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Closed doors


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Hello, please tell me, how do I do so that the players could not in any way to open the doors for players to drgua car.
My script works works as a player gets in the car, then I used the function:

bool setVehicleLocked ( vehicle theVehicle, bool locked )

The doors are closed and it is impossible to sit down. But there is a bug, if the player in advance would open the door and quickly gone, the door will be shown as open. The player sits in the car through the other (closed) door, the machine once again uses setVehicleLocked However, another player can steal a car if he sits through the door, which was opened in advance. Meanwhile sama he could steal his car.


How can I fix it?

I apologize in advance for the bad english.

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Not much I can understand how it can be implemented immediately.
This is the server part of the script:

createBlip(1904.80798, -1875.38660, 13.56194,46)
local sweeperki = {

{1904.80798, -1875.38660, 13.56194, 270},
{1904.80798, -1870.38660, 13.56194, 270},
{1904.80798, -1865.38660, 13.56194, 270},
{1904.80798, -1860.38660, 13.56194, 270},
{1904.80798, -1855.38660, 13.56194, 270},
{1904.80798, -1850.38660, 13.56194, 270},
{1917.8698, -1862.37256 , 13.56194, 90},
{1921.8698, -1862.37256 , 13.56194, 90},
{1925.8698, -1862.37256 , 13.56194, 90},

for i,v in ipairs(sweeperki) do
    v.sweeper = createVehicle(574, v[1], v[2], v[3], 0, 0, v[4])
    setElementData(v.sweeper, "sweeper:dopracy", 1) 
    setElementFrozen(v.sweeper, true)
    setVehicleLocked(v.sweeper, false)
    setVehicleDamageProof(v.sweeper, true )

local punkty = {
[1] = {1954.08594, -1874.65625, 13.54688},
[2] = {1954.26794, -1886.18250, 13.54688},
[3] = {1954.13489, -1897.88843, 13.54688},
[4] = {1954.27319, -1909.31433, 13.54688},
[5] = {1951.84375, -1924.82556, 13.54688},
[6] = {1941.38416, -1924.69043, 13.54688},
[7] = {1926.11865, -1924.13684, 13.54688},
[8] = {1911.16296, -1924.30396, 13.54688},
[9] = {1896.21094, -1924.20935, 13.54688},
[10] = {1873.53076, -1924.54944, 13.54688},
[11] = {1858.87756, -1924.69458, 13.54688},
[12] = {1848.70020, -1924.64734, 13.54688},
[13] = {1833.95801, -1924.28638, 13.54688},
[14] = {1829.27258, -1920.93982, 13.54875},
[15] = {1829.00964, -1908.74426, 13.51301},
[16] = {1829.18213, -1898.01489, 13.47368},
[17] = {1829.21655, -1887.19006, 13.47277},
[18] = {1829.34045, -1855.69873, 13.57813},
[19] = {1829.15881, -1835.55383, 13.77813},
[20] = {1829.06641, -1817.33350, 13.57336},
[21] = {1828.96204, -1800.64502, 13.55298},
[22] = {1829.54895, -1787.36963, 13.54688},
[23] = {1829.43481, -1773.53503, 13.54688},
[24] = {1833.90747, -1760.08167, 13.54688},
[25] = {1845.34924, -1760.04407, 13.54688},
[26] = {1860.09766, -1759.97449, 13.54688},
[27] = {1870.29443, -1759.97632, 13.54688},
[28] = {1889.15906, -1759.92346, 13.54688},
[29] = {1922.46289, -1759.83020, 13.54688},
[30] = {1953.61145, -1771.04236, 13.54688},
[31] = {1953.99561, -1807.84521, 13.54688},
[32] = {1954.12012, -1817.94287, 13.54688},
[33] = {1954.80115, -1837.05542, 13.53908},
[34] = {1954.49500, -1856.19482, 13.54688}

function nextPunkt(plr, id)
    local x,y,z = punkty[id][1], punkty[id][2], punkty[id][3]
    triggerClientEvent(plr, "postawSweeperMarker", plr, x, y, z)

function startSweeperki(veh, seat)
    if getElementData(veh, "sweeper:dopracy") == 1 and seat == 0 then
    outputChatBox("Диспетчер Анна: Добро пожаловать на работу уборщика улиц.", source)
    outputChatBox("Диспетчер Анна: Продолжайте  движение по синим маркерам!", source)
    outputChatBox("Диспетчер Анна: За каждый круг тебе заплатят 500$", source)
    nextPunkt(source, 1)
    setElementFrozen(veh, false)
	setVehicleLocked(veh, true)
    setVehicleDamageProof(veh, true )
    setElementData(source, "sweeper:smiec", 1)
    setElementData(source, "sweeper:zebrane", 0)
    if veh then
addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), startSweeperki)

function stopSweeperki(veh, seat)
    if getElementData(veh, "sweeper:dopracy") == 1 and seat == 0 then
        setElementFrozen(veh, true)
	    setVehicleLocked(veh, false)
        setVehicleDamageProof(veh, true )
        triggerClientEvent(source, "usunSweeperMarker", source)
addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleExit", getRootElement(), stopSweeperki)

function serverSweeperHit(plr)
    if (getElementData(plr, "sweeper:smiec")+1) == #punkty then
        setElementData(plr, "sweeper:smiec", 1)
        nextPunkt(plr, 1)
        exports["tws-main"]:givePlayerMoney(plr, 500)
		outputChatBox("Диспетчер Анна: Вы получили 500$, можете продолжить или закончить, оставив машину.", source)
        setElementData(plr, "sweeper:smiec", getElementData(plr, "sweeper:smiec")+1)
        nextPunkt(plr, getElementData(plr, "sweeper:smiec"))
addEvent("sweeperkiHitFunction", true)
addEventHandler("sweeperkiHitFunction", getRootElement(), serverSweeperHit)

Could you show an example?

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