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[QUESTION] What wrong in this script?

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i got this warning, and error:

"rC.lua:40: bad argument @ 'dxDrawImageSection' [Expected material at argument 9, got nil]" - This is the warning msg.. 
"sC.lua:6: attempt to index global 'WorldRadar' (a nil value)" - This is the error msg....

And code(s):

rC.lua:40: - 

	dxDrawImageSection(WorldRadar["monX"], WorldRadar["monY"], WorldRadar["width"], WorldRadar["height"], mapX + 50, mapY + 60, WorldRadar["width"]/zoom, WorldRadar["height"]/zoom, WorldRadar["Map"], 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255))


and the sC:lua:6: -

Map = {}
Map["F11"] = false

function Map.start()

function Map.draw()
	if Map["F11"] then return end
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, Map.draw)

function Map.stop()


What wrong? How to fix this problems? Thanks the help!

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Doesn't contain a value. (which should contain a table)


You can check if WorldRadar does have a positive value, by writing it like this:

if WorldRadar then
  -- code that uses WorldRadar

This will stop the errors/warnings, but doesn't guarantee that the script will operate as pleased.


So make sure that:


does contain a valid value.

Edited by IIYAMA
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6 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:


Doesn't contain a value. (which should contain a table)


You can check if WorldRadar does have a positive value, by writing it like this:

if WorldRadar then
  -- code that uses WorldRadar

This will stop the errors/warnings, but doesn't guarantee that the script will operate as pleased.


So make sure that:


does exist.

the WorldRadar exist in a another file

WorldRadar = {}
WorldRadar["width"] = sX - 20
WorldRadar["height"] = sY - 20

WorldRadar["monX"] = math.floor(sX/2 - WorldRadar["width"]/2)
WorldRadar["monY"] = math.floor(sY/2 - WorldRadar["height"]/2)
WorldRadar.show = false

then why not working?

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Most likely it is because this file loads later than the file that is already using WorldRadar.

In short: You can't use something which hasn't been loaded yet.


To solve that problem, you can execute code after ALL the code has been loaded using the event: 'onClientResourceStart'. It is clientside right? (for serverside use onResourceStart)

function Map.start()

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
function ()


Edited by IIYAMA
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4 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

Most likely it is because this file loads later than the file that is already using WorldRadar.

In short: You can't use something which hasn't been loaded yet.


To solve that problem, you can execute code after ALL the code has been loaded using the event: 'onClientResourceStart'. It is clientside right? (for serverside use onResourceStart)

function Map.start()

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
function ()


now i got this error: 

"attempt to index global 'Map' (a nil value)"

	dxDrawImageSection(WorldRadar["monX"], WorldRadar["monY"], WorldRadar["width"], WorldRadar["height"], mapX + 50, mapY + 60, WorldRadar["width"]/zoom, WorldRadar["height"]/zoom, WorldRadar["Map"], 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255))

function WorldRadar.start()
	WorldRadar["Map"] = dxCreateTexture( "map.png")
	dxSetTextureEdge(WorldRadar["Map"], "border", tocolor(75,144,223))

what wrong in this?

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