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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo


    I don't understand your question.
  2. Castillo


    for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do -- Do something end That's what you meant?
  3. Castillo


  4. And you aren't destroying them by any chance?
  5. It means that the element you put doesn't exist. "btn_Login" and "btnGuest".
  6. No offense, but that script doesn't make much sense.
  7. And why do you need a client side script...?
  8. Castillo

    A Question.

    callServerFunction & callClientFunction uses triggerClientEvent/triggerServerEvent.
  9. setAccountData getAccountData setVehicleColor onVehicleEnter
  10. We don't accept requests here, is not hard to do it.
  11. No, estas verificando si el dinero del jugador es mayor que 0, pero no si tiene el dinero que intenta dar.
  12. Try this one: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=3090
  13. Use the event: onZombieWasted, arguments: killer, weapon, bodypart.
  14. I already told you what to do.
  15. Cambia getRootElement() por noobwiegeldkrijgt.
  16. Can you at least try to do it?
  17. Well, you'll have to either make command server side, and then trigger to play the sound, or make a trigger from the client side to show what is the player playing.
  18. You don't understand, you are using the NAMES not the IDs. Example, instead of: "WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL_SKILL" you put 69.
  19. Despues de takePlayerMoney pones el mensaje y listo.
  20. outputChatBox Tambien verifica si el monto es mayor que 0, ya que pueden hacer: /pagar Castillo -999999999999999 y se les apareceria dinero a ellos mismos.
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