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carshop system with token


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Hey, i make carshop system new button "token" with buy car.

If you have token you can buy car with him, please help with this.

client side:

if itemID == 300 then
  gui["btnCoin"] = guiCreateButton(232, 140, 105, 41, "Redeem token", false, gui["_root"])
  addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui["btnCoin"], carshop_buyCar_click, false)
  guiSetEnabled(gui["btnCoin"], coinEnabled)
  gui["btnCash"] = guiCreateButton(10, 140, 105, 41, "Pay by cash", false, gui["_root"])
  addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui["btnCash"], carshop_buyCar_click, false)
  guiSetEnabled(gui["btnCash"], cashEnabled)

function carshop_buyCar_click()
 if exports.global:hasSpaceForItem(getLocalPlayer(), 3, 1) then
  local sourcestr = "cash"
  if (source == gui["btnBank"]) then
   sourcestr = "bank"
  elseif (source == gui["btnCoin"]) then
   sourcestr = "coin"
  triggerServerEvent("carshop:buyCar", theVehicle, sourcestr)
  outputChatBox("You don't have space in your inventory for a key", 0, 255, 0)

server side:

elseif (paymentMethod == "coin") then
  if itemID == 300 and costCar < 15000 then
   if isOverlayDisabled then
    outputChatBox("Token 15'000$ you dont have token with up to 15'000$!", client, 0, 255, 0)
    exports.hud:sendBottomNotification(client, "Wrong token - 15'000$", "Token 15'000$ you dont have token with up to 15'000$!")
   takeItemFromSlot(client, 300)


Please help me! :)

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if itemID == 300 then
  gui["btnCoin"] = guiCreateButton(232, 140, 105, 41, "Redeem token", false, gui["_root"])
  addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui["btnCoin"], carshop_buyCar_click, false)
  guiSetEnabled(gui["btnCoin"], coinEnabled)
  gui["btnCash"] = guiCreateButton(10, 140, 105, 41, "Pay by cash", false, gui["_root"])
  addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui["btnCash"], carshop_buyCar_click, false)
  guiSetEnabled(gui["btnCash"], cashEnabled)
function carshop_buyCar_click()
 if exports.global:hasSpaceForItem(getLocalPlayer(), 3, 1) then
  local sourcestr = "cash"
  if (source == gui["btnBank"]) then
   sourcestr = "bank"
  elseif (source == gui["btnCoin"]) then
   sourcestr = "coin"
  triggerServerEvent("carshop:buyCar", theVehicle, sourcestr)
  outputChatBox("You don't have space in your inventory for a key", 0, 255, 0)


elseif (paymentMethod == "coin") then
  if itemID == 300 and costCar < 15000 then
   if isOverlayDisabled then
    outputChatBox("Token 15'000$ you dont have token with up to 15'000$!", client, 0, 255, 0)
    exports.hud:sendBottomNotification(client, "Wrong token - 15'000$", "Token 15'000$ you dont have token with up to 15'000$!")
   takeItemFromSlot(client, 300)


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Whats above this?


elseif (paymentMethod == "coin") then
  if itemID == 300 and costCar < 15000 then
    if isOverlayDisabled then
      outputChatBox("Token 15'000$ you dont have token with up to 15'000$!", client, 0, 255, 0)
      exports.hud:sendBottomNotification(client, "Wrong token - 15'000$", "Token 15'000$ you dont have token with up to 15'000$!")
    takeItemFromSlot(client, 300)


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local costCar = getElementData(source, "carshop:cost")
	if (paymentMethod == "cash") then
		if not exports.global:hasMoney(client, costCar) or costCar == 0 then
			if isOverlayDisabled then
				outputChatBox("You don't have enough money on hand for this pal..", client, 0, 255, 0)
				exports.hud:sendBottomNotification(client, "Money is always a problem..", "You don't have enough money on hand for this pal..")
			return false
			exports.global:takeMoney(client, costCar)
	elseif (paymentMethod == "bank") then
		local money = getElementData(client, "bankmoney") - costCar
		if money < 0 or costCar == 0 then
			if isOverlayDisabled then 
				outputChatBox("You don't have enough money in your bank account for this pal..", client, 0, 255, 0)
				exports.hud:sendBottomNotification(client, "Money is always a problem..", "You don't have enough money in your bank account for this pal..")
			exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(client, "bankmoney", money, false)
			mysql:query_free("UPDATE characters SET bankmoney=" .. mysql:escape_string((tonumber(money) or 0)) .. " WHERE id=" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData( client, "dbid" )))
	elseif (paymentMethod == "coin") then
		if itemID == 300 and costCar < 15000 then
			if isOverlayDisabled then
				outputChatBox("Jūs nevarat iegādāties dārgāku par 15'000$ caur šo kuponu!", client, 0, 255, 0)
				exports.hud:sendBottomNotification(client, "Nederīgs kupons - 15'000$", "Jūs nevarat iegādāties dārgāku par 15'000$ caur šo kuponu!")
			takeItemFromSlot(client, 300)--HUSKLV
		if isOverlayDisabled then 
			outputChatBox("No.", client, 0, 255, 0)
			exports.hud:sendBottomNotification(client, "No!", "Just no...")
		return false


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7 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said:

Can you search for this in your code?

setElementData(source, "carshop:cost", ...)


carshop:cost work! Because with cash and bank i can buy, but i make token and that's not working. Error not shows.

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