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[QUESTION] How to record distance travelled by vehicle?


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Hello people. Few days ago I started creating a new PlayerStats panel mainly focused on racing. I added the following things so far and they all work perfectly:

-Cars destroyed

-Bikes destroyed

-Boats destroyed

-Planes & Helicopters destroyed

-Race starts

-Race finishes

-Race wins

-Toptimes set

-Checkpoints collected

-Total earnings

-Money spent

-Current balance

But I also wanted to add these things:

*Distance travelled by car

*Distance travelled by motorbike

*Distance travelled by boat

*Distance travelled by aircraft

*Distance travelled by bicycle


So my question is, how can I record the distance travelled and save it as account data like all other stats above? I saw this and although I found the code responsible for recording the distance it's done in a pretty hard way (at least for me). Is there an easy way to record distance travelled by each of the above vehicles (in KMh)? 

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local totalDis
local lastX, lastY, lastZ

function startJourney()
	if not lastX then -- if there is no previous position save the current
    	lastX, lastY, lastZ = getElementPosition(vehElement)
      local currX, currY, currZ = getElementPosition(vehElement) -- get the current position of the vehicle
      totalDis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(currX, currY, currZ, lastX, lastY, lastZ ) -- calculate the distance between the current and the last and add it to the totalDistance
      lastX, lastY, lastZ = currX, currY, currZ -- update the last position with the current
    end, 2000, 0) -- 2 sec infinite timer, could be increased/decreased, the smaller it is the more accurate results you get

I used something like that in one of my projects, not saying it's the best solution, but it was working fine for me.

Edited by pa3ck
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I guess that's server-side right? And I'll be able to check if it's a car, bike, etc by doing an "if getElementModel(vehElement) == 411 then". Timer set to 50 sounds the most accurate.

Edited by koragg
Or it would be better if I add an "onClientRender" and make it client-side?
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Doesn't have to be server side, it's fine on client side with something like getTickCount() so you only update the element data every couple of seconds, like 5-8-10 secs or so, depending if you need to display it on HUD, that would be a bit choppy. Regarding the timer tick, 50 would be the most accurate, yea, but I don't think it's that important to get as accurate result as you can. See when you drive 150m forward, then 50m backward between 2 ticks, it will only update 100, not 200 (as a real car would), but you can't really change much on the outcome under 1-2 second time span.

Edited by pa3ck
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You could use this.

local total_km, partial_km, tick_km = 0, 0, 0

function handleSpeed()
  if ( getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer ) and getVehicleOccupant( getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer ), 0 ) == localPlayer ) then
    local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer )
    if ( tick_km <= 0 ) and ( getVehicleEngineState( vehicle ) ) then
      tick_km = getTickCount()

    if ( getTickCount() - tick_km >= 1000 ) then
      local sx, sy, sz = getElementVelocity ( theVehicle )
      local kms = ( ( ( sx * sx ) + ( sy * sy ) + ( sz * sz ) ) ^ ( 0.5 ) ) * 1000 / 3600 -- This would be the most realistic way but it add's up very fastly so better up the number that is dividing.

      if ( partial_km + kms >= 1 ) then
        partial_km = ( partial_km + kms ) - 1

        total_km = total_km + 1
        partial_km = partial_km + kms
	  tick_km = getTickCount()
addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, handleSpeed )


Edited by Simple01
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Thanks to both of you, I used @Simple01's code as I did something similar when recording total drift score some time ago and was more familiar with it being client side.

1. Recorded the distance client-side

2. Sent it to server-side with events (those things are priceless)


-- Used to record distance passed with the specific vehicle category.
local totalAircraft_km = 0
local partialAircraft_km = 0
local tickAircraft_km = 0

local totalBoat_km = 0
local partialBoat_km = 0
local tickBoat_km = 0

local totalBike_km = 0
local partialBike_km = 0
local tickBike_km = 0

local totalCar_km = 0
local partialCar_km = 0
local tickCar_km = 0

local totalBicycle_km = 0
local partialBicycle_km = 0
local tickBicycle_km = 0

function handleSpeed()
	local car = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	local id
	if car then
		id = getElementModel(car)
	-- distanceByAircraft
	if id == 592 or id == 577 or id == 511 or id == 512 or id == 593 or id == 520 or id == 553 or id == 476 or id == 519
	or id == 460 or id == 513 or id == 548 or id == 425 or id == 417 or id == 487 or id == 488 or id == 497 or id == 563 
	or id == 447 or id == 469 then	
		if car and getVehicleOccupant(car, 0) == localPlayer then
			if tickAircraft_km <= 0 and getVehicleEngineState(car) then
				tickAircraft_km = getTickCount()
			if getTickCount() - tickAircraft_km >= 1000 then
				local sx, sy, sz = getElementVelocity(car)
				local kms = ((sx * sx + sy * sy + sz * sz)^(0.5) * 1000) / 20650
				if partialAircraft_km + kms >= 1 then
					partialAircraft_km = partialAircraft_km + kms - 1
					totalAircraft_km = totalAircraft_km + 1
					triggerServerEvent("distanceByAircraft", localPlayer, totalAircraft_km)
					partialAircraft_km = partialAircraft_km + kms
				tickAircraft_km = getTickCount()
	-- distanceByBoat
	elseif id == 472 or id == 473 or id == 493 or id == 595 or id == 484 or id == 430 or id == 453 or id == 452 or 
	id == 446 or id == 454 then
		if car and getVehicleOccupant(car, 0) == localPlayer then
			if tickBoat_km <= 0 and getVehicleEngineState(car) then
				tickBoat_km = getTickCount()
			if getTickCount() - tickBoat_km >= 1000 then
				local sx, sy, sz = getElementVelocity(car)
				local kms = ((sx * sx + sy * sy + sz * sz)^(0.5) * 1000) / 20650
				if partialBoat_km + kms >= 1 then
					partialBoat_km = partialBoat_km + kms - 1
					totalBoat_km = totalBoat_km + 1
					triggerServerEvent("distanceByBoat", localPlayer, totalBoat_km)
					partialBoat_km = partialBoat_km + kms
				tickBoat_km = getTickCount()
	-- distanceByBike
	elseif id == 581 or id == 509 or id == 481 or id == 462 or id == 521 or id == 463 or id == 510 or id == 522 or 
	id == 461 or id == 448 or id == 468 or id == 586 then
		if car and getVehicleOccupant(car, 0) == localPlayer then
			if tickBike_km <= 0 and getVehicleEngineState(car) then
				tickBike_km = getTickCount()
			if getTickCount() - tickBike_km >= 1000 then
				local sx, sy, sz = getElementVelocity(car)
				local kms = ((sx * sx + sy * sy + sz * sz)^(0.5) * 1000) / 20650
				if partialBike_km + kms >= 1 then
					partialBike_km = partialBike_km + kms - 1
					totalBike_km = totalBike_km + 1
					triggerServerEvent("distanceByBike", localPlayer, totalBike_km)
					partialBike_km = partialBike_km + kms
				tickBike_km = getTickCount()
	-- distanceByCar
	elseif id == 602 or id == 496 or id == 401 or id == 518 or id == 527 or id == 589 or id == 419 or id == 587 or 
	id == 533 or id == 526 or id == 474 or id == 545 or id == 517 or id == 410 or id == 600 or id == 436 or id == 439 or 
	id == 549 or id == 491 or id == 485 or id == 431 or id == 438 or id == 437 or id == 574 or id == 420 or id == 525 or 
	id == 408 or id == 552 or id == 416 or id == 433 or id == 427 or id == 490 or id == 528 or id == 407 or id == 544 or 
	id == 523 or id == 470 or id == 596 or id == 598 or id == 599 or id == 597 or id == 432 or id == 601 or id == 428 or 
	id == 499 or id == 609 or id == 498 or id == 524 or id == 532 or id == 578 or id == 486 or id == 406 or id == 573 or 
	id == 455 or id == 588 or id == 403 or id == 423 or id == 414 or id == 443 or id == 515 or id == 514 or id == 531 or 
	id == 456 or id == 459 or id == 422 or id == 482 or id == 605 or id == 530 or id == 418 or id == 572 or id == 582 or 
	id == 413 or id == 440 or id == 543 or id == 583 or id == 478 or id == 554 or id == 579 or id == 400 or id == 404 or 
	id == 489 or id == 505 or id == 479 or id == 442 or id == 458 or id == 536 or id == 575 or id == 534 or id == 567 or 
	id == 535 or id == 576 or id == 412 or id == 402 or id == 542 or id == 603 or id == 475 or id == 429 or id == 541 or 
	id == 415 or id == 480 or id == 562 or id == 565 or id == 434 or id == 494 or id == 502 or id == 503 or id == 411 or 
	id == 559 or id == 561 or id == 560 or id == 506 or id == 451 or id == 558 or id == 555 or id == 477 or id == 441 or 
	id == 464 or id == 594 or id == 501 or id == 465 or id == 564 or id == 606 or id == 607 or id == 610 or id == 584 or 
	id == 611 or id == 608 or id == 435 or id == 450 or id == 591 or id == 590 or id == 538 or id == 570 or id == 569 or 
	id == 537 or id == 449 or id == 568 or id == 424 or id == 504 or id == 457 or id == 483 or id == 508 or id == 571 or
	id == 500 or id == 444 or id == 556 or id == 557 or id == 471 or id == 495 or id == 539 then
		if car and getVehicleOccupant(car, 0) == localPlayer then
			if tickCar_km <= 0 and getVehicleEngineState(car) then
				tickCar_km = getTickCount()
			if getTickCount() - tickCar_km >= 1000 then
				local sx, sy, sz = getElementVelocity(car)
				local kms = ((sx * sx + sy * sy + sz * sz)^(0.5) * 1000) / 20650
				if partialCar_km + kms >= 1 then
					partialCar_km = partialCar_km + kms - 1
					totalCar_km = totalCar_km + 1
					triggerServerEvent("distanceByCar", localPlayer, totalCar_km)
					partialCar_km = partialCar_km + kms
				tickCar_km = getTickCount()
	-- distanceByBicycle
	elseif id == 509 or id == 481 or id == 510 then
		if car and getVehicleOccupant(car, 0) == localPlayer then
			if tickBicycle_km <= 0 and getVehicleEngineState(car) then
				tickBicycle_km = getTickCount()
			if getTickCount() - tickBicycle_km >= 1000 then
				local sx, sy, sz = getElementVelocity(car)
				local kms = ((sx * sx + sy * sy + sz * sz)^(0.5) * 1000) / 20650
				if partialBicycle_km + kms >= 1 then
					partialBicycle_km = partialBicycle_km + kms - 1
					totalBicycle_km = totalBicycle_km + 1
					triggerServerEvent("distanceByBicycle", localPlayer, totalBicycle_km)
					partialBicycle_km = partialBicycle_km + kms
				tickBicycle_km = getTickCount()
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, handleSpeed)


-- distanceByAircraft
addEvent("distanceByAircraft", true)
function distanceByAircraft(currentDistance)
	local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount(source)
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
	local prevDistance = tonumber(getAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByAircraft") or 0)
	local newDistance = prevDistance + tonumber(currentDistance)
	setAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByAircraft", newDistance)
	setElementData(source, "distanceByAircraft", newDistance)
addEventHandler("distanceByAircraft", root, distanceByAircraft)

-- distanceByBoat
addEvent("distanceByBoat", true)
function distanceByBoat(currentDistance)
	local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount(source)
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
	local prevDistance = tonumber(getAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByBoat") or 0)
	local newDistance = prevDistance + tonumber(currentDistance)
	setAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByBoat", newDistance)
	setElementData(source, "distanceByBoat", newDistance)
addEventHandler("distanceByBoat", root, distanceByBoat)

-- distanceByBike
addEvent("distanceByBike", true)
function distanceByBike(currentDistance)
	local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount(source)
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
	local prevDistance = tonumber(getAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByBike") or 0)
	local newDistance = prevDistance + tonumber(currentDistance)
	setAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByBike", newDistance)
	setElementData(source, "distanceByBike", newDistance)
addEventHandler("distanceByBike", root, distanceByBike)

-- distanceByCar
addEvent("distanceByCar", true)
function distanceByCar(currentDistance)
	local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount(source)
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
	local prevDistance = tonumber(getAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByCar") or 0)
	local newDistance = prevDistance + tonumber(currentDistance)
	setAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByCar", newDistance)
	setElementData(source, "distanceByCar", newDistance)
addEventHandler("distanceByCar", root, distanceByCar)

-- distanceByBicycle
addEvent("distanceByBicycle", true)
function distanceByBicycle(currentDistance)
	local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount(source)
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
	local prevDistance = tonumber(getAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByBicycle") or 0)
	local newDistance = prevDistance + tonumber(currentDistance)
	setAccountData(playeraccount, "distanceByBicycle", newDistance)
	setElementData(source, "distanceByBicycle", newDistance)
addEventHandler("distanceByBicycle", root, distanceByCar)

And then used the element data to show the correct info on the GUI. :)


PS: I'm pretty sure I could have avoided like 70% of the code as it's the same but I prefer to play it safe :D

Edited by koragg
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Ops, made a small typo and can't edit my previous post :\

The total distance needs to be set to 0 after the event gets triggered so:

totalAircraft_km = totalAircraft_km + 1
triggerServerEvent("distanceByAircraft", localPlayer, totalAircraft_km)
totalAircraft_km = 0

And like that^ for each vehicle category (totalCar_km = 0, totalBike_km = 0, etc.)

Otherwise it recorded huge numbers as passed KMh :P

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	elseif id == 602 or id == 496 or id == 401 or id == 518 or id == 527 or id == 589 or id == 419 or id == 587 or 
	id == 533 or id == 526 or id == 474 or id == 545 or id == 517 or id == 410 or id == 600 or id == 436 or id == 439 or 
	id == 549 or id == 491 or id == 485 or id == 431 or id == 438 or id == 437 or id == 574 or id == 420 or id == 525 or 
	id == 408 or id == 552 or id == 416 or id == 433 or id == 427 or id == 490 or id == 528 or id == 407 or id == 544 or 
	id == 523 or id == 470 or id == 596 or id == 598 or id == 599 or id == 597 or id == 432 or id == 601 or id == 428 or 
	id == 499 or id == 609 or id == 498 or id == 524 or id == 532 or id == 578 or id == 486 or id == 406 or id == 573 or 
	id == 455 or id == 588 or id == 403 or id == 423 or id == 414 or id == 443 or id == 515 or id == 514 or id == 531 or 
	id == 456 or id == 459 or id == 422 or id == 482 or id == 605 or id == 530 or id == 418 or id == 572 or id == 582 or 
	id == 413 or id == 440 or id == 543 or id == 583 or id == 478 or id == 554 or id == 579 or id == 400 or id == 404 or 
	id == 489 or id == 505 or id == 479 or id == 442 or id == 458 or id == 536 or id == 575 or id == 534 or id == 567 or 
	id == 535 or id == 576 or id == 412 or id == 402 or id == 542 or id == 603 or id == 475 or id == 429 or id == 541 or 
	id == 415 or id == 480 or id == 562 or id == 565 or id == 434 or id == 494 or id == 502 or id == 503 or id == 411 or 
	id == 559 or id == 561 or id == 560 or id == 506 or id == 451 or id == 558 or id == 555 or id == 477 or id == 441 or 
	id == 464 or id == 594 or id == 501 or id == 465 or id == 564 or id == 606 or id == 607 or id == 610 or id == 584 or 
	id == 611 or id == 608 or id == 435 or id == 450 or id == 591 or id == 590 or id == 538 or id == 570 or id == 569 or 
	id == 537 or id == 449 or id == 568 or id == 424 or id == 504 or id == 457 or id == 483 or id == 508 or id == 571 or
	id == 500 or id == 444 or id == 556 or id == 557 or id == 471 or id == 495 or id == 539 then

Woow, this very very very inefficient. O_o

+ > onClientRender <

I suggest to follow a table tutorial.

local vehicleIDs = {
	car = {
		[501] = true,
    	[465] = true,
    	[607] = true,
    	[571] = true
	boat = {
     -- etc.



elseif vehicleIDs.car[id] then
-- do your stuff

elseif vehicleIDs.boat[id] then
-- do your stuff


and you might want to consider using: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/TriggerLatentServerEvent

Since you trigger it every second, you have to take in account that not everybody has great internet. I would strongly recommend to send it every 10 or even 20 seconds. What does 10 seconds matter when they are an hour in the server?

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onClientRender is fine, just the id check and communication between the server can be optimised.


Update time to check the distance

You also increase (~50ms) the update time with getTickCount as you did before. (that gives you somehow less lagg than a 50 ms timer)

Edited by IIYAMA
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