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How to add skin ids to the grid list?


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heres my source, idk how to add the skin ids next to it.

shinshop = createMarker(-673, 916.4, 11,"cylinder",2.0,0,255,0,255)
		local Skins = { 
  { "CJ", 0 }, 
  { "Hippie", 1 }, 
  { "Division Sheild", 17 }, 
  { "Division fumigator", 18 }, 
  { "Division incinerator", 19 }, 
  { "Rich Woman", 55 }, 
  { "Tall Balla", 104 },

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
        skinwindow = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 527) / 2, (screenH - 608) / 2, 527, 608, "Kewizzle's Skin Shop", false)
        guiWindowSetSizable(skinwindow, false)
        guiSetProperty(skinwindow, "CaptionColour", "FFDDEA14")
		guiSetVisible( skinwindow, not guiGetVisible( skinwindow ) )
        skinselect = guiCreateGridList(99, 29, 324, 490, false, skinwindow)
        guiGridListAddColumn(skinselect, "Skin Name", 0.5)
        guiGridListAddColumn(skinselect, "Skin ID", 0.5)
        purchase = guiCreateButton(99, 529, 155, 61, "Buy Skin $500", false, skinwindow)
        guiSetFont(purchase, "default-bold-small")
        guiSetProperty(purchase, "NormalTextColour", "FF00F940")
        cancelbuy = guiCreateButton(269, 529, 154, 61, "Cancel", false, skinwindow)
        guiSetFont(cancelbuy, "default-bold-small")
        guiSetProperty(cancelbuy, "NormalTextColour", "FFF90000")    
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", cancelbuy, CloseWindow)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", purchase, function()
	   local Select = tonumber( guiGridListGetItemData( skinselect, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( skinselect ), 1 ) ) 
       if ( Select and Select ~= '' ) then 
       triggerServerEvent( "setClientSkin", localPlayer, tonumber( guiGridListGetItemData( skinselect, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( skinselect ), 1 ) ) ) 
		for _,v in ipairs( Skins ) do 
		   local Row = guiGridListAddRow( skinselect ) 
		   guiGridListSetItemText( skinselect, Row, 1, v[1], false, false ) 
		   guiGridListSetItemData( skinselect, Row, 1, v[2] ) 


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try it

shinshop = createMarker(-673, 916.4, 11,"cylinder",2.0,0,255,0,255)
		local Skins = { 
  { "CJ", 0 }, 
  { "Hippie", 1 }, 
  { "Division Sheild", 17 }, 
  { "Division fumigator", 18 }, 
  { "Division incinerator", 19 }, 
  { "Rich Woman", 55 }, 
  { "Tall Balla", 104 },

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
        skinwindow = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 527) / 2, (screenH - 608) / 2, 527, 608, "Kewizzle's Skin Shop", false)
        guiWindowSetSizable(skinwindow, false)
        guiSetProperty(skinwindow, "CaptionColour", "FFDDEA14")
		guiSetVisible( skinwindow, not guiGetVisible( skinwindow ) )
        skinselect = guiCreateGridList(99, 29, 324, 490, false, skinwindow)
        guiGridListAddColumn(skinselect, "Skin Name", 0.5)
        guiGridListAddColumn(skinselect, "Skin ID", 0.5)
        purchase = guiCreateButton(99, 529, 155, 61, "Buy Skin $500", false, skinwindow)
        guiSetFont(purchase, "default-bold-small")
        guiSetProperty(purchase, "NormalTextColour", "FF00F940")
        cancelbuy = guiCreateButton(269, 529, 154, 61, "Cancel", false, skinwindow)
        guiSetFont(cancelbuy, "default-bold-small")
        guiSetProperty(cancelbuy, "NormalTextColour", "FFF90000")    
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", cancelbuy, CloseWindow)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", purchase, function()
	   local Select = tonumber( guiGridListGetItemData( skinselect, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( skinselect ), 1 ) ) 
       if ( Select and Select ~= '' ) then 
       triggerServerEvent( "setClientSkin", localPlayer, tonumber( guiGridListGetItemData( skinselect, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( skinselect ), 1 ) ) ) 
		for _,v in ipairs( Skins ) do 
		   local Row = guiGridListAddRow( skinselect ) 
		   guiGridListSetItemText( skinselect, Row, 1, v[1], false, false ) 
      		   guiGridListSetItemText( skinselect, Row, 2, v[2], false, false ) 

		   guiGridListSetItemData( skinselect, Row, 1, v[2] ) 

you must create 2 columns in grid list

Edited by Master_MTA
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1 minute ago, kewizzle said:

i see what you did


guiGridListSetItemData( skinselect, Row, 1, v[2] )  would mean to get the Item data in the table skins and place it in the second column in each row according to the skin in the table. 

no you mean guiGridListSetItemText

if you wanna use guiGridListSetItemData you should know something about guiGridListGetItemData  the function

guiGridListSetItemData  used for set data on the item wich you just created it with guiGridListAddRow in the loop so the difference between guiGridListSetItemData 

and guiGridListSetItemText

is the visible the function guiGridListSetItemText is visible you can see it but the function guiGridListSetItemData  is invisible it's look like  setElementData

i hope u understood me +_+


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1 hour ago, Master_MTA said:

no you mean guiGridListSetItemText

if you wanna use guiGridListSetItemData you should know something about guiGridListGetItemData  the function

guiGridListSetItemData  used for set data on the item wich you just created it with guiGridListAddRow in the loop so the difference between guiGridListSetItemData 

and guiGridListSetItemText

is the visible the function guiGridListSetItemText is visible you can see it but the function guiGridListSetItemData  is invisible it's look like  setElementData

i hope u understood me +_+


thanks for that lovely info

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