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  1. You can rotate it via setElementMatrix: function setMarkerHeading(markerElement, rotationDegrees) local markerMatrix = getElementMatrix(markerElement) -- Convert degrees to radians rotationDegrees = math.rad(rotationDegrees) -- Rotate around Z axis local cosAngle = math.cos(rotationDegrees) local sinAngle = math.sin(rotationDegrees) markerMatrix[1][1] = cosAngle markerMatrix[1][2] = sinAngle markerMatrix[1][3] = 0 markerMatrix[2][1] = -sinAngle markerMatrix[2][2] = cosAngle markerMatrix[2][3] = 0 markerMatrix[3][1] = 0 markerMatrix[3][2] = 0 markerMatrix[3][3] = 1 -- Apply updated matrix return setElementMatrix(markerElement, markerMatrix) end It's only rotates it around the Z axis like in Single-Player, if you want to rotate it in more axes you should search for rotation matrix in your preferred search engine.
    1 point
  2. You could try something like this: local elementFocus=createPed(...) function setMissionHandler(player) bindKey(player,"mouse1","down",function(src) if(getPedTarget(src)==elementFocus)then outputChatBox("You've taken a photo",src,255,255,0) end end,player) end
    1 point
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