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Help with Saving SQLITE stats

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Hello, i've got an backup database script that the user Nexus made on my previous topic, that save the player stats on a SQLITE database, when player say /savestats it gets some internal.db data from the player like: name, rank, etc... and save it to a new database, but i have 2 problems...


My script:

local dbConnection = dbConnect("sqlite", "backupexprank.db")

function saveStat(sourcePlayer)
	local account = getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)
	local nomeconta = getAccountName(account)
	local patente = getAccountData(account, "password")
	local experiencia = getAccountData(account, "ip") 
	dbExec(dbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts VALUES(?, ?, ?)", nomeconta, patente, experiencia)
addCommandHandler("savestats", saveStat)


My problems:

1 - It isn't getting the IP and Password, it shows this in the new backup database:



2 - When the player say /savestats more than one time, it saves the player state more than 1x, i need some way to check if the player is already on database, and if it is, then just update, not insert... Problem in this screenshot:



Thanks !!!


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1 hour ago, Gabriel1375 said:

Hello, i've got an backup database script that the user Nexus made on my previous topic, that save the player stats on a SQLITE database, when player say /savestats it gets some internal.db data from the player like: name, rank, etc... and save it to a new database, but i have 2 problems...


My script:

local dbConnection = dbConnect("sqlite", "backupexprank.db")

function saveStat(sourcePlayer)
	local account = getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)
	local nomeconta = getAccountName(account)
	local patente = getAccountData(account, "password")
	local experiencia = getAccountData(account, "ip") 
	dbExec(dbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts VALUES(?, ?, ?)", nomeconta, patente, experiencia)
addCommandHandler("savestats", saveStat)


My problems:

1 - It isn't getting the IP and Password, it shows this in the new backup database:



2 - When the player say /savestats more than one time, it saves the player state more than 1x, i need some way to check if the player is already on database, and if it is, then just update, not insert... Problem in this screenshot:



Thanks !!!


use this

local dbConnection = dbConnect("sqlite", "backupexprank.db")
local qh = dbQuery( dbConnection,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts (nomeconta STRING,patente STRING,experiencia STRING)")
dbFree( qh )

function saveStat(sourcePlayer)
    local account = getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)
    local nomeconta = getAccountName(account)
    local patente = getAccountData(account, "password")
    local experiencia = getAccountData(account, "ip") 
    local qh = dbQuery( dbConnection, "SELECT * FROM accounts where nomeconta=?",nomeconta)
    local res = dbPoll(qh,-1) 
    dbFree( qh )
    if #res > 0 then
    dbExec( dbConnection, "UPDATE accounts SET experiencia=? where nomeconta=? ", experiencia,nomeconta )
    dbExec( dbConnection, "UPDATE accounts SET patente=? where nomeconta=? ", patente,nomeconta )
    dbExec(dbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts VALUES(?, ?, ?)", nomeconta, patente, experiencia)
addCommandHandler("savestats", saveStat)

Be sure to add in account data  ip and password :) enjoy

Edited by Ayush Rathore
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I've tried to output the data in the chat, but nothing happens, the database has been created by the script, and the same results, 0 and 0 on the IP and password field...

But no results in the chat...

The script is at this:

local dbConnection = dbConnect("sqlite", "backupexprank.db")
local qh = dbQuery( dbConnection,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts (nomeconta text,patente text,experiencia text)")
dbFree( qh )

function saveStat(sourcePlayer)
    local account = getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)
    local nomeconta = getAccountName(account)
    local patente = getAccountData(account, "password")
    local experiencia = getAccountData(account, "ip") 
    local qh = dbQuery( dbConnection, "SELECT * FROM accounts where nomeconta=?",nomeconta)
    local res = dbPoll(qh,-1) 
    dbFree( qh )
    if #res > 0 then
    dbExec( dbConnection, "UPDATE accounts SET experiencia=? where nomeconta=? ", experiencia,nomeconta )
    dbExec( dbConnection, "UPDATE accounts SET patente=? where nomeconta=? ", patente,nomeconta )
	outputChatBox ( "Saved account " .. nomeconta .. " with the password " .. patente .. " with the ip" .. experiencia .. " to our database")
    dbExec(dbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts VALUES(?, ?, ?)", nomeconta, patente, experiencia)
	outputChatBox ( "Saved account " .. nomeconta .. " with the password " .. patente .. " with the ip" .. experiencia .. " to our database")
addCommandHandler("savestats", saveStat)


On the MTA server console it says:

ERROR: GZ_Backup\rankexp.lua:18: attempt to concatenate local 'experiencia' (a boolean value)


Line 18:

    outputChatBox ( "Saved account " .. nomeconta .. " with the password " .. patente .. " with the ip" .. experiencia .. " to our database")


Edited by Gabriel1375
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5 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said:


local experiencia = getAccountData(account, "ip")


local experiencia = getPlayerIP(sourcePlayer)



I've done that, but its giving error on "patente", that is the player password (the same error of the "experiencia")

Edited by Gabriel1375
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I don't, its just for testing, as i need to do this script for my friend server, that i'm staff, and i'm testing in my local server, and i dont have the rank system, so i tried to save other informations of the internal.db, so if this work i just change the name of the tables to give it to my friend

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Now it worked fine:





Why do you think that isn't working to get the player informations ? Because i think when i send it to the owner of the server i'm staff, with the elements name that he gave me (rank, experience), i dont think it's going to work, as getting info from internal.db doesn't worked yet...

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Ah okay...

But how can i get the data from internal.db and save it to another .db file ?

Because the server has so much players that we have to reset, but we want to save the rank and exp from players that give the /savestats command, and the rank/exp is stored at the internal.db

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But i don't want to save all the players, because it will still be lagging, the internal.db has 50mb of data, i wan't to save just the exp/rank from players that are online and give /savestats, then we reset the database, and after this we make another script like: /getstats, to retrieve the saved stats and get back to the player account...

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