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  1. local swidth,sheight=guiGetScreenSize() local w,h=300,400 local myWindow function createPanel() myWindow = guiCreateWindow(swidth/2-w/2,sheight/2-h/2,w,h,"My Window",false) --... end bindKey("f6","down",function() if not(myWindow)then createPanel() else destroyElement(myWindow) myWindow = nil end end)
    1 point
  2. Hi, I'm sending you a basic code that you can use to do it. Maybe the code won't work, I haven't tested it, but try it. local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() local relx, rely = sx / 1920, sy / 1080 local Menu = false addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() if (Menu) then dxDrawRectangle(sx * 0.35, sy * 0.4, sx * 0.3, sy * 0.4, tocolor(20, 30, 40, 200)) -- Alap end end) function OpenPanel() if not (Menu) then Menu = true else Menu = false end end bindKey("F6", "Down", OpenPanel)
    1 point
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