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hello guys,
i'm trying to make a teleport, By using a map just like freeroam
but i'm having this weird problem that the coordinates changes whenever i change
the position of the main gui (window)

here is my code:

addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, 
    function (button, _, x, y)
        if (button == "left") then
            if (source == map) then
                local imgX, imgY = guiGetPosition (map, false)
                local width, height = guiGetSize (win, false)
                local x, y = (x - imgX) / width, (y - imgY) / height
                XP = x * 6000 - 3000
                YP = 3000 - y * 6000
                _, _, _, ZP = processLineOfSight (XP, YP, 3000, XP, YP, -3000)
                outputChatBox (XP .. ", " .. YP .. ", " .. (ZP or 0))


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the problem is not there

the problem is in function (button_, x, y)
the coordinations of x, y

when the gui get clicked will be changed if the gui was changed

not gonna be the same result as if it was not moved.


the question is, Can i make the coordinations of x, y the same even if it was moved ?

Edited by #Black_Hawk
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so i got this new problem

when clicking on the top of the map it get lower

like y - 20 something like that so it's not the same place i selected

and also when clicking on the bottom of the map it get higher like y + 20

so what is that problem ? can someone please help me

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i got this problem, that when i select a place it warps me perfectly without any mistakes

but the problem begins when the resolutions of the screen get changed

for example: my resolutions is (1366 / 768)

if someone have a different resolutions from mine when he select a place to warp

it warps him near the place that he selected not the same as he select but different place


My code:

local BLIPS = { }
local NAMES = { }
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize ()

function removeHex (name)
    return type (name) == "string" and string.gsub (name, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") or name

addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
    function ()
        win = guiCreateWindow ((screenW - 674) / 2, (screenH - 716) / 2, 674, 716, "Teleporter", false)
        guiWindowSetSizable (win, false)
        guiSetAlpha (win, 1.00)
        guiSetVisible (win, false)

        map = guiCreateStaticImage (9, 23, 655, 654, ":freeroam/map.png", false, win)

        for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do
            blip = guiCreateStaticImage (347, 337, 10, 10, ":freeroam/localplayerblip.png", false, map)
            name = guiCreateLabel (347, 337, 123, 20, "", false, map)
            guiSetFont (name, "default-bold-small")
            guiLabelSetColor (name, 24, 230, 39)
            BLIPS [v] = blip
            NAMES [v] = name 

        spawn = guiCreateButton (243, 682, 188, 24, "Teleport Me", false, win)
        guiSetFont (spawn, "clear-normal")
        guiSetProperty (spawn, "NormalTextColour", "FF19E528")   

addCommandHandler ("map", 
    function ()
        if getElementData (localPlayer, "allowed") then
            guiSetVisible (win, not guiGetVisible (win))
            showCursor (guiGetVisible (win))

local XP, YP
addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, 
    function (button, _, x, y)
        if (button == "left") then
            if (source == map) then
                local winx, winy = guiGetPosition (win, false)
                local imgw, imgh = guiGetSize (map, false)
                local x, y = x - winx - 7, y - winy - 20
                local nx, ny = (x / imgw), (y / imgh)
                XP = (nx * 6000) - 3000
                YP = (3000 - ny * 6000)
            elseif source == spawn and XP and YP then
                setElementPosition (localPlayer, XP, YP, 0)
                setElementFrozen (localPlayer, true)
                setTimer (function (localPlayer)
                    _, _, _, ZP = processLineOfSight (XP, YP, 3000, XP, YP, -3000)
                    setElementPosition (localPlayer, XP, YP, (ZP or 0) + 1)
                    setElementFrozen (localPlayer, false)
                end, 300, 1, localPlayer)

addEventHandler ("onClientGUIDoubleClick", resourceRoot, 
    function (button, _, x, y)
        if (button == "left") then
            if (source == map) then
                local winx, winy = guiGetPosition (win, false)
                local imgw, imgh = guiGetSize (map, false)
                local x, y = x - winx - 7, y - winy - 20
                local nx, ny = (x / imgw), (y / imgh)
                XP = (nx * 6000) - 3000
                YP = (3000 - ny * 6000)
                setElementPosition (localPlayer, XP, YP, 0)
                setElementFrozen (localPlayer, true)
                setTimer (function (localPlayer)
                    _, _, _, ZP = processLineOfSight (XP, YP, 3000, XP, YP, -3000)
                    setElementPosition (localPlayer, XP, YP, (ZP or 0) + 1)
                    setElementFrozen (localPlayer, false)
                end, 300, 1, localPlayer)

addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, 
    function ()
        for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do
            if (BLIPS [v] and NAMES [v]) then
                local x, y = getElementPosition (v)
                x = math.floor ((x + 3000) / 6000 * 655) - 4
                y = math.floor ((3000 - y) / 6000 * 654) - 4
                guiSetPosition (BLIPS [v], x, y, false)
                guiSetText (NAMES [v], removeHex (getPlayerName (v)))
                guiSetPosition (NAMES [v], x + 13, y - 5, false)


so can someone help me please with that ?

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local BLIPS = { }
local NAMES = { }
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize ()
local multX, multY = 1366/screenW, 768/screenH

function removeHex (name)
    return type (name) == "string" and string.gsub (name, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") or name

addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
    function ()
        win = guiCreateWindow ((screenW - 674) / 2, (screenH - 716) / 2, 674, 716, "Teleporter", false)
        guiWindowSetSizable (win, false)
        guiSetAlpha (win, 1.00)
        guiSetVisible (win, false)

        map = guiCreateStaticImage (9, 23, 655, 654, ":freeroam/map.png", false, win)

        for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do
            blip = guiCreateStaticImage (347, 337, 10, 10, ":freeroam/localplayerblip.png", false, map)
            name = guiCreateLabel (347, 337, 123, 20, "", false, map)
            guiSetFont (name, "default-bold-small")
            guiLabelSetColor (name, 24, 230, 39)
            BLIPS [v] = blip
            NAMES [v] = name 

        spawn = guiCreateButton (243, 682, 188, 24, "Teleport Me", false, win)
        guiSetFont (spawn, "clear-normal")
        guiSetProperty (spawn, "NormalTextColour", "FF19E528")   

addCommandHandler ("map", 
    function ()
        if getElementData (localPlayer, "allowed") then
            guiSetVisible (win, not guiGetVisible (win))
            showCursor (guiGetVisible (win))

local XP, YP
addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, 
    function (button, _, x, y)
        if (button == "left") then
            if (source == map) then
                local winx, winy = guiGetPosition (win, false)
                local imgw, imgh = guiGetSize (map, false)
                local x, y = x - winx - 7*multX, y - winy - 20*multY
                local nx, ny = (x / imgw), (y / imgh)
                XP = (nx * 6000) - 3000
                YP = (3000 - ny * 6000)
            elseif source == spawn and XP and YP then
                setElementPosition (localPlayer, XP, YP, 0)
                setElementFrozen (localPlayer, true)
                setTimer (function (localPlayer)
                    _, _, _, ZP = processLineOfSight (XP, YP, 3000, XP, YP, -3000)
                    setElementPosition (localPlayer, XP, YP, (ZP or 0) + 1)
                    setElementFrozen (localPlayer, false)
                end, 300, 1, localPlayer)

addEventHandler ("onClientGUIDoubleClick", resourceRoot, 
    function (button, _, x, y)
        if (button == "left") then
            if (source == map) then
                local winx, winy = guiGetPosition (win, false)
                local imgw, imgh = guiGetSize (map, false)
                local x, y = x - winx - 7*multX, y - winy - 20*multY
                local nx, ny = (x / imgw), (y / imgh)
                XP = (nx * 6000) - 3000
                YP = (3000 - ny * 6000)
                setElementPosition (localPlayer, XP, YP, 0)
                setElementFrozen (localPlayer, true)
                setTimer (function (localPlayer)
                    _, _, _, ZP = processLineOfSight (XP, YP, 3000, XP, YP, -3000)
                    setElementPosition (localPlayer, XP, YP, (ZP or 0) + 1)
                    setElementFrozen (localPlayer, false)
                end, 300, 1, localPlayer)

addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, 
    function ()
        for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do
            if (BLIPS [v] and NAMES [v]) then
                local x, y = getElementPosition (v)
                x = math.floor ((x + 3000) / 6000 * 655) - 4
                y = math.floor ((3000 - y) / 6000 * 654) - 4
                guiSetPosition (BLIPS [v], x, y, false)
                guiSetText (NAMES [v], removeHex (getPlayerName (v)))
                guiSetPosition (NAMES [v], x + 13, y - 5, false)

Try this one. I'm not sure if it'll work. :D

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Really thank you so much .. but

there is a problem with the blips it's not at the same position but when i spawn it warps me correctly to the place is select

but the blip in the same problem when i warp higher the blip be close to my position

when warp lower the blip move far from the position

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addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, 
    function ()
        for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do
            if (BLIPS [v] and NAMES [v]) then
                local x, y = getElementPosition (v)
                x = math.floor ((x + 3000) / 6000 * 655) - 4*multX
                y = math.floor ((3000 - y) / 6000 * 654) - 4*multY
                guiSetPosition (BLIPS [v], x, y, false)
                guiSetText (NAMES [v], removeHex (getPlayerName (v)))
                guiSetPosition (NAMES [v], x + 13, y - 5, false)


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local playerBlips = {}
local playerNames = {}
local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize()
local mainW, mainH = 700, 600
local mainX, mainY = (sX-mainW)/2, (sY-mainH)/2
local multX, multY = 1366/sX, 768/sY

function removeHex (name)
    return type (name) == "string" and string.gsub (name, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") or name

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", root, function()
	mainWindow = guiCreateWindow(mainX, mainY, mainW, mainH, "Teleport", false)
	guiWindowSetSizable(mainWindow, false)
	mapImg = guiCreateStaticImage(5, 20, mainW, mainH-60, ":freeroam/map.png", false, mainWindow)
	teleportButton = guiCreateButton(5, mainH-35, mainW-10, 30, "Teleport me", false, mainWindow)
	playerBlip = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 10, 10, ":freeroam/localplayerblip.png", false, mapImg)
bindKey("m", "down", function()
	showCursor(not isCursorShowing())

addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function()
	for i, k in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		local pX, pY = getElementPosition(k)
		local xPerc, yPerc = (pX+3000)/6000, (3000-pY)/6000
		--outputChatBox(xPerc .. " " .. yPerc)
		guiSetPosition(playerBlip, xPerc-10/mainW/2, yPerc-10/mainH/2, true)

addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", getRootElement(), function()
	if source == mapImg then
		local tW, tH = guiGetSize(mapImg, false)
		local tX, tY = guiGetPosition(mapImg, false)
		outputChatBox("Map size", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(tW .. " " .. tH)
		local cX, cY = getCursorPosition()
		local cX, cY = cX*sX, cY*sY
		outputChatBox("Click position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(cX .. " " .. cY)
		outputChatBox("Image position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(mainX+tX .. " " .. mainY+tY)
		local cX, cY = cX-(mainX+tX), cY-(mainY+tY)
		outputChatBox("Click position on image", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(cX .. " " .. cY)
		local aX, aY = cX/tW, cY/tH
		outputChatBox("Relative values", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(aX .. " " .. aY)
		local mapX, mapY = math.floor(aX*6000-3000), math.floor(3000-aY*6000)
		outputChatBox("Map position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(mapX .. " " .. mapY)
		setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true)
		setElementPosition(localPlayer, mapX, mapY, 0)
			local _, _, _, foundZ = processLineOfSight(mapX, mapY, 3000, mapX, mapY, -3000)
			setElementPosition(localPlayer, mapX, mapY, foundZ)
			setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false)
		end, 100, 1)

addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), function()
	if source == mapImg then
		local tW, tH = guiGetSize(mapImg, false)
		local tX, tY = guiGetPosition(mapImg, false)
		outputChatBox("Map size", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(tW .. " " .. tH)
		local cX, cY = getCursorPosition()
		local cX, cY = cX*sX, cY*sY
		outputChatBox("Click position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(cX .. " " .. cY)
		outputChatBox("Image position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(mainX+tX .. " " .. mainY+tY)
		local cX, cY = cX-(mainX+tX), cY-(mainY+tY)
		outputChatBox("Click position on image", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(cX .. " " .. cY)
		local aX, aY = cX/tW, cY/tH
		outputChatBox("Relative values", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(aX .. " " .. aY)
		mapX, mapY = math.floor(aX*6000-3000), math.floor(3000-aY*6000)
		outputChatBox("Map position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(mapX .. " " .. mapY)
	elseif source == teleportButton and mapX then
		setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true)
		setElementPosition(localPlayer, mapX, mapY, 0)
			local _, _, _, foundZ = processLineOfSight(mapX, mapY, 3000, mapX, mapY, -3000)
			setElementPosition(localPlayer, mapX, mapY, foundZ)
			setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false)
			mapX, mapY = nil, nil, nil
		end, 100, 1)

Left every debugging in, in case you want to see how it works. :D

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Just now, #Black_Hawk said:

really thanks

but there is this problem when moving the gui to any other position

and try to warp to a place you can see it's not working correctly so the gui needs to be in one place only

and not be moved to anywhere .. so the last code that probleem wasn't there


On ١٨‏/٤‏/٢٠١٧ at 13:05, 3laa33 said:

use guiWindowSetMovable
:3 so he can't move the gui


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local playerBlips = {}
local playerNames = {}
local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize()
local mainW, mainH = 700, 600
local mainX, mainY = (sX-mainW)/2, (sY-mainH)/2
local multX, multY = 1366/sX, 768/sY

function removeHex (name)
    return type (name) == "string" and string.gsub (name, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") or name

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", root, function()
	mainWindow = guiCreateWindow(mainX, mainY, mainW, mainH, "Teleport", false)
	guiWindowSetSizable(mainWindow, false)
	mapImg = guiCreateStaticImage(5, 20, mainW, mainH-60, ":freeroam/map.png", false, mainWindow)
	teleportButton = guiCreateButton(5, mainH-35, mainW-10, 30, "Teleport me", false, mainWindow)
	playerBlip = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 10, 10, ":freeroam/localplayerblip.png", false, mapImg)
bindKey("m", "down", function()
	showCursor(not isCursorShowing())

addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function()
	for i, k in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		local pX, pY = getElementPosition(k)
		local xPerc, yPerc = (pX+3000)/6000, (3000-pY)/6000
		--outputChatBox(xPerc .. " " .. yPerc)
		guiSetPosition(playerBlip, xPerc-10/mainW/2, yPerc-10/mainH/2, true)

addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", getRootElement(), function()
	if source == mapImg then
		local tW, tH = guiGetSize(mapImg, false)
		local tX, tY = guiGetPosition(mapImg, false)
		local mainX, mainY = guiGetPosition(mainWindow, false)
		outputChatBox("Map size", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(tW .. " " .. tH)
		local cX, cY = getCursorPosition()
		local cX, cY = cX*sX, cY*sY
		outputChatBox("Click position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(cX .. " " .. cY)
		outputChatBox("Image position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(mainX+tX .. " " .. mainY+tY)
		local cX, cY = cX-(mainX+tX), cY-(mainY+tY)
		outputChatBox("Click position on image", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(cX .. " " .. cY)
		local aX, aY = cX/tW, cY/tH
		outputChatBox("Relative values", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(aX .. " " .. aY)
		local mapX, mapY = math.floor(aX*6000-3000), math.floor(3000-aY*6000)
		outputChatBox("Map position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(mapX .. " " .. mapY)
		setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true)
		setElementPosition(localPlayer, mapX, mapY, 0)
			local _, _, _, foundZ = processLineOfSight(mapX, mapY, 3000, mapX, mapY, -3000)
			setElementPosition(localPlayer, mapX, mapY, foundZ)
			setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false)
		end, 100, 1)

addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), function()
	if source == mapImg then
		local tW, tH = guiGetSize(mapImg, false)
		local tX, tY = guiGetPosition(mapImg, false)
		local mainX, mainY = guiGetPosition(mainWindow, false)
		outputChatBox("Map size", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(tW .. " " .. tH)
		local cX, cY = getCursorPosition()
		local cX, cY = cX*sX, cY*sY
		outputChatBox("Click position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(cX .. " " .. cY)
		outputChatBox("Image position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(mainX+tX .. " " .. mainY+tY)
		local cX, cY = cX-(mainX+tX), cY-(mainY+tY)
		outputChatBox("Click position on image", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(cX .. " " .. cY)
		local aX, aY = cX/tW, cY/tH
		outputChatBox("Relative values", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(aX .. " " .. aY)
		mapX, mapY = math.floor(aX*6000-3000), math.floor(3000-aY*6000)
		outputChatBox("Map position", 255, 0, 0)
		outputChatBox(mapX .. " " .. mapY)
	elseif source == teleportButton and mapX then
		setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true)
		setElementPosition(localPlayer, mapX, mapY, 0)
			local _, _, _, foundZ = processLineOfSight(mapX, mapY, 3000, mapX, mapY, -3000)
			setElementPosition(localPlayer, mapX, mapY, foundZ)
			setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false)
			mapX, mapY = nil, nil, nil
		end, 100, 1)


6 minutes ago, 3laa33 said:



Next time try not to use 9999 font size, if he is not using a function, it's because he doesn't want to use it.

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