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I want to make some dxText in the same position for all resolutions but it doesn't work:

function AbsoluteToRelativ( X, Y ) -- this coverter transforms the gui position and size for the resolution of the player 
    local rX, rY = guiGetScreenSize() 
    local x = math.floor((X/2200)*rX) 
    local y = math.floor((Y/1085)*rY) 
    return x, y 

From Citizen :S

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It seems to be correct if I understand what you need. So what doesn't work? Debug errors, wrong results, ... (show an example)

Also, while technically correct, don't use the same variables names capitalized ('x' and 'X'). It's confusing and a bad scripting habit.

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Use This;

function AbsoluteToRelative( X, Y ) 
        local rX, rY = guiGetScreenSize() 
        local x = X/rX 
        local y = Y/rY 
        return x, y 

And RelativeToAbsolute;

function RelativeToAbsolute( X, Y ) 
        local rX, rY = guiGetScreenSize() 
        local x = X*rX 
        local y = Y*rY 
        return x, y 

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Use This;

function AbsoluteToRelative( X, Y ) 
        local rX, rY = guiGetScreenSize() 
        local x = X/rX 
        local y = Y/rY 
        return x, y 

And RelativeToAbsolute;

function RelativeToAbsolute( X, Y ) 
        local rX, rY = guiGetScreenSize() 
        local x = X*rX 
        local y = Y*rY 
        return x, y 

Ty, it works! :D

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I want to make some dxText in the same position for all resolutions but it doesn't work:
function AbsoluteToRelativ( X, Y ) -- this coverter transforms the gui position and size for the resolution of the player 
    local rX, rY = guiGetScreenSize() 
    local x = math.floor((X/2200)*rX) 
    local y = math.floor((Y/1085)*rY) 
    return x, y 

From Citizen :S

Haha yeah I recognized my script immediately when I saw it and then I saw your credit thx :mrgreen:

dxDrawText works with absolutes arguments so you have to convert relatives arguments to absolutes arguments like laserlaser made.

But something is strange, why do you have to use it ? because it's useless !

=> why do you convert absolute args to relatives args and then go back to absolutes args, just take directly the absolute args.

IDK if you see what I mean ...

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