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Not iterating through My SQL results adding objects.


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Right so I have objects loaded into the server database.

Like below:

id mid x y z rox roy roz ds

I want to check the table and go through it adding all the objects inside.

row one createobject(mid,x,y,z,rox,roy,roz,ds)

row two createobject(mid,x,y,z,rox,roy,roz,ds)

etc untill no rows left. I have this but it is not working and returning attempt to call nil value even though there are row in the table:

function loadObjects()
	local result = mysql:query("SELECT * FROM landobjects")
	if (result) then
		if (loaded == 0) then
			for result,row in mysql:rows_assoc(result) do
				if (not row) then break end
				local mid = row["mid"]
				local ox = row["ox"]
				local rox = row["rox"]
				local oy = row["oy"]
				local roy = row["roy"]

				local oz = row["oz"]
				local roz = row["roz"]

				local object = createObject( mid, oz, oy, oz, rox, roy, roz)

				local ds = function() if (row["ds"] == 1) then setElementDoubleSided( object, true ) else setElementDoubleSided( object, false ) end end
				table.insert(LCobs, object)
				triggerClientEvent( "objectStream", client, object, mid )
			loaded = 1
			loaded = 0
			outputChatBox( "Objects Reloaded" )
	outputChatBox( "No Objects to Load")
addCommandHandler( "loadall", loadObjects )


Edited by harryh
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5 hours ago, LopSided_ said:

Try using MTA's own MySQL functions, much easier


Anyway, in the code you provided you haven't established a connection with the database, so it can't find the table.

connection = mysql_connect(blah blah blah)

query = mysql_query(connection,"SELECT * FROM landobjects")

if query then
  for query, row in mysql_rows_assoc(query) do
    model = row["mid"]


If I am correct is this suppose to select all the row. 

Then in each row get column mid and return it as variable model. How come this does not either error nil value or Boolean when there is information in the database.

i have wrote this on phone so sorry for any mistakes

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@harryh, try using the in-built functions of MTA. That module is old already, and the in-built functions are much better.

local dbConnection = dbConnect(...)
local nrQuery = dbQuery(dbConnection, ...)
local rQuery = dbPoll(nrQuery, -1)

for i, k in ipairs(rQuery) do
	*do something with the query*


Edited by NeXuS™
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5 hours ago, NeXuS™ said:

@harryh, try using the in-built functions of MTA. That module is old already, and the in-built functions are much better.

local dbConnection = dbConnect(...)
local nrQuery = dbQuery(dbConnection, ...)
local rQuery = dbPoll(nrQuery, -1)

for i, k in ipairs(rQuery) do
	*do something with the query*


Still returning rQuery as false there going to outputchatbox("No Objects to load"). The connection is working because I can use it to insert data.


local hostname = ""
local username ="root"
local password =  ""
local database = "testserver"

local sqlConnection = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname=".. database ..";host="..hostname.."", ""..username.."",""..password.."" )

function loadObjects()
	local nrQuery = dbQuery(sqlConnection, "SELECT * FROM landobjects")
	local rQuery = dbPoll( nrQuery, -1 )
	if (rQuery) then
		if (loaded == 0) then
			for _, row in ipairs(rQuery) do

				if (not row) then break end

				local mid = row["mid"]
				if (not mid) then outputChatBox( "No model ID", getRootElement(  )) break end
				local ox = row["ox"]
				local rox = row["rox"]
				local oy = row["oy"]
				local roy = row["roy"]

				local oz = row["oz"]
				local roz = row["roz"]

				local object = createObject( mid, oz, oy, oz, rox, roy, roz)

				local ds = function() if (row["ds"] == 1) then setElementDoubleSided( object, true ) else setElementDoubleSided( object, false ) end end
				table.insert(LCobs, object)
				triggerClientEvent( "objectStream", client, object, mid )
				loaded = 1
			loaded = 0
			outputChatBox( "Objects Reloaded" )
	outputChatBox( "No Objects to Load")
addCommandHandler( "loadall", loadObjects )

Here is the DB


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It's not returning false. Your if statement is :Oed up.

local hostname = ""
local username ="root"
local password =  ""
local database = "testserver"

local sqlConnection = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname=".. database ..";host="..hostname.."", ""..username.."",""..password.."" )

function loadObjects()
	local nrQuery = dbQuery(sqlConnection, "SELECT * FROM landobjects")
	local rQuery = dbPoll( nrQuery, -1 )
	if (rQuery) then
		if (loaded == 0) then
			for _, row in ipairs(rQuery) do

				if (not row) then break end

				local mid = row["mid"]
				if (not mid) then outputChatBox( "No model ID", getRootElement(  )) break end
				local ox = row["ox"]
				local rox = row["rox"]
				local oy = row["oy"]
				local roy = row["roy"]

				local oz = row["oz"]
				local roz = row["roz"]

				local object = createObject( mid, oz, oy, oz, rox, roy, roz)

				local ds = function() if (row["ds"] == 1) then setElementDoubleSided( object, true ) else setElementDoubleSided( object, false ) end 			end
				table.insert(LCobs, object)
				triggerClientEvent( "objectStream", client, object, mid )
				loaded = 1
			loaded = 0
			outputChatBox( "Objects Reloaded" )
		outputChatBox( "No Objects to Load")
addCommandHandler( "loadall", loadObjects )


Edited by NeXuS™
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Right Thank you very much so it is spawning but It is not visible I have used getelementmodel to check to see if the object is being created and it is but just cannot see it any idea why i have tried using setelementinterior 0 and setelementdimension 0 


function loadObjects()
	local nrQuery = dbQuery(sqlConnection, "SELECT * FROM landobjects")
	local rQuery = dbPoll( nrQuery, -1 )
	if (rQuery) then
		if (loaded == 0) then
			for _, row in ipairs(rQuery) do

				if (not row) then outputChatBox( "no row", getRootElement()) break end

				local mid = row["mid"]
				if (not mid) then outputChatBox( "No model ID", getRootElement(  )) break end
				local ox = row["ox"]
				local rox = row["rox"]
				local oy = row["oy"]
				local roy = row["roy"]

				local oz = row["oz"]
				local roz = row["roz"]

				local object = createObject( mid, oz, oy, oz, rox, roy, roz, false)
				setElementDimension( object, 0 )
				setElementInterior( object, 0)
				print(getElementModel( object ))

				if (row["ds"] == 1) then 
					setElementDoubleSided( object, true ) 
					setElementDoubleSided( object, false ) 
				table.insert(LCobs, object)
				triggerClientEvent( "objectStream", getRootElement(  ), object, mid )
				loaded = 1
			loaded = 0
			outputChatBox( "Objects Reloaded" )
    	outputChatBox( "No Objects to Load")
    	loaded = 0
addCommandHandler( "loadall", loadObjects )


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