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Posts posted by Jani

  1. }
     else {
     mta.msg $1 $2 $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name - Health: $mta.health($1,$2).vehicle $+ % Status: Dumpable ($ $+ $calc($mta.health($1,$2).vehicle * 10) $+ ) Last Driver: $readini(RPG2.ini, Lastdriver, $mta.vehicle($1,$2))
    if ($readini(RPG2.ini, Buycar, $mta.vehicle($1,$2)) != $mta.name($1,$2)) && ($readini(RPG2.ini, Buycar, $mta.vehicle($1,$2)) != $null) {
    mta.say $1 You have 10 seconds to get out, this isnt your car!
    .timercar 1 10 mta.slapper $1-
    writeini "RPG2.ini" Stolecar $mta.name($1,$2) 1
    set %theifcar $2

  2. elseif ($3 == !kick) && (%ismoderator. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true || %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true) { 
     var %a = $iif($4 !isnum,$mta.getid($1,$4),$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != unknown,$4,-1)) 
     if (%a == $2) mta.msg $1 $2 You cannot kick yourself! 
     elseif %a == -1 mta.msg $1 $2 Invalid ID/Name 
     else { 
       mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has kicked $mta.name($1,%a) $+ . Reason: $5- 
       !set %kicks $calc($readini("MTAscript.ini",kicks,$mta.name($1,$2)) + 1) 
       !writeini -n "MTAscript.ini" kicks $mta.name($1,$2) %kicks 
       !echo -a Server $1 $+ : $mta.name($1,$2) kicked nr. %kicks 
       !mta.kick $1 %a 

    nope, still doesnt work with wildcard.

  3. ok so far i have:

    elseif ($3 == !kick) && (%ismoderator. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true || %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true) {

    %a = $iif($4 !isnum,$mta.getid($1,$4),$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != unknown,$4,-1))

    if (%a == $2) mta.msg $1 $2 You cannot kick yourself!

    elseif ($mta.name($1,%a) == unknown) mta.msg $1 $2 Invalid ID/Name

    else {

    mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has kicked $mta.name($1,%a) $+ . Reason: $5-

    set %kicks $calc($readini("MTAscript.ini",kicks,$mta.name($1,$2)) + 1)

    !writeini -n "MTAscript.ini" kicks $mta.name($1,$2) %kicks

    echo -a Server $1 $+ : $mta.name($1,$2) kicked nr. %kicks

    mta.kick $1 %a


    unset %a


    works n stuff, but not wildcards!

  4. to play on a LAN, set the server config to connect to your network address. i suggest you do this on a dedicated machine (the shittest computer u have) and dont play on it. also run MTAMA if u want to. then on the other computers connect to "localhost" and whatever port u specified.

    have fun raping your friends :P

  5. yo yo yo last time i pwned MT they didnt cheat.

    ask quig...they took 20 minutes to play a round in a war against FKU and then they finally attacked (5 of them against 3 of us) and we came down and pwned them all in like 15 seconds, without taking a single hitpoint of damage.

    btw, MT cant plan clan wars to save their lives.

  6. elseif ($3 == !kick) && (%ismoderator. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true || %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true) {

    mta.say $1 $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) has kicked $mta.name( $1 , $4 ) $+ . Reason: $5-

    set %kicks $calc($readini("MTAscript.ini",kicks,$mta.name( $1 , $2 )) + 1)

    writeini -n "MTAscript.ini" kicks $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) %kicks

    echo -a Server $1 : $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) kicked nr. %kicks

    mta.kick $1 $4 $5-


    can you tell me 1) how i can make this work using wildcards, 2) make it so i cant kick myself, and 3) give me an error if there is an incorrect ID/name used

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