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[Question] Disabling join message and help/vote manager


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Hello :D I want to know how to disable the "login: you have successfully logged in" message and the vote/help manager.

I have been wondering how to do this for quite some time now..... I have messed with various files in the server folder (just acl.xml and server.conf) setting startup to 0 on vote manager and help manager, but nothing has worked...  I restarted the server BEFORE changing these and started it again after saving them.


Also sorry if wrong section, there's not a general help section, just scripting and MTA chat...

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Okay, so you know how you do /vote or press f9 to open help and vote for maps?  I want to stop these resources from loading and also stop the current map output on chat box, sorry for not being clear, can attach a few screenshots if needed. :D 

and thanks for the link! I'll check it out


Example: Currently playing: Mode - Map

Is there anyway to do text match using "onClientChatMessage" ?

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nvm, in resources on adminpanel there is "mapmanager" set mapmanager.currentmap to false.  There must be a simpler way though, eg setting through acl, but the only way I found is disabling via resources so far -_- 


Simple way to stop votemanager and helpmanager (if you will never ever use these again) is just delete them in resources after you stop it running...

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@kieran a tip you should try out is to open Notepad++, press CTRL+LShift+F and then search for the thing you want to find in your whole MTA server directory. For example you don't know where the part which outputs the "Currently playing: Mode - Map" is - you type in the search box "Currently playing: " and hit enter, that'll give you all places where this string is used so that you can find and edit the stuff so much faster and easier. :)

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  On 08/07/2017 at 07:12, koragg said:

@pa3ck the link you gave him, does that cancel the login event or it just doesn't show the chatbox message? I was looking for a way to make the login message a bit more pretty sometime ago :')


That only cancels the outputChatBox, since it is attached to onClientChatMessage event, you will still be logged in.

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@koragg Thanks :D I got a ton of errors after deleting it saying it can't find resource, useful tip hehe.  And yes, it does just cancel message, but as you say, just use your method and search for "login:" :P easier than having another messy script!  Lol

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  On 08/07/2017 at 17:18, kieran said:

@koragg Thanks :D I got a ton of errors after deleting it saying it can't find resource, useful tip hehe.  And yes, it does just cancel message, but as you say, just use your method and search for "login:" :P easier than having another messy script!  Lol


Can't really do that since the login message is hardcoded into MTA itself (aka not in any resource, not even in LUA) :P That's why I asked what I asked.

Edited by koragg
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  On 08/07/2017 at 17:53, koragg said:

Can't really do that since the login message is hardcoded into MTA itself (aka not in any resource, not even in LUA) :P That's why I asked what I asked.


My bad, I forget many are hard coded :P I personally think there is an easier way to disable hard coded scripts, can they not just add them to xml so you can simply do a true/false to choose if they are active?  In my opinion would be so much easier... :P 

Edited by kieran
Well that was a weird typo "@$$"
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