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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/19 in all areas

  1. IIYAMA's answer is the ideal way to handle that, storing items in a separate table, or use add another columns to your existing table. you can still store a whole table at one cell by the way but maybe you will find it a little buggy. you can store the table in a cell as JSON (text) using toJSON(table), and when you retrieve it use fromJSON()
    2 points
  2. That is normally not recommend, because you put a limit on your database. Your database will consider your data as text. (Or blob) But sure it is fine if you are not going to use your db to do stuff with the data. Columns should be used for properties and properties only. So if a player has multiple items. We need two tables, and not more columns. Each new item should a row in the second table. This page has a good example of how you would bind items/orders to a person: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_foreignkey.asp
    2 points
  3. طبعا انا نفسي نبقي من اكبر السيرفرات بالعبة و بشكر كل التيم من مبرمجين و مصممين و ادارة و بالتوفيق لنا جميعا
    1 point
  4. Bravoo, tot asa! Sa mai vedem release
    1 point
  5. I would recommend to create a team. onClientPlayerDamage gives you the attacker. Check if the player that want to deal damage is in the same team and if so, cancel the event.
    1 point
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