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Adding (not replacing) vehicles?


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This limit adjuster is not compatible with MTA, but there were plans about implementing it. So as of now the answer to your first question is, as @myonlake said, no. In the future though there's a possibility of this becoming implemented and adding (without the need of replace) things will become reality.

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2 hours ago, myonlake said:

Sure. You can do it. You end up rewriting the whole vehicle core code to Lua. That's the most horrible idea I've ever heard on MTA.

State your ever so smart idea lad.

Another way of doing it (This only works if you don't have all vehicles in one location) is load and unload the model on the go; similar to how my streaming system works. Pulling unused objects on the go and when that object gets in use swap over to a new model.

Edited by CodyL
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But this means making a huge script just for that. What cody said is a possibility, but is it really worth it?

The idea gravestone mentioned is partly correct: i'm not a shader expert, but i guess you can only add details to a vehicle, the model will still be the same (i mean shaders changes textures)

The idea simple01 had is also nice, but it still limited to the ids, so we are still replacing. (PS: it also needs a lot of work)

I mean that there are workarounds, but it definitely not worth the madness needed to do it. We know adding things without replacing is a great thing, just search on google or whatever how many times this idea is reported, but now simply isn't worth the work needed. Once the limiter gets implemented we won't have these limits and these problems (if it gets implemented lol).

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12 minutes ago, CodyL said:

Simples idea is well, simple. Attach objects to vehicles. His normal idea doesn't include the doors and what not from the looks of things that was just a more advance thing I was speaking of.

When I was talking about the creation of a new vehicle, I was including the doors angle and the damage. It would take some time but it would worth some.

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2 hours ago, CodyL said:

State your ever so smart idea lad.

Another way of doing it (This only works if you don't have all vehicles in one location) is load and unload the model on the go; similar to how my streaming system works. Pulling unused objects on the go and when that object gets in use swap over to a new model.

I don't know but the OP specifically asked to add more, not replace. You can add more, but it requires so much time it would be ridiculous to even do something like that. Just because you could theoretically render every pixel if you had to, doesn't mean you should. There's a more simple way, which is that they add native support for things like that. So, no, unless the OP wants to switch back to replacing things (which is significantly easier, but still super hard considering the physics engine).

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num1 = "objectTXD1.txd" 
num2 = "objectTXD2.txd" 
Map = 1 -- getElementDimension or getElementData or ,,,,,,
function Timer() 
        if Map == 1 then 
    TXD = engineLoadTXD (num1) 
    elseif Map == 2 then 
    TXD = engineLoadTXD (num2) 
    DFF = engineLoadDFF ("car.dff" ) 
    engineImportTXD ( TXD,   id   )  
    engineReplaceModel ( DFF,   id   )  
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), Timer) 
setTimer ( Timer, 50, 1) 


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