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Problem with onClientRender

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Hey there, I have been scripting a cinema for myself, the problem is that it isn't showing the video, The video does not play on the screen, it just stays static, I do not see any errors in my code, what do you guys think I'm doing wrong?

Here you go, this is my client-sided code:

local ventanitaLinda = guiCreateWindow(281, 281, 484, 149, "YT", false)

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
function ()
		guiWindowSetSizable(ventanitaLinda, false)
		links = guiCreateEdit(117, 31, 353, 36, "", false,ventanitaLinda)
        guiWindowSetSizable(ventanitaLinda, false)
        guiSetAlpha(ventanitaLinda, 1.00)
		etiqueta= guiCreateLabel(42, 36, 139, 25, "Ingrese ID:", false,ventanitaLinda)
        btngo = guiCreateButton(10, 90, 191, 44, "Crear", false,ventanitaLinda)
        btncancel = guiCreateButton(274, 88, 191, 44, "Cancelar", false,ventanitaLinda)
		etiqueta2 = guiCreateLabel(224, 102, 31, 22, "O", false,ventanitaLinda)  

function dxDrawImage3D(x,y,z,w,h,m,c,r,...)
    local lx, ly, lz = x+w, y+h, (z+tonumber(r or 0)) or z
    return dxDrawMaterialLine3D(x,y,z, lx, ly, lz, m, h, c , ...)
local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize()
local webBrowser = createBrowser(screenWidth, screenHeight, false, false)

function webBrowserRender()
local x, y = 110.7, 1024.15
dxDrawMaterialLine3D(x, y, 23.25, x, y, 14.75, webBrowser, 18.2, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), x, y+1, 19)

function fullscreen()
	local URLs = tostring(links)
	if source == btngo then
	loadBrowserURL(webBrowser, "https://www.youtube.com/embed/"..URLs.."?autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&enablejsapi=1&fs=0&theme=light")
	addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, webBrowserRender)
addEventHandler("onClientBrowserCreated", webBrowser, fullscreen)

function url()
showCursor( true )
guiSetInputEnabled( true )
addEvent("onAbrir", true)
addEventHandler("onAbrir", root, url)

function closeman()
if source == btncancel then
showCursor( false )

Thanks for the help btw.

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48 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said:

Did you try to render the image on your screen with dxDrawImage?

Well but that isn't the main problem as it seems to been working but the video isn't playing.

I guess you mean this part of the code right? 

function dxDrawImage3D(x,y,z,w,h,m,c,r,...)
    local lx, ly, lz = x+w, y+h, (z+tonumber(r or 0)) or z
    return dxDrawMaterialLine3D(x,y,z, lx, ly, lz, m, h, c , ...)


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29 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said:

So the whole video is not being played? Do you mean it's not getting updated on the 3D material? Try to render it on your screen by dxDrawImage.

I'm getting this problem, the video isn't even playing. can you please give me atleast one example about how should I use the dxDraw to render the image?


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