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Cutting portions of a string


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I have a normal .txt file, that file includes a lot of info in that format

[[Event name: Blbabalba]

[Event date: mm/dd/yy]

[Event Desc: blalbal]

1. blablalbalblabla (blabalbal)....



[Event name: blalblalba2]

[Event date: mm/dd/yy 2]

........etc, you get the idea

There is more than 300 of these portions and they are all after each other, I know I can use string.sub to cut the string but how to identify where to start from and where to end, I want to process this automatically so the scripts get every event part and store this string in a table.

see these 2 [ ] ? these aren't in the string I just put them so you understand that what's inside of them is the part which should be cut for each event part

How to do this,

and Thanks in advance

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