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Questions about handlers


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all right xD 

21 minutes ago, Pranter said:

Can you give an example, because its like function name, and event name, and i am confused :D


you can see wiki examples :v 


function greetingCommand ( playerSource, commandName )
    triggerClientEvent ( playerSource, "onGreeting", playerSource, "Hello World!" )
addCommandHandler ( "greet", greetingCommand )


function greetingHandler ( message )
    outputChatBox ( "The server says: " .. message )
addEvent( "onGreeting", true )
addEventHandler( "onGreeting", localPlayer, greetingHandler )


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So this is your client side function, since you didn't put the code in it, I will suppose it outputs the 'text' you pass as argument.

addEvent("test12334", true)
function trailerCreated(text)
  outputChatBox("Hello World!")
addEventHandler("test12334", getLocalPlayer(), trailerCreated)

Now to call call this from a server side script, you need to use triggerClientEvent like this:

triggerClientEvent(getRootElement(), "test12334", client, text)

This will trigger the event for all the players on the server, result: the "Hello World!" message will be outputed for all players.

If you want to specify an element to trigger the event for, simply change the first argument to the element you want.
For example, I want to trigger the event for ONE player only, this player is called "Angelo", this is what I will do:

local pElem = getPlayerFromName("Angelo") -- you can also do this inline inside the triggerClientEvent, but I prefer it like this
triggerClientEvent(me, "test12334", client, text)
-- me : target, trigger the event for this element, optional, default is getRootElement() which is all players
-- "test12334" : your client event name
-- client : it's the source of the event, where it came from
-- text : your argument from trailerCreated function


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17 hours ago, Angelo. said:

So this is your client side function, since you didn't put the code in it, I will suppose it outputs the 'text' you pass as argument.

addEvent("test12334", true)
function trailerCreated(text)
  outputChatBox("Hello World!")
addEventHandler("test12334", getLocalPlayer(), trailerCreated)

Now to call call this from a server side script, you need to use triggerClientEvent like this:

triggerClientEvent(getRootElement(), "test12334", client, text)

This will trigger the event for all the players on the server, result: the "Hello World!" message will be outputed for all players.

If you want to specify an element to trigger the event for, simply change the first argument to the element you want.
For example, I want to trigger the event for ONE player only, this player is called "Angelo", this is what I will do:

local pElem = getPlayerFromName("Angelo") -- you can also do this inline inside the triggerClientEvent, but I prefer it like this
triggerClientEvent(me, "test12334", client, text)
-- me : target, trigger the event for this element, optional, default is getRootElement() which is all players
-- "test12334" : your client event name
-- client : it's the source of the event, where it came from
-- text : your argument from trailerCreated function


Thankyou ;)

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