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Client doesnt start a resource(s)


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I'm creating a script that will trigger an event if a resource started.



addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot,
		local accResource = getResourceFromName("accounts")
		if (accResource) then
			outputServerLog("Initializing account resource.")
			-- start another res here
			shutdown("Didn't find a required resource 'accounts' from the server. Shutting down...")



function initStartup(resource)
		--outputChatBox( getResourceName( resource ) )
		if (getResourceName(resource) == "accounts") then
			triggerEvent("accounts:initStartup", localPlayer)
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", root, initStartup)


The problem is on the clientside, the 'accounts' resource isn't started. But, in server the 'accounts' resource has been started. So i cant trigger the "accounts:initStartup" event.


I have no idea why, so maybe someone can help me, thanks :)

Edited by anchor
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1 hour ago, anchor said:

The problem is on the clientside, the 'accounts' resource isn't started. But, in server the 'accounts' resource has been started. So i cant trigger the "accounts:initStartup" event.

Edit: i just found that the resource is running.
i think i just wrong handle it with onClientResourceStart, maybe.

Idk what event i should use


18 minutes ago, koragg said:

Either that's not the whole code or you haven't added the event itself. Check how it's done here : https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AddEvent

the event has been added in the 'accounts' resource.

Edited by anchor
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Well that's not working. Thank you anyway :)

by this issue, now i try to figure out how the onClientResourceStart works, because of i just try to log the 'accounts' resource status and it's 'running'.
I have no idea when it was start running and how can i handle it.

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