ) getPlayerGangRank ( player ) addGangLogMessage ( gangName, message ) clearGangLogMessages ( gangName ) addGangRank ( gangName, rankName, privileges (table) ) removeGangRank ( gangName, rankName ) doesRankExist ( gangName, rankName ) isRankAllowedTo ( gangName, rankName, action (kick, invite, log, setrank, motd, tag, color, bank_withdraw, clearlog, createrank, editrank, delrank, shout) ) [-] How to use it: U (default bind) - Gang Control Panel. /gangs (default cmd) - Shows a list of all gangs. /creategang (default cmd) -- To create a gang /gc (default cmd) -- Gang chat /gshout (default cmd) -- Global gang shout /accept (default cmd) -- To accept gang invitations Example: /creategang Test The resource comes with plenty of settings, so you can customize it at will. DOWNLOAD: HERE
  11. You added the event handler before the function was even defined.
  12. You have a missing parentheses after 'true' and before 'then'.
  13. Yes. By the way, 'source' of onClientGUIClick is the button, not the localPlayer, remove that 'if' check.
  14. Strange, I ran the code on: http://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo And the output was: 0.59.
  15. Yes. Element data is shared between all resources.
  16. You can set the amount of decimals you want it to return. Like this: math.round ( 0.569999999999999999999999, 2 )
  17. Castillo


    Tenes un script client side que esta intentando ejecutar un evento server side que no existe.
  18. Change the description to "DELETE", so we can confirm it's really yours.
  19. You can set the scroll position back to the max value everytime the player scrolls it.
  20. Castillo


    dxDrawLine(691, 274, 685, 280, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(673, 290, 667, 296, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(685, 290, 692, 297, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(666, 273, 673, 280, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, false) i have made this how can i make it appear for the time that i want?? lets say 4 sec Just remove the event handler which renders it.
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