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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/02/20 in all areas

  1. Good news, everyone! I think some of you had already heard about my project Oblivion Lost: Online(or The Exclusion Zone now). Today I have decided to release all the things around this project. All the resources are published right now. Enjoy it because it was made with LOVE! Comes with batteries included! The link: https://github.com/tederis/theexzone
    1 point
  2. I managed to fix it! Thanks for your RadioBox tip, you saved me ?!!
    1 point
  3. If you're not yet familiar with Lua or MTA's Functions and are just learning, then I have to recommend starting out much more simple. Rather than trying to jump into some complex scripting that is a bank system, make your own very simple command. Once you grasp the basic concept of things, it'll become easier to "mod" something more to your liking... function TestFunction(player,command) outputChatBox("This is just a test!",player,255,255,255) -- Add more code here, keep it simple until you got the very basics of scripting down, then move on to more complex things end addCommandHandler("test",TestFunction)
    1 point
  4. If you want to allow multiple answers for each question, then continue using check boxes. However, if you want to allow only one answer, then use radio buttons instead. etapas = {}; acertou = {}; function Prova(button) local quantidade = acertou[localPlayer] if button == "left" then if etapas[localPlayer] == false then FecharProva -- What is this? A Variable? Its not doing anything... Why is this here or what do you want it to do? etapas[localPlayer] = true AbrirProva -- What is this? A Variable? Its not doing anything... Why is this here or what do you want it to do? elseif etapas[localPlayer] == true then if Pergunta == false then FecharProva -- What is this? A Variable? Its not doing anything... Why is this here or what do you want it to do? Pergunta = 1 AbrirProva -- What is this? A Variable? Its not doing anything... Why is this here or what do you want it to do? elseif Pergunta == 1 then if source == opcaoC then if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(source) then acertou[localPlayer] = quantidade+1 end end FecharProva -- What is this? A Variable? Its not doing anything... Why is this here or what do you want it to do? Pergunta = 2 AbrirProva -- What is this? A Variable? Its not doing anything... Why is this here or what do you want it to do? elseif Pergunta == 2 then if source == opcaoC then if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(source) then acertou[localPlayer] = quantidade+1 end end FecharProva -- What is this? A Variable? Its not doing anything... Why is this here or what do you want it to do? Pergunta = 3 AbrirProva -- What is this? A Variable? Its not doing anything... Why is this here or what do you want it to do? end elseif Pergunta == 3 then if source == opcaoC then if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(source) then acertou[localPlayer] = quantidade+1 end end FecharProva -- What is this? A Variable? Its not doing anything... Why is this here or what do you want it to do? if quantidade >= 2 then outputChatBox ( "[TLRP] #34eb3dVocê passou na prova com "..quantidade.." acertos. Parabéns!!", 255, 255, 255, true ) acertou[localPlayer] = 0 etapas[localPlayer] = false; triggerServerEvent(localPlayer, "NSCR:TerminouProva", localPlayer) -- The 1st argument (localPlayer) isn't needed for Server Side Triggers else outputChatBox ( "[TLRP] #ff0000Você falhou na prova com "..quantidade.." acertos e foi kickado. (Maximo de erros: 3)", 255, 255, 255, true ) kickPlayer(localPlayer) end end end end end
    1 point
  5. يكفي انت رديت علي .. مواااااااح
    1 point
  6. Well made server, and pretty interesting to play! Good luck in futher updates
    1 point
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