The dxCreateScreenSource function creates the screenSource element. (it can fail if there is not enough video memory, which results in returning the value false instead)
Elements can't be directly saved inside variable, a variable can only point to an element (see userdata). Thus overriding the value of variable screen, does not delete the previous element. Which leads to a memory leak.
The screenSource texture element should only be created ones at the top of your resource.
Or you can do something like this:
if not screen then screen = dxCreateScreenSource(sx, sy) end -- of not exist, attempt to create the screenSource texture
if screen then dxUpdateScreenSource(screen, true) end -- if exist, update the screenSource
(If you want to me to update your current example, feel free to ask below. Also this topic might be better of at scripting > tutorials, but it is your choice. )