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Delete object model


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So you want to remove them from GTA itself? If so then this isn't the right place to ask, I don't know how to do that. I'm sure it's possible somehow though, but if you do that then you may not be able to play on many public servers or it's possible that MTA simply ignores your edited files so you won't see any change when playing MTA.

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2 hours ago, Krazy said:

I actually edited the gta3 file, but i don't see any changes in game, is it possible to edit it for mta ?, i want just to remove some laggy leaves from the trees but i don't see any effects

Seriously? C'mon, leaves on trees aren't lagging your game, are they?

Anyways.. you can remove all objects of some model using mentioned function removeWorldModel.


removeWorldModel(656, 10000, 0, 0, 0) -- removes all instances of model 656 on the map


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You can't use any lua scripts that way. They should be put on the server itself in order to work. And if you delete or modify some GTA files then you may not be allowed to enter many servers or if an admin sees that you go through trees for example he may ban you of the server. 

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