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Problem with ID


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Hello guys,

I need help with this simple server script. Everything is working fine, the problem is that when I delete ID from the table. Take a look:

function onResourceStart()
    executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testing (id INT, text TEXT, name TEXT)")
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart)

function onChat(msg, msgType)
    if msgType == 0 then
        theTable = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM testing")
        executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO testing (id, text, name) VALUES (?,?,?)", #theTable + 1, msg, getPlayerName(source))
addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, onChat)

function showTable()
    theTable = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM testing")
    for i,v in ipairs(theTable) do
        outputChatBox("ID: "..tostring(v.id).." NAME: "..tostring(v.name).." MSG: "..tostring(v.text))
addCommandHandler("showtable", showTable)

function deleteFromTable(source, cmd, id)
    executeSQLQuery("DELETE FROM testing WHERE id=?", id)
addCommandHandler("delete", deleteFromTable)

 Suppose the table is:

ID: 1 NAME: Hamatora MSG: test
ID: 2 NAME: Hamatora MSG: test
ID: 3 NAME: Hamatora MSG: test

-> Use /delete 2

Means ID 2 will be deleted.

-> Now chat

-> Now use /showtable

You will see that ID 3 is repeated two times, thats the problem

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function onResourceStart()
	executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testing (id INT, text TEXT, name TEXT)")
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart)

function onChat(msg, msgType)
	if msgType == 0 then
		theTable = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM testing")
		nextID = theTable[#theTable]["id"] + 1
		executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO testing (id, text, name) VALUES (?,?,?)", nextID, msg, getPlayerName(source))
addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, onChat)

function showTable()
	theTable = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM testing")
	for i,v in ipairs(theTable) do
		outputChatBox("ID: "..tostring(v.id).." NAME: "..tostring(v.name).." MSG: "..tostring(v.text))
addCommandHandler("showtable", showTable)

function deleteFromTable(source, cmd, id)
	executeSQLQuery("DELETE FROM testing WHERE id=?", id)
addCommandHandler("delete", deleteFromTable)

Try this one.

Edited by NeXuS™
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