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Mis Binds (Freeroam)


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Hola. Soy la Serpiente que anda por el bosque y aquí hay una fruta del Árbol del Conocimiento.

Las teclas más usado y sus descripciones

2 = Sniper rápido

3 = Escopetas con balas infinitas

6 = Uso estos cuando hago spawn

7 = Para modificar los vehículos

# = Borrar tus vehículos

z = Volar

; = Activar los binds para knife

- = Desactivarlos


bind 1 hk
bind 1 repair
bind 2 hk
bind 2 repair
bind 2 give 34
bind 3 hk
bind 3 repair
bind 3 give 25
bind 3 give 26
bind 4 give 33
bind 5 hk
bind 5 repair
bind 5 give 24
bind 6 setstyle 6
bind 6 give 39
bind 6 give 4
bind 6 give 22 100
bind 6 give 28 10000
bind 6 give 34 10000
bind 6 give 31 10000
bind 7 0 255 255 0 255 255
bind 7 neon white
bind 7 addupgrade 1074
bind 7 pj 2
bind 8 sp x x -1000
bind 9 grav 0
bind 9 grav 0.008
bind 0 flip    
bind 0 repair
bind = sp x x 200
bind [ sp x x 99990
bind ] sp x x 40
bind , sp
bind . grav 0.008
bind . grav 0
bind / grav 0.008
bind / grav 0.1
bind # cv 590 590
bind w stopanim
bind z superman

Knife (Fuera de Ware)


bind \ walk
bind \ sprint
bind \ jump
bind \ forwards
bind \ aim_weapon

Knife (Ware)


bind ; bind mouse5 down anim ped run_player
bind ; bind mouse5 up stopanim
bind ; bind q sp x x 1300
bind ; bind e sp x x 1000.5
bind ; bind mouse2 forwards
bind ; bind mouse2 walk
bind ; bind mouse2 jump
bind ; bind mouse2 sprint
bind ; unbind e next_weapon
bind ; unbind q previous_weapon
bind ; unbind mouse_wheel_up previous_weapon
bind ; unbind mouse_wheel_down next_weapon
bind ; bind mouse_wheel_up fire
bind ; bind mouse_wheel_down fire
bind ; bind mouse_wheel_up anim knife nil
bind ; bind mouse_wheel_down anim knife nil
bind ; bind mouse4 down jp
bind ; bind mouse4 down grav 0.1
bind ; bind mouse4 down forwards
bind ; bind mouse4 down sprint
bind ; bind mouse4 up sp x x 1000.5
bind ; bind mouse4 up grav 0.008
bind ; bind mouse4 up jp
bind - unbind mouse4 down
bind - unbind mouse4 up
bind - unbind mouse5 down anim
bind - unbind mouse5 up stopanim
bind - unbind q sp
bind - unbind e sp
bind - unbind mouse2 forwards
bind - unbind mouse2 walk
bind - unbind mouse2 jump
bind - unbind mouse2 sprint
bind - bind e next_weapon
bind - bind q previous_weapon
bind - bind mouse_wheel_up previous_weapon
bind - bind mouse_wheel_down next_weapon
bind - unbind mouse_wheel_up fire
bind - unbind mouse_wheel_down fire
bind - unbind mouse_wheel_up anim
bind - unbind mouse_wheel_down anim


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