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{VCS} Vice City Slayers


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VCS was made 1 month ago.


No cheating or mods eather. I have loads of modders in my server i would like a banned list of ip's. if i find anyone modding or cheating gets banned. No excuses if u have been cought cheating or modding.

No glitching. This is like the same above but it gets anoyng for new players. Anyone cought glitching gets kicked if they start it again banned.

Crashing people out games. Ok this is annoying me since i am the one getting crashed :x:x anyone cought doing that is getting banned right away.

Final rule. HAVE FUN!


-Lazlo (me) founder of VCS

Homer89 Client admin

PML1234 Site admin




Thedude reason BETRAYING VCS

Xplusion list

Thedude reason BETRAYING VCS

EDIT: added Enemies and Xplusion list

Edited by Guest
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Lazlo is full of shit. This is not his clan. I try not to curse, but hes not the leader. I am the creator, and leader. I have people who can back me up. And thank you for pointing out the obvious truth, this dickwad is a nub.BTW, Homer89 and pml are on my side, they can back me up too. GTAMAN, never heard of him. But this is MY clan.

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Not to me. I don't like it when a crazy n00b who wanted to be in my clan, lies saying its his. He had NOTHING to do with its creation. He has made countless threats, the various times hes been to my server. One time he said he would make a fake chat log, and post it here.

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Does anybody else notice this? Souther Finest is obviously a personal friend of lazlo. This topic should be sent to the trash can, lazlo should be banned. I am the SOLE creator and leader of VCS.

lol *opens msn chat log*



Brad says:


TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

thanks dude

Brad says:


TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:


TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

you screwed up!

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

edit it

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

dont post that nu773r created it

Brad says:

no i aint lying for you

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

hes being an asshole

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

to both of us

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

and I'll do something for you

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

in return

Brad says:

I dont care itd be better if you sort out your issues instead of avoid them

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

I am sorting it out

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

just post that I made teh clan

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

I'll make it worth your while

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

believe me

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

and nu773r is a horrible leader

Brad says:

I aint lying

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

and an asshole

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

its only one time

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:


TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

just edit your post

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

come on

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

I'll let you join VCS

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

and run it with me

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

if you edit your post

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

You just made a huge mistake

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TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

just post that I made teh clan

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

I'll make it worth your while

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

believe me

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

and nu773r is a horrible leader

Brad says:

I aint lying

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I guess I was half right. Only somebody else made the fake chat log. Nice try southern.

Can we end this pointless debate? We all truly know its my clan. I dont have time for this. I have a clan to bring back to glory. Your a stain on the body armor of VCS. I want you to admit it is not your clan. A full confession.

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TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

just post that I made teh clan

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

I'll make it worth your while

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

believe me

TheDude-waiting in line for Star Wars:ROTS gtacity.xpt.net says:

and nu773r is a horrible leader

Brad says:

I aint lying

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I guess I was half right. Only somebody else made the fake chat log. Nice try southern.

Can we end this pointless debate? We all truly know its my clan. I dont have time for this. I have a clan to bring back to glory. Your a stain on the body armor of VCS. I want you to admit it is not your clan. A full confession.


*takes screen shot of msn window*


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