INSERT creates a column from scratch in mysql, you can add a new column using this when the player is new registration
The _Query function can be a special function where the result is returned in a single function to write less code. There is no difference between the two.
That was the problem, thank you Burak. And also... what's the difference between making the connection like this way:
exports.mysql:_Query("INSERT blablablalba")
And this way:
dbQuery(connection, "INSERT blabla")
I'm just asking because I don't know if I'm using correctly the function
لا تقولي شلت المتغير ذا :
thAnswer = nil
من تحت كود اعطاء الفلوس
وحطيته فوق بالأعلي ؟ أنا أقصد حط المتغير فوق بالكامل وحط كمان المتغير ذا تحت اعطاء الفلوس