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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/16 in all areas
Hey, I wonder what this button does... <presses the button> huh? delete all forum users? oh sna- Hi there, the MTA Team is happy to present you with the result of what we have been up to recently - the redesigned and refreshed MTA Forum! This is something that we have wanted to do for a long time, and for several reasons. The forum software we have used until now (phpBB) has served us well through the years, there is no doubt about that. However, as time went by, our needs were changing too. It was becoming less and less feasible for us to use and maintain the forums in their present state, so we decided it was time to try something that is more suited to our current needs. We were recently presented with an opportunity to switch the forum software on attractive terms and we took it. Lo and behold, here are the new forums! Highlights of new features that were not present on the previous forum: forum now runs on a proprietary, secure, well tested and widely used software solution - the IPS Community Suite a completely new, mobile-friendly forum theme a fully fledged rich text editor for posting or editing your content on the forums (instead of the previous plain text box with BBCode buttons) an improved user profile system for greater personalisation of your presence on our forums a new, customizable real-time notifications system also a new, simplified Private Messaging system improvements to the quotation system (quotes link to the original post, and are fully collapsible) and replying in general (the multiquote feature) an ability to 'like' and rate topics and posts, awarding reputation points to their authors topic authors can now assign tags to their topics, making it easier for users to find the content they are looking for several new enhancements and customization features to improve your browsing experience (eg. topic previews; the ability to hide forums you are not interested in) moderators now have an ability to promote your topic on the forum (similar to stickied topics, but separate to them) several new features for us administrators too, which will make forum maintenance easier and possibly allow us to implement new forum features without a hassle ... and more! List of features that were present in the previous forum but are missing or are less functional now: no topic icons Private Messaging system is less pleasant to scroll through. Getting used to it might take some time too it is no longer possible to view the source code of posts. If you really need that functionality, you can check the page's HTML source code directly, then use a third party converter to obtain the BBCode code boxes are no longer integrated with the MTA wiki URLs FAQ: Q: Are my posts still in place? What about my private messages? A: They are both fine. You can find them in the same place you left them before. Q: Will the old forum URLs still work? A bunch of places on the web link to your forum using old URLs... A: Yes, they will work. We have a on-the-fly converter in place for such URLs, so they will still link to where they should. Q: I have found an issue with the new forum. Can I report it? A: Sure. Send a PM to one of the forum administrators (darkdreamingdan, jhxp or Jusonex) and describe the problem you have found. Make sure you provide all the details or steps to reproduce your issue, where applicable. We would like to thank Audifire and the mta-sa.org team for donating the forum software license to us. And naturally, you can not forget about darkdreamingdan and Jusonex, our team members who had both put a tremendous amount of effort in preparing and performing the forum maintenance and migration. Awesome job, guys. Did you like the change? Please let us know in the comments! See you next time. --MTA Team3 points
أولاً دخلت المنتدى, سألت كيف أسوي مهمة, وهذي المهمة بالتحديد كانت لسي اي تي, ردوا علي بردود غريبة أول مرة اشوفها (فنكشنات وما إلى ذلك) .. بديت ابحث عن فايدتها .. حاولت أسويها .. تبندت من سي اي تي بسبب استغلال بق فلوس .. فشلت الفكرة (يمديك تشوف أول مشاركة لي بالمنتدى) .. بعدها حاولت اسوي سكربت فضاء بنفسي وطلبت فيه مساعدات كثيرة فيه في المنتدى وخارج المنتدى .. حاولت أصلح أخطاء الدي بق .. وبعد عناء طويل السكربت نجح وكان تقريباً اول سكربت لي بس ما عطيته لأحد .. حاولت أروح سيرفرات عرب واقولهم اني ابرمج وكذا .. حاولت اسوي سكربت شات لسيرفر بس ما نجح (وطلبت فيه مساعدات أكثر بعد) .. لكن سرعان ما صاحب السيرفر قلبها معي فقررت أروح طارة (كان من أشهر السيرفرات العربية في وقتها من 2012) عناد الله يعطيه العافية رحب فيني .. وبديت احاول اسوي سكربتات معه ويساعدني واساعده .. وخلال هالفترة تعلمت كثير .. كنت نوب كبير بالأنجليزي لكن مع مرور الوقت أتقنته في قناة الام تي اي للشات لأن تقريباً كل الي فيها أجانب .. صرت اترجم كلمة كلمة ما أعرفها .. ومع الوقت والحمد لله صرت اتكلم بدون مشاكل .. مع إني إلى الحين ماني 100% فيه بعد كل هالسنوات .. ما علينا من هالقصة.. على العموم نرجع لموضوعنا الأساسي .. بعد دخولي طارة بكم شهر حولت على قراند العرب .. تعلمت الكثير في هالفترة من البرمجة .. بعدها صارت مشاكل معهم فخرجت وقررت أسوي سيرفر لحالي .. اخوي جمع لاعبين .. سوينا مجتمع منغلق صغير .. لكن للأسف مع أني بذلت أقصى مجهود ممكن في تطوير السيرفر .. انتهى بالفشل .. حاولت اسوي سيرفر ثاني (((كل هذا لحالي))) ومع ذلك فشل بعد مو لأن المودات كانت خايسة .. لكن لأنه ما كان فيني الطاقة أسوي اكثر من كذا .. وينتهي بي المطاف إلى هذا الحال .. مشرف عام على موقع الأم تي اي وفاقد الاهتمام بالبرمجة. مع ان كل الي كتبته كثير لكن هذي كانت قصتي باختصار شديد جداً شكراً3 points
2 points
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اليوم جايب لكم وظيفة جديدة الي هي وظيفة سيريال كيلر او القاتل المتسلسل صراحة ملاحظ انه منتشرة عشان كده سويتها شبه دي اكس ض1 ننتقل للمقطع رابط المقطع رابط التحميل سبحان الله - التحميل من هنا صورة ولي ولكم التوفيق الاهدائات Dr. Abdul KariM Tn6el Mr.CoR Default Marshmello Ahmed-09 شكرا ل Dr. ساعدني كتيرا في المود صارت في مشكلة وماقدرت اعدل على الموضوع عشان كده كتبته في الردود1 point
There is 3 methods to do it: 1) Using custom animation which MTA:SA doesn't support yet. 2) Change the properties of deagle then replace Deagle mod (DFF,TXD) to make it look like colt. 3) Change the player animation onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch > Create a custom weapon > Use bone attach resource to attach it to the player > Bind key (mouse1,mouse2) > setWeaponState to change the custom weapon state > many other things ....1 point
ابداع بس وانا اخوكك ابعد عن تقليد السيرفرات هذا مايجيب الا المصايب، حاول تسرق افكار من برا اللعبة ممن العاب ثانية او كذا او انك تفكر بالتوفيق1 point
1 point
This VIP system looks fine. Use this exported function to check if the player is VIP/donator: if exports.vip_system:isPlayerDonator(player) then --if he's a VIP then do... --your code. end1 point
https://forum.multitheftauto.com/announcement/3-update-2-problems-with-logging-in-and-out-or-staying-logged-in/1 point
Good job, but please English in this sub-forum! Se vc quiser falar português: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/1 point
https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=11324 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=56791 point
Sorry but i don't think the mta community accept to help to fix leaked scripts. Especially the leaked WSS housing.1 point
اخواني علموني الاساسيات بعدين حاولت اسئلهم بس يطنشوني بعدها تعلمت من الويكي من نفسي ومرة وحدة صار معي مشكلة وسؤال طرحتهم وبس الحمدلله :D1 point
Wow, thanks for your answers. What Anony wrote really was the problem. If I only change the doublesided attribute if the map file says its "true", it works. So for objects, that are doublesided by default, the map file actually shows the wrong value. I was using isElementDoubleSided earlier when I started to think this might be the problem, but it returns false, even for the object shown in my other post, which actually is doublesided. Anyway, thanks all! It finally works normally now. Bonsai1 point
I had problems with double siding also. My workaround was: if(objectData.doublesided == true) then element:setDoubleSided(true) end while element:setDoubleSided(objectData.doublesided) didn't work. It is a boolean, I checked. Maybe it works now, who knows.1 point
1 point
Wrong section next time post your question here, anyways you can run with weapons by changing your walking style to sneak. Example: -- use /sneak to chnage your walking style function changeWalkStyle(player) setPedWalkingStyle(player,69) end addCommandHandler("sneak",changeWalkStyle)1 point
1 point
I was having the same problem. local objects = {{}, {"object",id="object(vgn_corpbuild3)(1)",doublesided="false",model="6873",interior="0",dimension="0",posX="2015.6341552734",posY="-4775.201171875",posZ="24.309450149536",rotX="270",rotY="180",rotZ="180"}} understand the logic logic. local object = createObject() if objects[2] == "true" then setElementDoubleSided(object,true) end do not use in all objects setElementDoubleSided(object,true) use only what is true doublesided="true" if objects[2] == "true" then1 point
Hace tiempo que quería hacer algo de este estilo, hacer una conexión entre HTML y Lua para hacer cosas como esta y aquí os traigo un show del resultado. Haré un tutorial de como realizar la conexión y un pequeño formulario para poder hacer un login como este, pero bueno, no es tan complicado. Gracias a los que me echaron una mano en el foro de scripting, @Tomas y @Mr.Aleks PD: Si, ando realizando unos tests y tal. Haré el panel tanto en Español como en Inglés con detección automática del país en el que estás.1 point
لا غلط function createJob ( name, x, y, z, rz ) if ( name == 'Terrorists' ) then create3DText ( 'Terrorists', { x, y, z }, { 255, 0, 0 }, { nil, true } ) local p = createElement ( "GodmodePed" ) setElementData ( p, "Model", 109 ) setElementData ( p, "Position", { x, y, z, rz } ) createBlip ( x, y, z, 59, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 450 ) addEventHandler ( 'onMarkerHit', createMarker ( x, y, z - 1, 'cylinder', 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), function ( p ) if ( getElementType ( p ) == 'player' and not isPedInVehicle ( p ) and not isPedDead ( p ) and getElementData(p, "YourDataName") == "YourValueName" ) then if ( getPlayerWantedLevel ( p ) > max_wanted.Terrorists ) then return exports['SaeedMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "The max wanted level for this job is "..tostring ( max_wanted.Terrorists )..".", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end triggerClientEvent ( p, 'SaeedJobs:OpenJobMenu', p, 'Terrorists' ) end end )1 point
Try to use sth like this function START_DOUBLE_SIDED_TRANSACTION() _createObject = createObject createObject = createObjectDoubleSided end function END_DOUBLE_SIDED_TRANSACTION() createObject = _createObject end function createObjectDoubleSided( ... ) local arg = {...} local temp = _createObject( unpack(arg) ) setElementDoubleSided(temp, true) --Enable / disable return temp end it's making createObject always set the object as double sided. START_DOUBLE_SIDED_TRANSACTION() -- put all your created object here -- createObject(7488,1282.599609375, 1002, -6.0999999046326, 0, 0, 122.98101806641) END_DOUBLE_SIDED_TRANSACTION()1 point
1 point
How are these being loaded? Is this when you first create an object in the map editor? What happens when you reload the map in the map editor? The object.doubleSided attribute should be forced to the .map value, shouldn't it? I'm not sure about this. I have a small hunch that this info is embedded in the dff/txd itself, but I don't actually know, If my assumptions are correct (with this being a map editor issue), then this could be solved by forcing the double sided attribute to false when first creating the object.1 point
@Sha67 @</Mr.Tn6eL> @MoDeR2014 @a7zan @taha201100 @Mr.CoR @Jaer[X]Pro1 point
صحيح نصفه رجع مثل ماكان وهذا بسبب غياب الرقابه واذا جيت تتكلم يقولون لك مانقدر نجبرهم اذا مشرفين القسم ماحد فيهم يهتم الا من رحم ربي تبي الاعضاء وخصوصاً الجدد يهتمون ؟؟1 point
For triggerServerEvent, client is always set. i.e.: triggerServerEvent("EventName" , localPlayer) source is localPlayer client is localPlayer triggerServerEvent("EventName" , resourceRoot or root) source is resourceRoot or root client is localPlayer1 point
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته اليوم فكرت بفكره وقلت اخذ ارائكم عليه ~ طبعا فيه كثير مبرمجين وهيك ماعندهم زي مايقولون منصه لطرح الاعمال انا وش قلت , قلت بسوي منصه لطرح الاعمال منه فايده للمبرمجين وفايده لراعين السيرفرات - ذا الشي راح يكون مجاني والتسجيل مجاني وكلشي مجاني اما بالنسبه للمبرمج براحته يبي يحط سعر او لا والدفع راح يكون نظام دفع تلقائي واتمنى الرد على الفكره , وطرح السلبيات الرجاء عدم الرد ردود خارجه عن الموضوع1 point
I'm sorry but this is just pathetic. It's lacking lots of features original panel has and it's compiled . Why on earth you compile login panel? Don't you think that people who will try to actually use it will need source code to make db connections and adjustments? Though I higly doubt anyone will ever want to use fake panel from another server. The whole idea is just plain stupid.1 point
MTA 1.5 and greater versions seem to have problem with launching under Wine. I need to test if that's true someday. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Cl ... nux_Manual The last time I tested, I had problems running it on 64-bit wine prefix, but it worked on 32-bit.1 point
1. Witaj wojowniku! 2. Konto: 3. Hasło: 4. Zaloguj się 5. Utwórz nowe konto 6. Proszę wpisać nazwę użytkownika! 7. Proszę wpisać hasło! 8. Błędna nazwa użytkownika i/lub hasło 9. Zapisać? 10. Konto stworzone, zaloguj się swoją nazwą użytkownika oraz hasłem 11. Potwierdź hasło: 12. Zarejestruj! 13. Anuluj 14. Proszę wpisać nazwę użytkownika którą chciałbyś zarejestrować! 15. Proszę wprowadzić hasło! 16. Proszę potwierdzić hasło! 17. Podane hasła nie są takie same! 18. Konto z taką nazwą użytkownika już istnieje! 19. Nieznany błąd! Wybierz inną nazwę użytkownika/hasło i spróbuj ponownie1 point
Thank you for your comment! I have tons of respect for you developers. It's very interesting to understand all this. I was browsing through the Github source code, but couldn't find anything regarding input. Does anybody know where exactly this is being handled in the code of MTA?1 point