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Pickup items not showing properly


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Maybe it's just my pc but when I create a pickup item too far off of the SA world origin (0, 0, 0) it won't show. The pickup item itself seems to be working fine. When you walk over the spot it gives you the right weapon. But you don't see the actual weapon model. I did some testing and it wasn't because of the object limit. I created a new map with only three objects (player spawn, platform and a pickup item). When within the area of approximately 3000 units off of the origin the weapon model shows fine. However, when I move the entire setting to 7000 units over the x-axis the weapon model refuses to render. What gives? I can't really move my setting within those 3000 units of the origin because of the massive size of my map (it would overlap with SA default world objects).


As an illustration I've attached a test gamemode. You can put it in your "server/mods/deathmatch/resources/" folder and run it with the "changemode" command. Once connected you can change the players position by typing "tele" in the console (for example: "tele 100 100 10" to teleport all elements to x 100, y 100 and z 10).

link: http://rapidshare.com/files/91462991/test.zip.html

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yep i noticed that some time before. i used a mass mover to fix that

That's not going to work for my map because the playable area is around 2000 units in size and it has to be at ground level. When I move it so that the pickup models show it is already merged into the SA default map. I can't get any closer to the origin than 4000 units.

Maybe this thread should be moved to the Bugs section. Because clearly I'm not the only one who has this issue and I think it is not supposed to happen.

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