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Help Me Please

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25 minutes ago, Hale said:

Could you show us the entire function? Is the priceWidth variable declared at all?

Here is the complete code
CarshopMenu = {}
local renderTarget
local MENU_OFFSET = Vector3(-7.5, -7, -0.7)
local position = Vector3()
local size = Vector2(1.5, 1.9)
local rotation = 280
local resolution = size * 250

local headerHeight = 70
local barOffset = 20
local barHeight = 20
local labelHeight = 50

local barsList = {
	{locale = "carshop_label_speed", value = 0.7, param = "speed"},
	{locale = "carshop_label_acceleration", value = 0.4, param = "acceleration"},
	{locale = "carshop_label_control", value = 0.85, param = "control"}

local headerFont
local labelFont
local hasDriftHandling = false

local themeColor = {0, 0, 0}
local themeColorHex = "#FFFFFF"

local function draw()
	dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(42, 40, 41))
	dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(32, 30, 31))	

	local priceText = ""
	if Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price > 0 then
		priceText = "$" .. tostring(Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price)
		priceText = exports.dpLang:getString("price_free")
	dxDrawText(priceText, 0, 0, resolution.x - 20, headerHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]), 1, labelFont, "right", "center")

	local priceWidth = dxGetTextWidth(priceText, 1, labelFont)

	local headerText = Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.name
	local hearderWidth = dxGetTextWidth(headerText, 1, headerFont)
	local hearderScale = math.min(1, (resolution.x - 60 - priceWidth) / hearderWidth)
	dxDrawText(headerText, 20, 0, resolution.x - 20 - priceWidth, headerHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), hearderScale, headerFont, "left", "center", true)

	local buyButtonActive = true
	local buyButtonText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_buy_button")
	if Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.level > localPlayer:getData("level") then
		buyButtonActive = false
		--"Требуется уровень " .. 
		buyButtonText = string.format(exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_required_level"), tostring(Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.level))
	elseif Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price > localPlayer:getData("money") then
		buyButtonActive = false
		buyButtonText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_no_money")
	if not buyButtonActive then
		dxDrawRectangle(0, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(32, 30, 31))	
		dxDrawText(buyButtonText, 20, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 150), 1, headerFont, "center", "center")		
		dxDrawRectangle(0, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]))	
		dxDrawText(buyButtonText, 20, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, headerFont, "center", "center")	

	local y = headerHeight
	local barWidth = resolution.x - barOffset * 2
	for i, bar in ipairs(barsList) do
		-- Подпись
		dxDrawText(bar.text, 0, y, resolution.x, y + labelHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, labelFont, "center", "center")
		y = y + labelHeight
		dxDrawRectangle(barOffset, y, barWidth, barHeight, tocolor(65, 65, 65))
		dxDrawRectangle(barOffset, y, barWidth * bar.value, barHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]))

		bar.value = bar.value + (Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.specs[bar.param] - bar.value) * 0.2
		y = y + barHeight * 2
	local labelText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label")
	local valueText = ""
	if Carshop.hasDriftHandling then
		valueText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label_yes")
		valueText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label_no")
	dxDrawText(labelText .. ": " .. themeColorHex .. valueText, 0, y, resolution.x, y + labelHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, labelFont, "center", "center", false, false, false, true)


	local halfHeight = Vector3(0, 0, size.y / 2)
	local rad = math.rad(rotation)
	local lookOffset = Vector3(math.cos(rad), math.sin(rad), 0)
		position + halfHeight, 
		position - halfHeight, 
		tocolor(255, 255, 255, 250),
		position + lookOffset

function CarshopMenu.start(basePosition)
	position = MENU_OFFSET + basePosition

	renderTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(resolution.x, resolution.y, false)
	headerFont = exports.dpAssets:createFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 20)
	labelFont = exports.dpAssets:createFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 18)

	themeColor = {exports.dpUI:getThemeColor()}
	themeColorHex = tostring(exports.dpUtils:RGBToHex(unpack(themeColor)))

	for i, bar in ipairs(barsList) do
		bar.text = exports.dpLang:getString(bar.locale)

	addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)

function CarshopMenu.stop()
	if isElement(renderTarget) then
	if isElement(headerFont) then
	if isElement(labelFont) then
	removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)


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Try debugging your function by adding:


after this:

if Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price > 0 then
	priceText = "$" .. tostring(Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price)
	priceText = exports.dpLang:getString("price_free")

One of those two declarements isn't working properly.

Link to comment
And also I think that this Warning Affects my problem.

Warning:dpAssetst\client\exports.lua:33:Error creating font @ 'dxCreateFont' [assest/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf]


All Fonts are in the folder.
local ASSETS_PATH 	= "assets/"
local SHADERS_PATH 	= "shaders/"
local TEXTURES_PATH = "textures/"
local FONTS_PATH 	= "fonts/"

local cache = {
	textures = {},
	shaders = {},
	fonts = {}

local function setupElementParent(element, resource)
	if not element or not resource then
		return false
	element.parent = getResourceDynamicElementRoot(resource)
	return true

function createShader(name, ...)
	local element = dxCreateShader(ASSETS_PATH .. SHADERS_PATH .. tostring(name), ...)
	setupElementParent(element, sourceResource)
	return element

function createTexture(name, ...)
	local element = dxCreateTexture(ASSETS_PATH .. TEXTURES_PATH .. tostring(name), ...)
	setupElementParent(element, sourceResource)
	return element	

function createFont(name, ...)
	local element = dxCreateFont(ASSETS_PATH .. FONTS_PATH .. tostring(name), ...)
	setupElementParent(element, sourceResource)
	return element	

function createShaderCached(name, ...)
	if not name then
		return false
	if cache.shaders[name] then
		return cache.shaders[name]
	cache.shaders[name] = createShader(name, ...)
	setupElementParent(cache.shaders[name], sourceResource)
	return cache.shaders[name]

function createTextureCached(name, ...)
	if not name then
		return false
	if cache.textures[name] then
		return cache.textures[name]
	cache.textures[name] = createTexture(name, ...)
	setupElementParent(cache.textures[name], sourceResource)
	return cache.textures[name]

function createFontCached(name, ...)
	if not name then
		return false
	if cache.fonts[name] then
		return cache.fonts[name]
	cache.fonts[name] = createFont(name, ...)
	setupElementParent(cache.fonts[name], sourceResource)
	return cache.fonts[name]


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7 minutes ago, Hale said:

Is that exact font existing, and is it declared in meta.xml?

Yes in meta.xml It is  declared 
10 minutes ago, Hale said:

EDIT: I'm not sure if you can export fonts like the way you did. Is this working in other scripts?

In other scripts everywhere similar warnings


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2 minutes ago, Hale said:

That means you cannot use those exports (if I'm not wrong), so you should replace this:


with dxCreateFont.

Maybe you're downloading this mod and see for yourself what the problem is?
Mod Located on GITHUB
Edited by Dead7ucky
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Try this this to fix your boolean error:

CarshopMenu = {}
local renderTarget
local MENU_OFFSET = Vector3(-7.5, -7, -0.7)
local position = Vector3()
local size = Vector2(1.5, 1.9)
local rotation = 280
local resolution = size * 250

local headerHeight = 70
local barOffset = 20
local barHeight = 20
local labelHeight = 50

local barsList = {
	{locale = "carshop_label_speed", value = 0.7, param = "speed"},
	{locale = "carshop_label_acceleration", value = 0.4, param = "acceleration"},
	{locale = "carshop_label_control", value = 0.85, param = "control"}

local headerFont
local labelFont
local hasDriftHandling = false

local themeColor = {0, 0, 0}
local themeColorHex = "#FFFFFF"

local function draw()
	dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(42, 40, 41))
	dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(32, 30, 31))	

	local priceText = ""
	if Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price > 0 then
		priceText = "$" .. tostring(Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price)
		priceText = exports.dpLang:getString("price_free")
	dxDrawText(priceText, 0, 0, resolution.x - 20, headerHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]), 1, labelFont, "right", "center")

	local priceWidth = dxGetTextWidth(priceText, 1, labelFont)

	local headerText = Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.name
	local hearderWidth = dxGetTextWidth(headerText, 1, headerFont)
	local hearderScale = false
	if priceWidth then
		hearderScale = math.min(1, (resolution.x - 60 - priceWidth) / hearderWidth)
		dxDrawText(headerText, 20, 0, resolution.x - 20 - priceWidth, headerHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), hearderScale, headerFont, "left", "center", true)
	local buyButtonActive = true
	local buyButtonText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_buy_button")
	if Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.level > localPlayer:getData("level") then
		buyButtonActive = false
		--"Требуется уровень " .. 
		buyButtonText = string.format(exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_required_level"), tostring(Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.level))
	elseif Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price > localPlayer:getData("money") then
		buyButtonActive = false
		buyButtonText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_no_money")
	if not buyButtonActive then
		dxDrawRectangle(0, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(32, 30, 31))	
		dxDrawText(buyButtonText, 20, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 150), 1, headerFont, "center", "center")		
		dxDrawRectangle(0, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]))	
		dxDrawText(buyButtonText, 20, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, headerFont, "center", "center")	

	local y = headerHeight
	local barWidth = resolution.x - barOffset * 2
	for i, bar in ipairs(barsList) do
		-- Подпись
		dxDrawText(bar.text, 0, y, resolution.x, y + labelHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, labelFont, "center", "center")
		y = y + labelHeight
		dxDrawRectangle(barOffset, y, barWidth, barHeight, tocolor(65, 65, 65))
		dxDrawRectangle(barOffset, y, barWidth * bar.value, barHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]))

		bar.value = bar.value + (Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.specs[bar.param] - bar.value) * 0.2
		y = y + barHeight * 2
	local labelText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label")
	local valueText = ""
	if Carshop.hasDriftHandling then
		valueText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label_yes")
		valueText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label_no")
	dxDrawText(labelText .. ": " .. themeColorHex .. valueText, 0, y, resolution.x, y + labelHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, labelFont, "center", "center", false, false, false, true)


	local halfHeight = Vector3(0, 0, size.y / 2)
	local rad = math.rad(rotation)
	local lookOffset = Vector3(math.cos(rad), math.sin(rad), 0)
		position + halfHeight, 
		position - halfHeight, 
		tocolor(255, 255, 255, 250),
		position + lookOffset

function CarshopMenu.start(basePosition)
	position = MENU_OFFSET + basePosition

	renderTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(resolution.x, resolution.y, false)
	headerFont = exports.dpAssets:createFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 20)
	labelFont = exports.dpAssets:createFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 18)

	themeColor = {exports.dpUI:getThemeColor()}
	themeColorHex = tostring(exports.dpUtils:RGBToHex(unpack(themeColor)))

	for i, bar in ipairs(barsList) do
		bar.text = exports.dpLang:getString(bar.locale)

	addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)

function CarshopMenu.stop()
	if isElement(renderTarget) then
	if isElement(headerFont) then
	if isElement(labelFont) then
	removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)

Also, I don't see "labelFont" declared to an actual font anywhere. I mean at line 21 you do "local labelFont" but then you don't give it any value before using it at lines 38 and 40. Here's an example of how to import a custom font from a file inside any script:

Digital = dxCreateFont("Digital.ttf", 21) --Custom font 

I added a check at line 45, that should fix the boolean error.

Always when it gives boolean errors/warnings that means that the script is not sure if the thing given in the error message is there or not. It can be a file, variable, font, pretty much anything. Most times a simple "if" statement gets rid of the error. This way you tell the script explicitly to check if the wanted/needed thing is actually there or not. Hope something out of this post helps you out. :)

Edited by koragg
Next time please include [QUESTION] before the title of the topic if it's a question and try to describe the problem with a few words in the topic title. "Help Me Please" means nothing but "Problem with fonts" or "Help me fix boolean error" is far better.
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1 hour ago, koragg said:

Try this this to fix your boolean error:

CarshopMenu = {}local renderTargetlocal MENU_OFFSET = Vector3(-7.5, -7, -0.7)local position = Vector3()local size = Vector2(1.5, 1.9)local rotation = 280local resolution = size * 250local headerHeight = 70local barOffset = 20local barHeight = 20local labelHeight = 50local barsList = {	{locale = "carshop_label_speed", value = 0.7, param = "speed"},	{locale = "carshop_label_acceleration", value = 0.4, param = "acceleration"},	{locale = "carshop_label_control", value = 0.85, param = "control"}}local headerFontlocal labelFontlocal hasDriftHandling = falselocal themeColor = {0, 0, 0}local themeColorHex = "#FFFFFF"local function draw()	dxSetRenderTarget(renderTarget)	dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(42, 40, 41))	dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(32, 30, 31))		local priceText = ""	if Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price > 0 then		priceText = "$" .. tostring(Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price)	else		priceText = exports.dpLang:getString("price_free")	end	dxDrawText(priceText, 0, 0, resolution.x - 20, headerHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]), 1, labelFont, "right", "center")	local priceWidth = dxGetTextWidth(priceText, 1, labelFont)	local headerText = Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.name	local hearderWidth = dxGetTextWidth(headerText, 1, headerFont)	local hearderScale = false	if priceWidth then		hearderScale = math.min(1, (resolution.x - 60 - priceWidth) / hearderWidth)		dxDrawText(headerText, 20, 0, resolution.x - 20 - priceWidth, headerHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), hearderScale, headerFont, "left", "center", true)	end		local buyButtonActive = true	local buyButtonText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_buy_button")	if Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.level > localPlayer:getData("level") then		buyButtonActive = false		--"Требуется уровень " .. 		buyButtonText = string.format(exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_required_level"), tostring(Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.level))	elseif Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price > localPlayer:getData("money") then		buyButtonActive = false		buyButtonText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_no_money")	end	if not buyButtonActive then		dxDrawRectangle(0, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(32, 30, 31))			dxDrawText(buyButtonText, 20, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 150), 1, headerFont, "center", "center")			else		dxDrawRectangle(0, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]))			dxDrawText(buyButtonText, 20, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, headerFont, "center", "center")		end	local y = headerHeight	local barWidth = resolution.x - barOffset * 2	for i, bar in ipairs(barsList) do		-- Подпись		dxDrawText(bar.text, 0, y, resolution.x, y + labelHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, labelFont, "center", "center")		y = y + labelHeight		dxDrawRectangle(barOffset, y, barWidth, barHeight, tocolor(65, 65, 65))		dxDrawRectangle(barOffset, y, barWidth * bar.value, barHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]))		bar.value = bar.value + (Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.specs[bar.param] - bar.value) * 0.2		y = y + barHeight * 2	end	local labelText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label")	local valueText = ""	if Carshop.hasDriftHandling then		valueText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label_yes")	else		valueText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label_no")	end	dxDrawText(labelText .. ": " .. themeColorHex .. valueText, 0, y, resolution.x, y + labelHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, labelFont, "center", "center", false, false, false, true)	dxSetRenderTarget()	local halfHeight = Vector3(0, 0, size.y / 2)	local rad = math.rad(rotation)	local lookOffset = Vector3(math.cos(rad), math.sin(rad), 0)	dxDrawMaterialLine3D(		position + halfHeight, 		position - halfHeight, 		renderTarget, 		size.x, 		tocolor(255, 255, 255, 250),		position + lookOffset	)endfunction CarshopMenu.start(basePosition)	position = MENU_OFFSET + basePosition	renderTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(resolution.x, resolution.y, false)	headerFont = exports.dpAssets:createFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 20)	labelFont = exports.dpAssets:createFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 18)	themeColor = {exports.dpUI:getThemeColor()}	themeColorHex = tostring(exports.dpUtils:RGBToHex(unpack(themeColor)))	for i, bar in ipairs(barsList) do		bar.text = exports.dpLang:getString(bar.locale)	end	addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)endfunction CarshopMenu.stop()	if isElement(renderTarget) then		destroyElement(renderTarget)	end	if isElement(headerFont) then		destroyElement(headerFont)	end	if isElement(labelFont) then		destroyElement(labelFont)	end		removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)end

Also, I don't see "labelFont" declared to an actual font anywhere. I mean at line 21 you do "local labelFont" but then you don't give it any value before using it at lines 38 and 40. Here's an example of how to import a custom font from a file inside any script:

Digital = dxCreateFont("Digital.ttf", 21) --Custom font 

I added a check at line 45, that should fix the boolean error.

Always when it gives boolean errors/warnings that means that the script is not sure if the thing given in the error message is there or not. It can be a file, variable, font, pretty much anything. Most times a simple "if" statement gets rid of the error. This way you tell the script explicitly to check if the wanted/needed thing is actually there or not. Hope something out of this post helps you out. :)

Now I know for sure that the problem in the exports.lua script. 
Due to incorrect imports, there is no text everywhere where the font Roboto-Regular.ttf is used
11 hours ago, Dead7ucky said:

And also I think that this Warning Affects my problem.

Warning:dpAssetst\client\exports.lua:33:Error creating font @ 'dxCreateFont' [assest/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf]


All Fonts are in the folder.

local ASSETS_PATH 	= "assets/"local SHADERS_PATH 	= "shaders/"local TEXTURES_PATH = "textures/"local FONTS_PATH 	= "fonts/"local cache = {	textures = {},	shaders = {},	fonts = {}}local function setupElementParent(element, resource)	if not element or not resource then		return false	end	element.parent = getResourceDynamicElementRoot(resource)	return trueendfunction createShader(name, ...)	local element = dxCreateShader(ASSETS_PATH .. SHADERS_PATH .. tostring(name), ...)	setupElementParent(element, sourceResource)	return elementendfunction createTexture(name, ...)	local element = dxCreateTexture(ASSETS_PATH .. TEXTURES_PATH .. tostring(name), ...)	setupElementParent(element, sourceResource)	return element	endfunction createFont(name, ...)	local element = dxCreateFont(ASSETS_PATH .. FONTS_PATH .. tostring(name), ...)	setupElementParent(element, sourceResource)	return element	endfunction createShaderCached(name, ...)	if not name then		return false	end	if cache.shaders[name] then		return cache.shaders[name]	end	cache.shaders[name] = createShader(name, ...)	setupElementParent(cache.shaders[name], sourceResource)	return cache.shaders[name]endfunction createTextureCached(name, ...)	if not name then		return false	end	if cache.textures[name] then		return cache.textures[name]	end	cache.textures[name] = createTexture(name, ...)	setupElementParent(cache.textures[name], sourceResource)	return cache.textures[name]endfunction createFontCached(name, ...)	if not name then		return false	end	if cache.fonts[name] then		return cache.fonts[name]	end	cache.fonts[name] = createFont(name, ...)	setupElementParent(cache.fonts[name], sourceResource)	return cache.fonts[name]end



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function createFont(name, size)
	local element = dxCreateFont(ASSETS_PATH .. FONTS_PATH .. tostring(name), tonumber(size))
	setupElementParent(element, sourceResource)
	return element	

Maybe it thinks that the size passed is a string? Replace the function in exports.la with the above and try. I made the second argument passed to always be a number (since that's what dxCreateFont wants). If not, give link to the fonts resource as I can't find it.

Edited by koragg
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26 minutes ago, koragg said:

function createFont(name, size)	local element = dxCreateFont(ASSETS_PATH .. FONTS_PATH .. tostring(name), tonumber(size))	setupElementParent(element, sourceResource)	return element	end

Maybe it thinks that the size passed is a string? Replace the function in exports.la with the above and try. I made the second argument passed to always be a number (since that's what dxCreateFont wants). If not, give link to the fonts resource as I can't find it.

Fonts located is here : \dpAssets\assets\fonts

Link to comment
On 6/1/2017 at 12:25, Dead7ucky said:

I just tried using this^ resource to change a font in my race lap counter text and it worked perfectly..hmm. There were no errors at all and everything was fine, text drawn, font changed.


Your function "CarshopMenu.start" is not called anywhere? Atleast I don't see it being called anywhere. Try this (declared fonts as global variables at top of script {lines 20 and 21}) and see if it works as there's no problem with the dpAssets resource since I just tried it and it worked great for me.

CarshopMenu = {}
local renderTarget
local MENU_OFFSET = Vector3(-7.5, -7, -0.7)
local position = Vector3()
local size = Vector2(1.5, 1.9)
local rotation = 280
local resolution = size * 250

local headerHeight = 70
local barOffset = 20
local barHeight = 20
local labelHeight = 50

local barsList = {
	{locale = "carshop_label_speed", value = 0.7, param = "speed"},
	{locale = "carshop_label_acceleration", value = 0.4, param = "acceleration"},
	{locale = "carshop_label_control", value = 0.85, param = "control"}

local headerFont = exports.dpAssets:createFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 20)
local labelFont = exports.dpAssets:createFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 18)
local hasDriftHandling = false

local themeColor = {0, 0, 0}
local themeColorHex = "#FFFFFF"

local function draw()
	dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(42, 40, 41))
	dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(32, 30, 31))	

	local priceText = ""
	if Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price > 0 then
		priceText = "$" .. tostring(Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price)
		priceText = exports.dpLang:getString("price_free")
	dxDrawText(priceText, 0, 0, resolution.x - 20, headerHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]), 1, labelFont, "right", "center")

	local priceWidth = dxGetTextWidth(priceText, 1, labelFont)

	local headerText = Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.name
	local hearderWidth = dxGetTextWidth(headerText, 1, headerFont)
	local hearderScale = false
	if priceWidth then
		hearderScale = math.min(1, (resolution.x - 60 - priceWidth) / hearderWidth)
		dxDrawText(headerText, 20, 0, resolution.x - 20 - priceWidth, headerHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), hearderScale, headerFont, "left", "center", true)
	local buyButtonActive = true
	local buyButtonText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_buy_button")
	if Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.level > localPlayer:getData("level") then
		buyButtonActive = false
		--"Требуется уровень " .. 
		buyButtonText = string.format(exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_required_level"), tostring(Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.level))
	elseif Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.price > localPlayer:getData("money") then
		buyButtonActive = false
		buyButtonText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_no_money")
	if not buyButtonActive then
		dxDrawRectangle(0, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(32, 30, 31))	
		dxDrawText(buyButtonText, 20, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 150), 1, headerFont, "center", "center")		
		dxDrawRectangle(0, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, headerHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]))	
		dxDrawText(buyButtonText, 20, resolution.y - headerHeight, resolution.x, resolution.y, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, headerFont, "center", "center")	

	local y = headerHeight
	local barWidth = resolution.x - barOffset * 2
	for i, bar in ipairs(barsList) do
		-- Подпись
		dxDrawText(bar.text, 0, y, resolution.x, y + labelHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, labelFont, "center", "center")
		y = y + labelHeight
		dxDrawRectangle(barOffset, y, barWidth, barHeight, tocolor(65, 65, 65))
		dxDrawRectangle(barOffset, y, barWidth * bar.value, barHeight, tocolor(themeColor[1], themeColor[2], themeColor[3]))

		bar.value = bar.value + (Carshop.currentVehicleInfo.specs[bar.param] - bar.value) * 0.2
		y = y + barHeight * 2
	local labelText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label")
	local valueText = ""
	if Carshop.hasDriftHandling then
		valueText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label_yes")
		valueText = exports.dpLang:getString("carshop_drift_label_no")
	dxDrawText(labelText .. ": " .. themeColorHex .. valueText, 0, y, resolution.x, y + labelHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, labelFont, "center", "center", false, false, false, true)


	local halfHeight = Vector3(0, 0, size.y / 2)
	local rad = math.rad(rotation)
	local lookOffset = Vector3(math.cos(rad), math.sin(rad), 0)
		position + halfHeight, 
		position - halfHeight, 
		tocolor(255, 255, 255, 250),
		position + lookOffset

function CarshopMenu.start(basePosition)
	position = MENU_OFFSET + basePosition

	renderTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(resolution.x, resolution.y, false)

	themeColor = {exports.dpUI:getThemeColor()}
	themeColorHex = tostring(exports.dpUtils:RGBToHex(unpack(themeColor)))

	for i, bar in ipairs(barsList) do
		bar.text = exports.dpLang:getString(bar.locale)

	addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)

function CarshopMenu.stop()
	if isElement(renderTarget) then
	if isElement(headerFont) then
	if isElement(labelFont) then
	removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)


Edited by koragg
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