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Creating Elements (Vehicles) for each player only


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hello community i started making a car shop scripting where when a player hits a marker it opens up a gui menu where he can select which he wants to buy, BUT when he selects a specific car on the list i made it to spawn inside the carshop to see how it look like is(preview car)... the thing is the vehicle that is created is not locally which means all the players can see it any ideas how to create and remove elements only for localPlayer?  

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You probably have something like this (if it's a client-only script, as it should be):

local marker = createMaker(...)

addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker, function()

Change it to this:

local marker = createMaker(...)

addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker, function(player, dim)
    if player == localPlayer and dim then

If it doesn't look like that and you trigger an event from the server-side, show us your code.

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