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help with a hidden marker


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I create a marker and try twice to ask him the alpha

local marker = createMarker ( ax, ay, 0, "checkpoint", aradius, r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, 0 )
setElementAlpha(marker, 0)

For the marker type cylinder it works, but for the checkpoint alpha type it does not work and the marker is visible


setElementVisibleTo( marker, getRootElement(), false ) 

But then the marker is hidden on the map (I have markers getElementsByType ("marker"))

Still tried it, but it does not work:

for i, pl in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do
	setElementVisibleTo ( marker, pl, false )


Found this problem on the bugtracker


The bug was discovered back in 2013 but still the problem remained. How can I solve the problem? I need the marker to be without the Z position

Edited by maksam07
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On 10.08.2017 at 16:02, SuperCroz said:

Why use a checkpoint when you can use colshapes, they are already invisible and come in plenty shapes; a tube, a cubid a sphere...

I've considered this option before, but the problem is that collision can not change the size, as it can be done with the marker - SetMarkerSize. Or I'm wrong?

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14 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said:

No, it's not possible without removing and then recreating it.

In this and the problem, I would not want to delete. I still have an idea of how to do this with a different type of marker. Only you can not use the input and output events to it. I guess I later unsubscribe about results

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4 minutes ago, SuperCroz said:

Changing a colshape's size is pretty easy. You will just need to set the shape size at the creation as 'x' which should be globally defined as a number at first, and then create a function that modify x's value which will lead to change the colshapes' size.

But the size does not change unless you create a collision again

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local radius = 1
local MySphere = createColSphere(x,y,z,radius)
-- make sure to replace x,y & z with numbers.

function changeMySphereSize(size)
  radius = size
-- it is dump to create a whole function for that, but it can be useful if you want to fill in more arguments.
-- other than that you can simply change 'radius' value.
8 minutes ago, maksam07 said:

But the size does not change unless you create a collision again

What do you mean? Why not?


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13 hours ago, SuperCroz said:

What do you mean? Why not?

But it does not work.

local radius = 520
local MySphere = createColSphere(0, 0, 3, radius)
function changeMySphereSize( size )
	radius = size
	if ( radius > 10 ) then 
		setTimer ( changeMySphereSize, 1000, 1, radius-1 )
setTimer ( changeMySphereSize, 1000, 1, radius-1 )



9 hours ago, shay103 said:

tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 0 )


Edited by maksam07
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@maksam07, the tocolor thing won't work, as the syntax is not what he wrote. About changing the size of a colshape, you can't do it with just changing a variable. This is not a reference variable. After the colshape has been created the variable could be reassigned anything, and it would not effect the size of the colshape at all.

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28 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said:

@maksam07, the tocolor thing won't work, as the syntax is not what he wrote. About changing the size of a colshape, you can't do it with just changing a variable. This is not a reference variable. After the colshape has been created the variable could be reassigned anything, and it would not effect the size of the colshape at all.

I know all this. Just decided to prove to them that it will not work by example. Now I will test my sketches.
By the way, do you understand me well? I use a translator

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first option:

function inArea( pos1, pos2, size )
	x1, y1, _ = getElementPosition ( pos1 )
	x2, y2, _ = getElementPosition ( pos2 )
	local dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
	return size > dis

for i, pl in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do
	if inArea( pl, marker, getMarkerSize ( marker ) ) then 

Then it will be possible to use a marker of any type, but the input / output events from the marker may not work correctly ( It does not seem important to me )

Let me remind you that a bug with transparency only on the marker of the type "checkpoint"

Edited by maksam07
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