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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. addEventHandler( "onVehicleEnter", resourceRoot, function( player ) if isVehicleLocked( source ) then cancelEvent( ) removePedFromVehicle( player ) --outputChatBox( "(( Este " .. getVehicleName( source ) .. " esta cerrado. ))", player, 255, 0, 0 ) triggerClientEvent ( player, "gui:hint", player, "Vehiculo", "(( Este " .. getVehicleName( source ) .. " pertenece a " .. name .. ". ))", 3 ) else local data = vehicles[ source ] if data then if data.characterID > 0 then local name = exports.players:getCharacterName( data.characterID ) if name then triggerClientEvent ( player, "gui:hint", player, "Vehiculo", "(( Este " .. getVehicleName( source ) .. " pertenece a " .. name .. ". ))", 3 ) else outputDebugString( "Vehicle " .. data.vehicleID .. " (" .. getVehicleName( source ) .. ") has an invalid owner.", 2 ) end elseif data.characterID < 0 then outputChatBox( "(( Este " .. getVehicleName( source ) .. " pertenece a " .. tostring( exports.factions:getFactionName( -data.characterID ) ) .. ". ))", player, 255, 204, 0 ) end if not p[ player ] then p[ player ] = { } end p[ player ].vehicle = source setVehicleEngineState( source, not doesVehicleHaveEngine( source ) or data.engineState ) if hasTintedWindows( source ) then exports.players:updateNametag( player ) end end end end )
  2. Pero tu script es client side, para que necesitas server side?
  3. Ese es el script donde querias agregar esto? exports.gui:hint( "Este vehiculo no te pertenece" )
  4. Postea el codigo tuyo al que queres agregarle el mensaje.
  5. Lo que podes hacer es crear una funcion en el recurso "gui" que sea server side.
  6. Ah, ya entiendo el problema, vos estas usando el exports server side, pero como ves, la funcion solo esta exportada client side ( no existe server side ).
  7. Abri el archivo meta.xml y fijate.
  8. Quiere decir que el recurso "gui" no esta iniciado ( o no existe ), o puede querer decir que la funcion no esta exportada desde "gui".
  9. Yeah, that's what I thought, still, nice work.
  10. No, I mean if it's exported on the meta.xml.
  11. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=2540
  12. You must bind it when he player joins, and also when the resource start to every player.
  13. How can it be correct? "thePlayer" is not defined.
  14. Is the function "getPlayerFromID" exported at "ID_system"?
  15. The name is "abseil", here's the link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=1873
  16. It looks nice, good work. P.S: It's using GUI with a custom theme, right?
  17. Tenes que usar proyectiles. createProjectile
  18. You must stop rendering it, use removeEventHandler.
  19. Because you are always checking if the number is equal to or higher to, so it'll always use the first one, which is equal to 100 or higher to 100.
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