well for last picture where u talk about hud u need something like this, u just have to add this lines in your script
local hp = getElementHealth(localPlayer)
local armour = getPedArmor(localPlayer)
if armour > 0 then
-- draw armor img
dxDrawImage(x,y,w,h,"armour.png") -- write the image name and extension and location u should have the image and the script in the same folder
--draw health image
And for the part where u create a team u just write on a server side script
local your_team_name = createTeam("Your team name",r,g,b) -- r,g,b your team color after name
it should work i tried on the basic mta server it works.
For the country part i dont know, i dont have experience with this, i hope someone better who knows will help you.