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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/18 in all areas

  1. consegui mano, era isso mesmo, obrigadão, e lhe agradeço também pela paciencia que teve comigo kkk, obrigadão !!
    1 point
  2. Esse código vai executar pra qualquer player não vai? Precisa de uma verificação pra saber se a pessoa está no emprego.
    1 point
  3. Update pushed for Streamer Improved loading times a lot and slightly improves performance. (On average before VC had 5 minute load time, now it's 2.7-2.8 (Nearly 40%)) Update for Alien City (To fix the train system using the old streamer system) will be pushed tomorrow.
    1 point
  4. Bruno acho ignorância de sua parte pensar dessa maneira, Lord não deu o Código pronto, ele apenas deu exemplos de diferentes maneiras de ser utilizado. Qualquer um pode chegar aqui e dizer oque precisa para montar um loop de for perfeito. Porém a explicação da própria wiki nem sempre satisfaz o carinha que quer montar o loop. No caso o meu. Eu Não tinha noção nenhum sobre for, agora já tenho uma noção de como funciona porque o lord deu uma explicação muito boa e entrando em detalhes.
    1 point
  5. بسيطة , نقدر نسويها
    1 point
  6. This is exactly what i needed help with! I Had problems with the IF and then, you solved it now. Thank you
    1 point
  7. This actually fixed everything my man, im really happy now. I appreciate your work @DeadthStrock. Very well done. Holy damn! Thanks alot!! +rep @DeadthStrock One question tough, If i want to up the value of MK 48 Mod 0 Mag count from 1 to 100, Where do i edit this?
    1 point
  8. Without a router you don't need to open any ports except in your own firewall. However hosting over 3G (or mobile networks in general) is usually a bad idea, even if the ports may be open you'll get a new IP very often, the latency will change a lot over time and there's often low data limits on those networks that could lead to high fees. Getting a server up and running in seconds on a real host won't cost you much.
    1 point
  9. You cant, 3G router is located at some ISP tower and only they could do that but they wont since its a security risk, and you are probably sharing single IP with allot of people. If you need to test something with a few friends you could use Hamachi (free up to a 5 people in a single network - multiple network's are possible) and just use hamachi IP to connect to server, downside is that everyone needs to have hamachi to play but upside is a bit lower ping due to tunneling (dont think you will notice it).
    1 point
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