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[WIP - RPG] Dynasty Network [English]

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Welcome back to another changelog, this weekend was absolutely great for our community. We've launched our first Alpha Test session and it went pretty well. We've encountered some bugs relating Screensize and we also recieved several suggestions regarding the interface. That's why you can find in ther upper left corner information about how to login or add an account. You've to use your forum details and many testers didn't know this. That's why we've added the bar there. Even the housing had a small change which was planned for later checking. The sell button was visible but not functional for players not owning the property which has been fixed now. The Organisation UCP now got the feature to invite offline players to the organisation. The invited player will recieve the message as soon as they are online.More updates will come this week regarding the Organisation UCP.




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Yet another changelog and for today there hasn't been much of important updates.We got a discord moderating system which gives the moderators to handle ingame stuff through Discord, even players can do several commands in order to check something ingame.Credits to Shay.Make sure to follow this guy and drop a like on his resource for putting his time into this

Also we got a new carshop design concept which is literally stunning.We've decided to change everything to 3D regarding ingame gui's such as Housing / Carshop / Foodshops / Ammunation.This will take some  time but it's worth it.We'e taking the server to the next level with this.Special thanks to @danibayez for making the source open for the public, i've given my touch to the script but kept the credits for Him.Make sure to follow this guy and drop a like on his resource for putting his time into this

Feel free to follow the development at our discord chat : https://discord.gg/UDAzaEp and make sure you register on www.DynastyNetwork.tk (Domain will be changed soon towards .io, smae about the theme we're changing our theme very soon so stay tuned)


Edited by Syntrax#
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  • 2 weeks later...

Main Core Updates

Today has been an awesome day, we've peformed several changes in our maincore to optimise the ram usage and network usage plus we've changed a bunch of diffrent things on our forum theme.So let's see what has been changed in the Server itself.

-As first we've added username detection by the player's Serial, it's an export so it will be used in many other scripts.
-The member tab is now filled with all the required data
-The log panel has been updated and now contains logs such as Creation / Invite / Leave / Kick / Rank changes / New Leader etc
-The banking panel has been added and is ready to get fully completed
-Start of our own custom Browser which will be used by the Login Panel
-Security has been updated for the organisations, every feature has it's own permission which needs to match with the player's rank

And we're proud to welcome Adistar and Freakout to our Headquarter team.They helped me build this community and made it how it is right now.Special thanks to @Freakout to create the theme and thanks to @Adistar for coming up with the forum theme idea's.
This was it for today, we will be back tommorow with even bigger updates so stay tuned and make sure to visit www.dynastynetwork.tk


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...


Welcome fellow community members,

I'm here to update everyone about the status of dynasty network. Since everyone does consider this as a dead project or something that won't be released. This is not the case, i'm putting all my available time into this project and we had a pretty messed up year behind us. Several developers joined us and left us which leaded in a total conversion of the theme. We're not longer making usage of the integraded MTA GUI,  we've successfully managed to create everything with HTML / Javascript to create the closest encouter towards perfection within Multi Theft Auto. This revolution in the UI framework will give the RPG category a boost and will eventually attract a larger public within MTA. So expect great things to come within this month, just keep in mind that i'm working on this myself without any help regarding the scripting part so please don't come up with questions regqrding the release date since this hasn't be set yet.



Edited by Syntrax#
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