Beta Tester Here!
E-Mail: [email protected]
Computer Spec
Athlon XP 2100+
Geforce 4 MX 420
80 GB Hard Drive
32x CD-RW
17" Monitor
Windows XP Pro
Other Computer Spec
Athlon 700 Mhz
Geforce 3 TI 200
20 GB
2.5x DVD-RW
4x CD-RW
17" Monitor
Windows XP Pro
Also how advanced do you have to be in Visual Basic?
I only have AOL because I'm on 56k and I play Dark Age Of Camelot (MMORPG), which means I don't get cut off every two hours, which helps a lot . Hopefully in January when broadband from the sky becomes available, then I will hopefully be able to get broadband
lol, oh well what are you gonna do? (wait until they release future versions of MTA and don't moan so they rush the future releases or they end up like this )
Cheers for the help Trx . I will do all further testing (for this version) using 128k.
Good point, but I'm sure over there in the MTA developing warehouse () you guys could sort out the "if you had 3 hit points and got shot with a shotgun" problem
I put the connection speed on 56k because somebody on the forum said it worked better than putting it to 512k, but I don't actually know if this is true or not. Either way even if I did change it to 512k (max setting available) all the bugs I listed would still happen . I think they should add a connection speed for LAN, this way I know I would be using the right setting
I have changed all the links to the new host (which is hosting the pictures), so they should all work now. Also the pictures are full size now, so they will take longer to load (well not if your on broadband it won't ) but us 56kers will have to suffer
Yeah but they could have put 101 health and let it go to 1 then the person would die, would make it look better than 900 , but it is only beta so it don't really matter