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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. I'm not sure if such animation exists on MTA, try searching on the animations page at wiki.multitheftauto.com.
  2. That makes no sense, you must use the event "onPlayerChat" with cancelEvent to cancel the message if 5 seconds didn't yet pass, and you can use getTickCount to compare how long did it pass since last chat.
  3. Please, I'll have to ask you to stay on topic, use private messages for the rest.
  4. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=2020
  5. theMarker = createMarker ( -2596.625, 579.358, 15.626, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150 ) addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", theMarker, function ( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == localPlayer and getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( hitElement ) if ( playerTeam and getTeamName ( playerTeam ) == "Team1" ) then setElementPosition ( hitElement, 2287.78320, 607.99255, 10.82031 ) end end end )
  6. Creala afuera de todas las funciones, al principio del script.
  7. Es porque estas creando el GUI una y otra vez, remplazando las variables usadas.
  8. No, first try to make it, then if it doesn't work, post it here and we'll help you.
  9. Yes, it is possible, you must use: createMarker getPlayerTeam getTeamName setElementPosition onMarkerHit
  10. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=1292 That resource adds particle objects.
  11. No, you must MAKE the functions in the SCRIPT.
  12. addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) font = guiCreateFont ( "freshman.ttf", 12 ) Board = {} Nick = {} Score = {} Money = {} Board[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(0,0.9385,0.9992,0.0605,"belka_dolna.png",false) Nick[1] = guiCreateLabel(124,12,358,50,"",false,Board[1]) guiSetFont(Nick[1],font) Score[1] = guiCreateLabel(472,12,358,50,"",false,Board[1]) guiSetFont(Score[1],font) Money[1] = guiCreateLabel(802,12,477,50,"",false,Board[1]) guiSetFont(Money[1],font) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, render ) end ) function render ( ) guiSetText ( Nick [ 1 ], "Nick: ".. getPlayerName ( localPlayer ) ) guiSetText ( Score [ 1 ], "Score: ".. tostring ( getElementData ( localPlayer, "Score" ) ) ) guiSetText ( Money [ 1 ], "Money: $".. getPlayerMoney ( ) ) end
  13. You are creating it EVERY RENDER, meaning you'll have around 500,000,000 elements created in a few minutes.
  14. Create your own functions or just set element data.
  15. We don't accept requests here, keep that in mind.
  16. We don't give support with leaked/stolen scripts. Topic locked.
  17. Defini una variable cuando lo empiezes a renderizar.
  18. What do you mean by "gui commands"?
  19. function moveVehicle ( vehicle ) outputChatBox ( "First part", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( vehicle ) outputChatBox ( "vehicle: ".. tostring ( vehicle ) ) if ( vehicle ) then setElementPosition ( vehicle, x, y, z - 100 ) end end addEvent ( "onPlayerRaceWasted", true ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerRaceWasted" , getRootElement(), moveVehicle )
  20. You can't copy the exported functions from one resource without having them on the script itself.
  21. That level system exports functions which the script doesn't has.
  22. I didn't ask why you added it, I asked what it outputs to the chatbox.
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