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  1. ولا انا اعرف اسوي بعد على الله يجي واحد يسوي لنا السكربت ببلاش
    2 points
  2. G&T Mapping & Loki present: Cinema Experience Beta 2.0.2 Description We're happy to finally release the first beta version of our Cinema Experience! Check out its features down below... Video Screenshots Download Now Beta Ver. 2.0.2 [ October 7, 2019 ] Changelog Authors: Tails - Follow his group G&T Mapping on Facebook: http://fb.com/gtmapping Check out their other resources as well: http://gtmapping.blogspot.com Loki - Check out his original Cinema script here: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=11993 and his profile here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/memberlist.php? ... le&u=79989 Please note that this resource is not 100% complete yet. Some features are disabled and there may still be some bugs. To get started, scroll down the page and read "How to install". The Features - YouTube TV browser - Fully automated playlist - VIP manager - Add/remove VIPs who can manage the Cinema. - Synced playback - Vote to skip video - Real-time Ambilight - Open/close the cinema - Kick players from the cinema - And a lot more! Commands Global Cmds: - F2 - Toggle the Cinema Panel (You have to be inside) - M - Mute the playback [This is currently bugged] - /play url - Adds a video to the playlist - /playlist - Shows the playlist in the chat - /geturl - Gives you the URL to the current video - /proper - Adjusts the width of the screen making it more normal VIP/Admin Cmds: - /replay - Replays the current video - /skipvideo - Force skip the current video - /stopplay - Stops all playback and clears the playlist - /remove nr - Removes a video from the playlist. E.x.: /remove 2 How to install Step 1 (Unpack resource) First update your server to the latest version! You need atleast version 1.5.2 anything lower is not supported! Type 'ver' without quotes into the server console (F8) to see what version you're running. Unpack the zip file to your server resources folder: Multi Theft Auto\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\ in a new folder called CinemaExperience Make sure you're an admin on your server if you don't know how to do that go and read the MTA wiki. Step 2 (grant resource admin access) Press P on your keyboard to open your admin panel and add the resource to the Admin ACL group To do that go to the Resources tab and click on the 'Manage ACL' button in the top right corner then double click 'Admin' under 'Groups' and press 'Add Object'. Type in resource.CinemaExperience and click on OK. Step 3 (start resource) Now start the resource. Open the in-game console (F8) and type in refresh and press enter, then type in start CinemaExperience and hit enter again. Step 4 (add yourself as VIP) Finally, you need to add yourself as VIP in the cinema panel. In order to do that, enter the cinema and press F2 to open up the cinema panel. Now open the Settings tab, then open the Visitors tab (on the right side of the panel) and select your name. Click on 'Add/remove VIP'. That's it! You have now access to all the settings so you can enjoy our Cinema Experience to the fullest How to change binds You can change the bind for toggling the panel in the s-binds.Lua file. Known issues / FAQ Installation: - I can't connect to API? Make sure the resource has admin privileges and server is up to date (1.5.2). Also try extracting the resource. - I can't add videos? If you can't control the settings after you've added yourself as VIP, unpack the resource and delete the config files in the cfg folder. Still need help? Leave us a message below or contact me through the G&T Mapping Facebook page (link at the bottom or top) Panel: - There's ads covering the screen! Sometimes there may be ads covering the video on the screen. You can click on the Skip Ads button to refresh the video, usually this will remove any ads on the video. Sorry for the inconvenience. There is no other solution at the moment. In the future - Add option to limit how many videos can be added per user - Add option to set the max length of a video - Add option to change the screens width and height and position This list isn't finished yet Bug reports / Questions / Feedback If you encounter any bugs, glitches, have any suggestions, feature requests, or simply just like to ask a question, please don't hesitate to post them Thanks!
    1 point
  3. Bonjour à tous, (Je sais pas si je poste au bon endroit.) Je vous présente Rising Dawn Role Play. Serveur codé entièrement par mes soins, dont la BETA va commencer ce week-end. Je vous laisse avec la présentation. Rising Dawn Role Play est un serveur RP Militaire, le principe est d'évoluer dans un monde où un conflit entre les Etats-Unis d'Amérique et la Russie a éclaté. L'armée Russe s'étant emparée de la baie de San Francisco et plus largement de Bay Side, les troupes Américaines sont déployées sur l'Area 51 et dans divers avant-poste proches du désert du Nevada. Livrez-vous à une guerre sans relâche dans un monde où le nouvel ordre mondial est perturbé. Russie ou Amérique, quelle sera la prochaine hyperpuissance ? A vous de jouer ! De nombreuses fonctions sont présentes (bases des fonctions RP, système de faction avec rangs, classes, armurerie diversifiée, équipements variés, des modèles de personnages, véhicules et armes, un front où combattre, des missions de grande envergure et des offensives régulières) Je reposterai pour vous avertir de l'ouverture. Trailer :
    1 point
  4. Introducere Am fost și sunt un mare fan al modului de joc DM Race, fapt care m-a făcut să mă gândesc să creez un gamemode de race( nu de la 0, desigur ) strict pentru comunitatea românească pe care să-l numesc N(atural) B(orn) R(acers). Modul de joc Eu nu voi hosta modul de joc din motive financiare însă îl voi oferi oricărei persoane care dorește și care e capabilă să dețină și să întrețină un server de Race românesc.Vreau să aflu cine este interesat să vadă în listă un server de Race pur românesc pt. a afla dacă serverul va strânge un playerbase decent.Accept orice fel de ajutor din partea oricui( managing, scripting, idei etc...). Modul de joc va fi Open Source,adică oricine( care știe cu ce se mănâncă scriptingul ) poate contribui la crearea/editarea scripturilor. Notă Deși am abandonat o grămadă de proiecte, sunt decis să-l duc pe acesta până la capăt dacă văd că lumea este interesată de acest mod de joc. Aștept păreri și idei/sugestii privind modul de joc. ( Îmi cer scuze dacă am greșit categoria postând aici )
    1 point
  5. It's not my map but it's really funny
    1 point
  6. ههههههههههههه اعجبتني
    1 point
  7. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=734
    1 point
  8. وما احد جبرك ترد علي الموضوع ؟
    1 point
  9. صحيح لكن التحققات اللي انا مسويها افضل يتحقق اذا كان زائر او كانت لدية الرتبة مسبقاً
    1 point
  10. انا جديد .. وش يعرفني بالموقع بس مشكور ع الرد
    1 point
  11. Neither does your input or hover work because you've used CreateBrowser which the wiki states as, and highlighted the part which is your problem: You're looking for input-handled functions, which can be done with GuiCreateBrowser. This would do: local browser = guiCreateBrowser ( ( x / 2 ) - 200, ( y / 2 ) - 100, x, y, true, true, false ); local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser ( browser ); addEventHandler ( "onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, function () loadBrowserURL ( source, "http://mta/local/login.html" ); end ); Also, you know that you can position the div with css itself and create the browser with '0, 0, x, y'. right? simply add this to your body element as a class: top: calc(50% - 100px); left: calc(50% - 200px); position: absolute;
    1 point
  12. ؟ MR.SAMSUNG : دورت مودات بس ما لقيت + المود ما له فايدة ض2 سوي مود الكلام الممنوع مثل السب وامنع اللغة العربية يعني كذا 'هلا' 'شباب' كذا كان معك MR.SAMSUNG رابط المنتدى حقي (رابط المنتدى) قريبا بحاول اصمم مثل دا المود + في المنتدى الحقي في شروحات مفيدة كثير مثل كيفية عمل سيرفر MTA مجاني او كذا + عالمي تلاقيه في قسم MTA برب بجي الساعة 1 تقريبا بدخل MTA سيرفري G.T جراند تايم
    1 point
  13. https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-create-mysql-events/ Например так. Попробуй поискать реализации в SQLite.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. إذا الأكواد اللي فوق ما ظبطت معك, ف إحتمال المشكلة تكون من إضافة اللاعبين للقريد ليست ضايفهم أنت بدون ألوانهم ( يعني مسوي gsub )
    1 point
  16. Sure. Just post the code here, I'll take another look.
    1 point
  17. Thank you, I'm checking it but don't really get it what is hapenning. I took a quick look at it but it fails. I will take a look again on it tomorrow. If i can't manage to do it can we talk a little bit more, and can you explain me again what i'm doing wrong.
    1 point
  18. You're defining the rootNode globally in open() then you'r nilling it in close(), so it will recreate the file everytime. Just change it to local and remove rootNote = nil in close(). Edit: Or just leave it global and remove the line in close(), OR better, return the rootNode in open() and use it to close it: close(rootNode)
    1 point
  19. اعتقد انة قيم مود خاص تقدر تبحث بالكومنتي اذا حصلتة كويس
    1 point
  20. This is not the right place ! / هذا مو المكان اللي لازم تحط فيه المشكلة the right place is right here : https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/134-البرمجة/ المكان اللي لازم تحط فيه الموضوع : https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/134-البرمجة/ Greetings .
    1 point
  21. No es necesario destruirlo y crearlo, solo esconderlo. el = getAttachedElements(player) for _,value in ipairs(el) do if getElementType(value) == "blip" then setElementAlpha(value, getElementAlpha(value) == 255 and 0 or 255) end end
    1 point
  22. :xml stands for the path of the xml resource. So the file is in the xml resource's root directory.
    1 point
  23. no sir im 166 day and 5 hour 5 minutes
    1 point
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