iron015 Posted May 3, 2017 Share Posted May 3, 2017 Доброе утро! Можно ли сделать так, чтобы одна наклейка накладывалась поверх другой? У меня при наложении второй наклейки первая пропадает. shader1 = {} shader2 = {} addCommandHandler("setshader", function(cmd, shd, scale, x, y) vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if tonumber(shd) == 1 then if not shader1[vehicle] then shader1[vehicle] = dxCreateShader("files/carpaints/shaders/s1.fx") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader1[vehicle], "vehiclegrunge256", vehicle) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader1[vehicle], "?emap*", vehicle) end dxSetShaderValue(shader1[vehicle], "gTextureColor", dxCreateTexture("files/carpaints/stickers/1.png")) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[vehicle], "sPicSize", scale, scale) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[vehicle], "sPicPos", x, y) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[vehicle], "sPicBright", false) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[vehicle], "sTexAddress", 4) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[vehicle], "sMask", true) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[vehicle], "sMaskHeight", -0.1) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[vehicle], "sEnableDirt", 1) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[vehicle], "sEnableEnv", 1) elseif tonumber(shd) == 2 then if not shader2[vehicle] then shader2[vehicle] = dxCreateShader("files/carpaints/shaders/s2.fx") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2[vehicle], "vehiclegrunge256", vehicle) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2[vehicle], "?emap*", vehicle) end dxSetShaderValue(shader2[vehicle], "gTextureColor", dxCreateTexture("files/carpaints/stickers/2.png")) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[vehicle], "sPicSize", scale, scale) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[vehicle], "sPicPos", x, y) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[vehicle], "sPicBright", false) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[vehicle], "sTexAddress", 4) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[vehicle], "sMask", true) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[vehicle], "sMaskHeight", -0.1) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[vehicle], "sEnableDirt", 1) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[vehicle], "sEnableEnv", 1) end end) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), function() for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do px, py, pz = getElementPosition(v) fx, fy, fz = getMatrixForward(getElementMatrix(v)) ux, uy, uz = getMatrixUp(getElementMatrix(v)) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[v], "elementFwVector", fx, fy, fz) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[v], "elementUpVector", ux, uy, uz) dxSetShaderValue(shader1[v], "elementPosition", px, py, pz) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[v], "elementFwVector", fx, fy, fz) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[v], "elementUpVector", ux, uy, uz) dxSetShaderValue(shader2[v], "elementPosition", px, py, pz) end end) // // proj_paint_flat.fx // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Settings //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float3 elementPosition = float3(0,0,0); float3 elementFwVector = float3(0,0,0); float3 elementUpVector = float3(0,0,0); float2 sPicPos = float2(0,0); float2 sPicSize = float2(1,1); bool sPicBright = false; int sTexAddress = 4; bool sMask = true; float sMaskHeight = 0; bool sEnableDirt = false; bool sEnableEnv = false; texture gTextureColor; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Include some common stuff //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int gCapsMaxAnisotropy < string deviceCaps="MaxAnisotropy"; >; #define GENERATE_NORMALS #include "mta-helper.fx" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Sampler for the main texture //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sampler Sampler0 = sampler_state { Texture = (gTexture0); }; sampler Sampler1 = sampler_state { Texture = (gTexture1); }; sampler SamplerColor = sampler_state { Texture = (gTextureColor); MipFilter = Linear; MaxAnisotropy = gCapsMaxAnisotropy; MinFilter = Anisotropic; AddressU = sTexAddress; AddressV = sTexAddress; BorderColor = float4(0,0,0,0); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Structure of data sent to the vertex shader //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct VSInput { float3 Position : POSITION0; float3 Normal : NORMAL0; float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Structure of data sent to the pixel shader ( from the vertex shader ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct PSInput { float4 Position : POSITION0; float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; float3 Specular : COLOR1; float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD2; float2 TexCoord3 : TEXCOORD3; float PointPlaneDist : TEXCOORD4; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Create view matrix //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float4x4 createViewMatrix( float3 pos, float3 fwVec, float3 upVec ) { float3 zaxis = normalize( fwVec ); // The "forward" vector. float3 xaxis = normalize( cross( -upVec, zaxis ));// The "right" vector. float3 yaxis = cross( xaxis, zaxis ); // The "up" vector. // Create a 4x4 view matrix from the right, up, forward and eye position vectors float4x4 viewMatrix = { float4( xaxis.x, yaxis.x, zaxis.x, 0 ), float4( xaxis.y, yaxis.y, zaxis.y, 0 ), float4( xaxis.z, yaxis.z, zaxis.z, 0 ), float4(-dot( xaxis, pos ), -dot( yaxis, pos ), -dot( zaxis, pos ), 1 ) }; return viewMatrix; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Create orthographic projection matrix //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float4x4 createOrthographicProjectionMatrix(float near_plane, float far_plane, float viewport_sizeX, float viewport_sizeY) { float sizeX = 2 / viewport_sizeX; float sizeY = 2 / viewport_sizeY; float4x4 projectionMatrix = { float4(sizeX, 0, 0, 0), float4(0, sizeY, 0, 0), float4(0, 0, 2.0 / (far_plane - near_plane), 0), float4(0, 0, -(far_plane + near_plane) / (far_plane - near_plane), 1) }; return projectionMatrix; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // lightEnableState int gLight0Enable < string lightEnableState="0,Enable"; >; int gLight1Enable < string lightEnableState="1,Enable"; >; int gLight2Enable < string lightEnableState="2,Enable"; >; int gLight3Enable < string lightEnableState="3,Enable"; >; int gLight4Enable < string lightEnableState="4,Enable"; >; // lightState float4 gLight0Diffuse < string lightState="0,Diffuse"; >; float3 gLight0Direction < string lightState="0,Direction"; >; float4 gLight1Diffuse < string lightState="1,Diffuse"; >; float3 gLight1Direction < string lightState="1,Direction"; >; float4 gLight2Diffuse < string lightState="2,Diffuse"; >; float3 gLight2Direction < string lightState="2,Direction"; >; float4 gLight3Diffuse < string lightState="3,Diffuse"; >; float3 gLight3Direction < string lightState="3,Direction"; >; float4 gLight4Diffuse < string lightState="4,Diffuse"; >; float3 gLight4Direction < string lightState="4,Direction"; >; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // MTACalcGTACompleteDiffuse // - Calculate GTA lighting including pointlights for vehicles (all 4 lights) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float4 MTACalcGTACompleteDiffuse( float3 WorldNormal, float4 InDiffuse ) { // Calculate diffuse color by doing what D3D usually does float4 ambient = gAmbientMaterialSource == 0 ? gMaterialAmbient : InDiffuse; float4 diffuse = gDiffuseMaterialSource == 0 ? gMaterialDiffuse : InDiffuse; float4 emissive = gEmissiveMaterialSource == 0 ? gMaterialEmissive : InDiffuse; float4 TotalAmbient = ambient * ( gGlobalAmbient + gLightAmbient ); // Add all the 4 pointlights float DirectionFactor=0; float4 TotalDiffuse=0; if (gLight1Enable) { DirectionFactor = max(0,dot(WorldNormal, -gLight1Direction )); TotalDiffuse += ( gLight1Diffuse * DirectionFactor ); } if (gLight2Enable) { DirectionFactor = max(0,dot(WorldNormal, -gLight2Direction )); TotalDiffuse += ( gLight2Diffuse * DirectionFactor ); } if (gLight3Enable) { DirectionFactor = max(0,dot(WorldNormal, -gLight3Direction )); TotalDiffuse += ( gLight3Diffuse * DirectionFactor ); } if (gLight4Enable) { DirectionFactor = max(0,dot(WorldNormal, -gLight4Direction )); TotalDiffuse += ( gLight4Diffuse * DirectionFactor ); } TotalDiffuse *= diffuse; float4 OutDiffuse = saturate(TotalDiffuse + TotalAmbient + emissive); OutDiffuse.a *= diffuse.a; return OutDiffuse; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get Projected TexCoords //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float2 getProjectedTexCoord(float4 projPos, float2 uv) { projPos.xy += uv.xy; float projX = (0.5 * (projPos.w + projPos.x)); float projY = (0.5 * (projPos.w - projPos.y)); return float2(projX, projY) / projPos.w; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // VertexShaderFunction //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PSInput VertexShaderFunction(VSInput VS) { PSInput PS = (PSInput)0; // Calculate screen pos of vertex and pass to pixel shader PS.Position = mul(float4(VS.Position, 1), gWorldViewProjection); // Create view and projection matrices (for the projective texture) float4x4 sView = createViewMatrix(elementPosition + gWorld[2].xyz, - gWorld[2].xyz, gWorld[1].xyz); float4x4 sViewMask = createViewMatrix(elementPosition + elementUpVector , -elementUpVector , elementFwVector); float4x4 sProjection = createOrthographicProjectionMatrix(-800, 800, sPicSize.x, sPicSize.y); // Calculate the projective texture coordinates float4 worldPos = mul(float4(,1), gWorld); float4 viewPos = mul(worldPos, sView); float4 projPos = mul(viewPos, sProjection); float4 viewPosMask = mul(worldPos, sViewMask); float4 projPosMask = mul(viewPosMask, sProjection); // Pass texture coordinates to pixel shader PS.TexCoord = VS.TexCoord; PS.TexCoord1 = VS.TexCoord1; // Pass projective texture coordinates to pixel shader PS.TexCoord2 = getProjectedTexCoord(projPos, sPicPos); PS.TexCoord3 = getProjectedTexCoord(projPosMask, sPicPos); // Calculate GTA lighting for vehicle float3 worldNormal = mul(VS.Normal, (float3x3)gWorld).xyz; PS.Diffuse = MTACalcGTACompleteDiffuse(worldNormal, VS.Diffuse); PS.Specular.rgb = saturate(gMaterialSpecular.rgb * MTACalculateSpecular(gCameraDirection, gLight1Direction, worldNormal, gMaterialSpecPower) * 0.75); // Texture mask float3 upVec = normalize(elementUpVector); PS.PointPlaneDist = dot(, - elementPosition); return PS; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PixelShaderFunction //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float4 PixelShaderFunction(PSInput PS) : COLOR0 { // Get Paintjob texture float4 texel = tex2D(SamplerColor, PS.TexCoord2.xy); // Mask the texture if ((PS.PointPlaneDist < sMaskHeight) && (sMask)) texel.a = 0; if (sTexAddress == 4) if ((PS.TexCoord3.x < 0) || (PS.TexCoord3.x > 1) || (PS.TexCoord3.y < 0) || (PS.TexCoord3.y > 1)) texel.a = 0; // Multiply by paint specular color if (!sPicBright) texel.rgb *= saturate(0.1 + gMaterialSpecular.rgb * 1.25); // Get vehicle paint color float4 finalColor = PS.Diffuse; // Get and apply env map texture float3 refTex = tex2D(Sampler1, PS.TexCoord1.xy).rgb; if (sEnableEnv) finalColor.rgb += saturate(refTex.rgb * gMaterialSpecular.rgb * 0.22); // Lerp betwen paint and texture finalColor.rgb = lerp(finalColor.rgb, texel.rgb, texel.a); // Apply specular highlight finalColor.rgb += PS.Specular.rgb; // Get and apply dirt texture float3 dirtTex = tex2D(Sampler0, PS.TexCoord.xy).rgb; if (sEnableDirt) finalColor.rgb *= dirtTex; // Pass the outcome finalColor.rgb = saturate(finalColor.rgb); finalColor.a = PS.Diffuse.a; return finalColor; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Techniques //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ technique ortographic_projection { pass P0 { VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VertexShaderFunction(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction(); } } // Fallback technique fallback { pass P0 { // Just draw normally } } Link to comment
BrekBerry Posted March 31, 2018 Share Posted March 31, 2018 а система есть готовая??)))) Link to comment
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