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You'll have to make variables if you want to use them like that, but you can easily use it without addressing it to the memory.

vehicleT = getElementsByType("vehicle")

for i, k in pairs(vehicleT) do

for i, k in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do

Both'll work.

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On 08/08/2017 at 22:07, Ridden said:

Hi, i'm a basic scripter (learning) . did i need to create a variable for elements :

EX:player=getElementType.  or it's on the client


The client has the function getLocalPlayer() aka localPlayer on client side files and that only gets the client player and not any other player while it does get all the players when you trigger it to all of the clients.

Other than your player, you can get specific elements through event parameters and/or getElementsByType function which will return a table of all the specified element type.

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