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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Set it how? this is how you must do it: addEventHandler ( "onClientClick", root, function ( button ) if ( button == "left" ) then -- Code here end end )
  2. addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", gui1, sanfierro, false ) Move eso dentro de la funcion donde creas el GUI.
  3. Check which mouse button is being clicked, it has an argument specifying it.
  4. Quiere decir que "gui1" no existe, postea el codigo entero.
  5. gui.lua: http://pastebin.com/JyLQYg31 fr_client.lua: http://pastebin.com/zMWwqGee
  6. Do you want the main GUI to fade or all of them?
  7. Yes, I just noticed that function you posted doesn't use boolean ( true and false ), but string "in" and "out". Copy my code again and also replace this part in fr_client.lua: addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() fadeCamera(true) setTimer(getPlayers, 1000, 1) bindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow) createWindow(wndMain) guiSetAlpha(wndMain.element, 1) guiLabelSetColor(getControl(wndMain, "xpos"), 0, 255, 0) guiLabelSetColor(getControl(wndMain, "ypos"), 0, 255, 0) guiLabelSetColor(getControl(wndMain, "zpos"), 0, 255, 0) hideAllWindows(false) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'jetpack'), doesPedHaveJetPack(g_Me)) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'falloff'), canPedBeKnockedOffBike(g_Me)) setJetpackMaxHeight ( 9001 ) triggerServerEvent('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot, g_Me) end ) With: addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() fadeCamera(true) setTimer(getPlayers, 1000, 1) bindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow) createWindow(wndMain) guiSetAlpha(wndMain.element, 1) guiLabelSetColor(getControl(wndMain, "xpos"), 0, 255, 0) guiLabelSetColor(getControl(wndMain, "ypos"), 0, 255, 0) guiLabelSetColor(getControl(wndMain, "zpos"), 0, 255, 0) hideAllWindows(false) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'jetpack'), doesPedHaveJetPack(g_Me)) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'falloff'), canPedBeKnockedOffBike(g_Me)) setJetpackMaxHeight ( 9001 ) triggerServerEvent('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot, g_Me) end ) Edit: Hold on, I just tested the script and it doesn't work, I'll check what's wrong and reply.
  8. Replace your gui.lua content with this one: g_gridListContents = {} -- info about binded gridlists g_openedWindows = {} -- {window1table = true, window2table = true, ...} GRIDLIST_UPDATE_CHUNK_SIZE = 10 classInfo = { wnd = {className = 'Window', padding = {25, 10, 10, 10}, isContainer = true}, tbp = {className = 'TabPanel'}, tab = {className = 'Tab', padding = 10, isContainer = true}, lbl = {className = 'Label', height = 20}, btn = {className = 'Button', height = 20, padding = {0, 4}}, chk = {className = 'CheckBox', height = 20, padding = {0, 6}}, rad = {className = 'RadioButton', height = 20, padding = {0, 10}}, txt = {className = 'Edit', width=100, height = 24}, lst = {className = 'GridList', width = 250, height = 400}, img = {className = 'StaticImage'} } function getTextWidth(text) return 8*text:len() end function createWindow(wnd, rebuild) if wnd.element then if rebuild then destroyElement(wnd.element) else guiSetVisible(wnd.element, true) guiBringToFront(wnd.element) g_openedWindows[wnd] = true if wnd.oncreate then wnd.oncreate() end return end end _planWindow(wnd) _buildWindow(wnd) end function _planWindow(wnd, baseWnd, parentWnd, x, y, maxHeightInLine) -- simulate building a window to get the proper height local wndClass = wnd[1] if not maxHeightInLine then maxHeightInLine = LINE_HEIGHT end local text, padding, parentPadding if wndClass ~= 'br' then padding = classInfo[wndClass].padding if type(padding) == 'number' then padding = table.rep(padding, 4) classInfo[wndClass].padding = padding elseif type(padding) == 'table' then if #padding == 1 then padding = table.rep(padding[1], 4) classInfo[wndClass].padding = padding elseif #padding == 2 then padding = table.flatten(table.rep(padding, 2)) classInfo[wndClass].padding = padding elseif #padding == 3 then table.insert(padding, padding[2]) classInfo[wndClass].padding = padding end elseif not padding then padding = table.rep(0, 4) classInfo[wndClass].padding = padding end text = wnd.text or wnd.id or '' if not wnd.width then wnd.width = (classInfo[wndClass].width or getTextWidth(text)) + (not classInfo[wndClass].isContainer and (padding[2] + padding[4]) or 0) end if not wnd.height and not classInfo[wndClass].isContainer then wnd.height = (classInfo[wndClass].height or LINE_HEIGHT) + padding[1] + padding[3] end end parentPadding = parentWnd and classInfo[parentWnd[1]].padding if wndClass == 'br' or (not classInfo[wndClass].isContainer and x + wnd.width > parentWnd.width - parentPadding[2]) then -- line wrap x = parentPadding[4] y = y + maxHeightInLine + LINE_MARGIN maxHeightInLine = LINE_HEIGHT if wndClass == 'br' then return nil, x, y, maxHeightInLine end end if not wnd.x then wnd.x = x end if not wnd.y then wnd.y = y end wnd.parent = parentWnd if wnd.controls then local childX, childY = padding[4], padding[1] local childMaxHeightInLine = LINE_HEIGHT local control for id, controlwnd in pairs(wnd.controls) do control, childX, childY, childMaxHeightInLine = _planWindow(controlwnd, baseWnd or wnd, wnd, childX, childY, childMaxHeightInLine) end if classInfo[wndClass].isContainer then wnd.height = childY + childMaxHeightInLine + padding[3] end end if wnd.tabs then local maxTabHeight = 0 for id, tab in pairs(wnd.tabs) do tab[1] = 'tab' tab.width = wnd.width _planWindow(tab, baseWnd, wnd) if tab.height > maxTabHeight then maxTabHeight = tab.height end end wnd.height = maxTabHeight end if classInfo[wndClass].isContainer then return elem else if wnd.height > maxHeightInLine then maxHeightInLine = wnd.height end return elem, x + wnd.width + CONTROL_MARGIN_RIGHT, y, maxHeightInLine end end function _buildWindow(wnd, baseWnd, parentWnd) local wndClass = wnd[1] if wndClass == 'br' then return end local relX, relY, relWidth, relHeight if parentWnd then if wnd.x and wnd.y then relX = wnd.x/parentWnd.width relY = wnd.y/parentWnd.height end relWidth = wnd.width / parentWnd.width relHeight = wnd.height / parentWnd.height end local elem if wndClass == 'wnd' then local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() if not wnd.x then wnd.x = screenWidth/2 - wnd.width/2 else local i, f = math.modf(wnd.x) if f ~= 0 then wnd.x = screenWidth * wnd.x end if wnd.x < 0 then wnd.x = screenWidth - math.abs(wnd.x) - wnd.width end end if not wnd.y then wnd.y = screenHeight/2 - wnd.height/2 else local i, f = math.modf(wnd.y) if f ~= 0 then wnd.y = screenHeight * wnd.y end if wnd.y < 0 then wnd.y = screenHeight - math.abs(wnd.y) - wnd.height end end elem = guiCreateWindow(wnd.x, wnd.y, wnd.width, wnd.height, wnd.text, false) guiWindowSetSizable(elem, false) guiBringToFront(elem) g_openedWindows[wnd] = true elseif wndClass == 'chk' then elem = guiCreateCheckBox(relX, relY, relWidth, relHeight, wnd.text or wnd.id or '', false, true, parentWnd.element) elseif wndClass == 'tbp' then elem = guiCreateTabPanel(relX, relY, relWidth, relHeight, true, parentWnd.element) elseif wndClass == 'tab' then elem = guiCreateTab(text, parentWnd.element) elseif wndClass == 'lst' then elem = guiCreateGridList(relX, relY, relWidth, relHeight, true, parentWnd.element) if wnd.columns then for i, column in ipairs(wnd.columns) do guiGridListAddColumn(elem, column.text or column.attr or '', column.width or 0.9) end end elseif wndClass == 'img' then elem = guiCreateStaticImage(relX, relY, relWidth, relHeight, wnd.src or '', true, parentWnd.element) else elem = _G['guiCreate' .. classInfo[wndClass].className](relX, relY, relWidth, relHeight, wnd.text or wnd.id or '', true, parentWnd.element) if wnd.align and wndClass == 'lbl' then guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(elem, wnd.align, true) end end wnd.element = elem if wnd.controls then for id, controlwnd in pairs(wnd.controls) do _buildWindow(controlwnd, baseWnd or wnd, wnd) end end if wnd.tabs then for id, tab in pairs(wnd.tabs) do _buildWindow(tab, baseWnd, wnd) end end if wnd.rows then if wnd.rows.xml then -- get rows from xml bindGridListToTable(wnd, not gridListHasCache(wnd) and xmlToTable(wnd.rows.xml, wnd.rows.attrs) or false, wnd.expandlastlevel or wnd.expandlastlevel == nil) else -- rows hardcoded in window definition bindGridListToTable(wnd, not gridListHasCache(wnd) and wnd.rows or false, false) end end local clickhandler = nil if wnd.onclick then if wndClass == 'img' then clickhandler = function(btn, state, x, y) local imgX, imgY = getControlScreenPos(wnd) wnd.onclick((x - imgX)/wnd.width, (y - imgY)/wnd.height, btn) end else clickhandler = function() wnd.onclick() end end elseif wnd.window then clickhandler = function() toggleWindow(wnd.window) end elseif wnd.inputbox then clickhandler = function() wndInput = { 'wnd', width = 170, height = 60, controls = { {'txt', id='input', text='', width=60}, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=function() wnd.inputbox.callback(getControlText(wndInput, 'input')) closeWindow(wndInput) end}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} } } for propname, propval in
  9. function sanfierro ( ) guiGridListSetItemText ( gridlist2, guiGridListAddRow ( gridlist2 ), 1, "Civiles", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( gridlist2, guiGridListAddRow ( gridlist2 ), 1, "Agentes Especiales", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( gridlist2, guiGridListAddRow ( gridlist2 ), 1, "Criminales", false, false ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", gui1, sanfierro, false )
  10. Any errors in the debugscript?
  11. Castillo


    We won't help you decompile scripts here.
  12. function getPlayerBan ( _, account ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( "ban" ) ) then banPlayer ( source, true, false, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), getPlayerBan )
  13. How to do what? moving camera with the cursor shown?
  14. What CrystalMV posted about toggleControls argument works, but you can't move your camera with the mouse, obviously. You can still walk, punch and so on.
  15. Maybe this one? https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... yin.editor
  16. No, you can't walk with the cursor showing.
  17. You can also store the index in another table to avoid looping.
  18. If that's true, then you should tell the MTA team how you did it so they can fix it.
  19. table.remove uses table index, so instead of 'vehicle8' you would need to use '3'.
  20. Tablas: http://www.lua.org/pil/2.5.html Eventos necesarios: onPlayerWasted, onPlayerSpawn Funciones necesarias: getElementModel, setElementModel
  21. Si esa es la unica funcion que necesita, entonces podrias crear tu propia funcion, lo unico que hace es obtener la fecha y la hora.
  22. onPlayerSpawn > setPedStat.
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