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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo


    getPedControlState se usa con peds nada mas, usa getControlState ( no tiene argumento de jugador client side ).
  2. You forgot again to specify the 'time' argument at moveObject just after 'gs1'.
  3. Castillo


    You're welcome.
  4. Castillo


    radararea = createRadarArea( 2774.91992, 828.89435, 120, 206, 255, 255, 255, 225 ) createBlip(2820.63477, 971.96545, 10.75000,61) marker = createMarker(2814.67114, 972.01782, 9.75000,"cylinder",2,0,0,255,255) addCommandHandler ( "buygaragem", function ( player ) local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) if ( playerTeam ) then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) setRadarAreaColor ( radararea, r, g, b, 155 ) local money = getPlayerMoney ( player ) if ( money >= 500000 ) then takePlayerMoney ( player, 500000 ) local color = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) outputChatBox ( "#FFF000[bASE] #00FFFFYour gang buyed a base #00FF00 GARAGEM !", player, 0, 0, 0, true ) end end end )
  5. You can't add new model IDs.
  6. Castillo

    Vip Godmode

    No, like this: function godmode ( ) cancelEvent ( ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", VIP.button[5], function ( ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, godmode ) end ,false )
  7. Castillo


    And what is the problem? what is not working?
  8. Castillo

    Vip Godmode

    Add the event handler when the player presses the button.
  9. playSound is a client side only function, and your script is server side. You must use triggerClientEvent and add the event client side to play the sound there.
  10. What are all these string.gsub for? to make whole string lower case? if so, then simple use string.lower.
  11. Well, I think that you can handle that yourself, can't you?
  12. gate = createObject ( 980, 2403, -1658, 15, 0, 0, 90 ) function gateOpen ( ) moveObject ( gate, 2000, 2403, -1658, 7 ) end addCommandHandler ( "gso", gateOpen ) function gateClose ( ) moveObject ( gate, 2000, 2403, -1658, 15 ) end addCommandHandler ( "gsc", gateClose )
  13. The gate is created on the position: 2403, 1658, 15, is not at Grove Street though.
  14. I tried the script you posted last and it works.
  15. dxDrawText don't return elements, it returns a boolean ( true/false ), you can't use destroyElement.
  16. gate = createObject ( 2403, 1658, 15 ) You forgot to specifiy the object model before "2403".
  17. gate = createObject ( 2403, 1658, 15 ) function gateOpen ( ) moveObject ( gate, 2000, 2403, 1658, 7 ) end addCommandHandler ( "grovegateo", gateOpen ) function gateClose ( ) moveObject ( gate, 2000, 2403, 1658, 15 ) end addCommandHandler ( "grovegatec", gateClose ) You forgot to fill the 'time' argument from moveObject.
  18. First, go to your server directory and go to "resources" folder. Create a new folder inside called "gate", inside this folder, create a "meta.xml" file and paste the code I gave above, then create another file called "myScript.lua" and paste your gate script inside.
  19. engineLoadTXD engineImportTXD engineLoadDFF engineReplaceModel
  20. You can't have two models at the same time, but you can change them, it would be global of course.
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