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  On 13/11/2017 at 03:36, Lowner said:

dgsDxGUIBringToFront dont work with dgsDxCreateEdit.
If I try to do:

dgsDxGUIBringToFront (EditBox, 'left')
dgsDxEditSetCaretPosition (EditBox, 1)

The cursor simply flashes and I can not start writing without clicking the mouse on the dgsDxCreateEdit.


I don't have such problem. try to update your dgs to the latest version with  updatedgs

Edited by thisdp
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Hi there.

I have an idea for you, as soon as you seem to be interested in GUI programming. I'm not using your GUI system, but what I want to suggest has nothing to do with specific GUI, it's more like MTA problem atm.

So, when you're programming a GUI, you are forced to constantly keep in mind all those numbers: buttons positions, windows sizes, font scales and so on. This information is a garbage that doesn't really help to improve script logic, but acts like stones attached to your legs that doesn't allow your brain to put some ideas into working script as fast as you may want to.

So what I suppose for you is to make an editor where you can create GUI using drag/drop technique, that will generate GUI script automatically. This will allow brain to focus on things that really matter (design, comfort of usage, game logic), instead of wasting energy on dealing with garbage.

If you are interested in making improvements over your current script version (maybe v2.0?) I guess this is a worthy thing to go for.

P.S. Thanks for your efforts anyways.

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  • Scripting Moderators
  On 16/11/2017 at 04:17, AfterAll14 said:

Hi there.

I have an idea for you, as soon as you seem to be interested in GUI programming. I'm not using your GUI system, but what I want to suggest has nothing to do with specific GUI, it's more like MTA problem atm.

So, when you're programming a GUI, you are forced to constantly keep in mind all those numbers: buttons positions, windows sizes, font scales and so on. This information is a garbage that doesn't really help to improve script logic, but acts like stones attached to your legs that doesn't allow your brain to put some ideas into working script as fast as you may want to.

So what I suppose for you is to make an editor where you can create GUI using drag/drop technique, that will generate GUI script automatically. This will allow brain to focus on things that really matter (design, comfort of usage, game logic), instead of wasting energy on dealing with garbage.

If you are interested in making improvements over your current script version (maybe v2.0?) I guess this is a worthy thing to go for.

P.S. Thanks for your efforts anyways.


Thanks for your advice. Actually my dxlib focus on the designing. There are a lot of properties of every dxgui. Most of original gui functions can be replaced by dgs' ones directly.

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  • Scripting Moderators

Thanks for your report. And I will fix them soon.

  On 18/11/2017 at 01:00, Ahmed Ly said:

that function doesn't work 





  On 17/11/2017 at 18:56, Taka said:

dgsDxEditSetMaxLength not work if paste text through dgsDxGUISetText



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Why memo invisible? No errors

function openSmsWindow(number)
	smartGUI.sms.smsLabel = DGS:dgsDxCreateLabel(0.05, 0.15, 1, 0.1, "Введите SMS для номера "..number.."", true, smartGUI.desktop, 0xFF000000)
	smartGUI.sms.memo = DGS:dgsDxCreateMemo(0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.4, "WHERE YOU?!", true, smartGUI.desktop, 0xFF0000FF, 1, 1, nil, 0xFFBFBFBF)


Edited by Taka
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  • Scripting Moderators
  On 18/11/2017 at 10:10, Taka said:

Why memo invisible? No errors

function openSmsWindow(number)
	smartGUI.sms.smsLabel = DGS:dgsDxCreateLabel(0.05, 0.15, 1, 0.1, "Введите SMS для номера "..number.."", true, smartGUI.desktop, 0xFF000000)
	smartGUI.sms.memo = DGS:dgsDxCreateMemo(0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.4, "WHERE YOU?!", true, smartGUI.desktop, 0xFF0000FF, 1, 1, nil, 0xFFBFBFBF)



What will it happen when you turn off "debugdgs" ?

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  • Scripting Moderators
  On 18/11/2017 at 10:15, Taka said:

Nothing. Memo still invisible. 

If enter a lot of characters horizontally, it starts to work, but if enter a lot of characters vertically, it broken.


The problem is found.

Edited by thisdp
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  • Scripting Moderators
  On 18/11/2017 at 10:15, Taka said:

Nothing. Memo still invisible. 

If enter a lot of characters horizontally, it starts to work, but if enter a lot of characters vertically, it broken.


Your problems are solved. Update DGS to 2.94.

See update log : http://angel.mtaip.cn:233/dgsUpdate

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  • Scripting Moderators
  On 18/11/2017 at 10:15, Taka said:

Nothing. Memo still invisible. 

If enter a lot of characters horizontally, it starts to work, but if enter a lot of characters vertically, it broken.


May be this will help you. I have just finished it.


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local AnimationWindow = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateWindow(584,226,262,421,"TRYO ~ Animasyonlar",false)
local stop = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateButton(9,367,122,25,"Durdur",false,AnimationWindow)
local close = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateButton(133,367,120,25,"Kapat",false,AnimationWindow)
local animgrid = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateGridList(9,3,244,358,false,AnimationWindow)
local column1 = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListAddColumn(animgrid,"Kategoriler",0.35)
local column2 = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListAddColumn(animgrid,"Animasyon",0.5)

for i=1,#anims do
	local cato, name = anims[i][1], anims[i][2]
	local row = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListAddRow ( animgrid )
	exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListSetItemText ( animgrid, row, column1, cato, false, false )
	exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListSetItemText ( animgrid, row, column2, name, false, false )
	exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListSetItemData ( animgrid, row, column1, {anims[i][3],anims[i][4]} )

And buttons havent got wordwrap. Add it and it will be good. Thanks.

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  • Scripting Moderators
  On 19/11/2017 at 14:01, ahmedo01 said:

local AnimationWindow = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateWindow(584,226,262,421,"TRYO ~ Animasyonlar",false)
local stop = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateButton(9,367,122,25,"Durdur",false,AnimationWindow)
local close = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateButton(133,367,120,25,"Kapat",false,AnimationWindow)
local animgrid = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateGridList(9,3,244,358,false,AnimationWindow)
local column1 = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListAddColumn(animgrid,"Kategoriler",0.35)
local column2 = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListAddColumn(animgrid,"Animasyon",0.5)

for i=1,#anims do
	local cato, name = anims[i][1], anims[i][2]
	local row = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListAddRow ( animgrid )
	exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListSetItemText ( animgrid, row, column1, cato, false, false )
	exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListSetItemText ( animgrid, row, column2, name, false, false )
	exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListSetItemData ( animgrid, row, column1, {anims[i][3],anims[i][4]} )

And buttons havent got wordwrap. Add it and it will be good. Thanks.



  On 19/11/2017 at 13:40, ahmedo01 said:

Good library. Thanks for it.


I have a gridlist and second column is blurred why? Can you help me with that?


Don't worry about it, it will be fixed in the next update/version.

Thanks for your advice.

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I got a very important bug. Needs hot fix.

I use edit in my gui and added this code

addEventHandler("onClientDgsDxGUITextChange", add_item_amount, function(element)
            LAST_AMOUNT = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_amount)

function fixEdits()
    local price = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_price))
    local amount = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_amount))
    local buyamount = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(buy_select_edit))
    if not price then
    if not amount then
    if not buyamount then
    if exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_price):len() > 5 then
    if exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_amount):len() > 5 then
    if exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(buy_select_edit):len() > 5 then
function reloadPriceCalc()
    local price = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_price)) or 0
    local amount = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_amount)) or 0
    exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(GUIEditor.label[5],"Toplam: $"..(price*amount))
    local buyamount = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(buy_select_edit))
    if buyamount then
        exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(GUIEditor.label[10],"Alınacak eşya sayısı: "..buyamount)
    local selectedbuy = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListGetSelectedItem( items_list )
    if selectedbuy and selectedbuy > -1 and buyamount then
        local idata = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListGetItemData( items_list, selectedbuy, 1 )
        exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(GUIEditor.label[12],"Ödenecek miktar: $"..(buyamount * idata.price))

and when you try to enter something into edit. Game freeze''.s. Waiting for fix.

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  • Scripting Moderators
  On 19/11/2017 at 18:44, ahmedo01 said:

I think it's about dgsDxGUISetText.


Stack Over Flow. I mean you make the code into a dead loop.

If you set text under the event "onClientDgsDxGUITextChange" without conditions. It will lead the thread into a dead loop.



From your code I think that what you need may be this function.

  On 19/11/2017 at 13:40, ahmedo01 said:

Good library. Thanks for it.


I have a gridlist and second column is blurred why? Can you help me with that?


I fixed the problem, updatedgs.

Edited by thisdp
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