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11 Suggestions

Guest -=Reaper=-

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1. You DEFINATELY need to have motion and stuff to see when people are opening your car door and things like that.

2. In RPG show the money you have in that money thing at the top right so you don't have to type !cash

3. Teams should be !team reap so that they can't friendly fire you or betry you.

4. If possible, make more then one bank (one on each island)

5. Make it so you can buy weapons

6. Make it so you can drive by when in the passenger seat with somebody

7. Make it so you can drive by with a pistol

8. Make the driving smoother when in a car with somone

9. Take out pausing and only put in afk, and you have to stay afk for atleast 5 minutes to stop people from using it as pausing

10. Take out fire

11. Finally, Add a sniper rifle, and ut location damage on.

One question, Why can we not add pedestrians, boats, or seaplanes?

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pretty much all of those have been suggested beofre and alot are not possible ATM

wait till blue hehe

you prob see more than one of those option

the simple fact is that its just not possible to add all that in the current mod

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My god.... do you really think your the first person to notice these features missing? like no-one thought of adding drivebys till you came along.

1- all of these "suggestions" have been discussed hundreds of times, and you would know that if you bothered searching.

2- mta does not have all the features of single player because IT'S A BETA

3- the rpg features like !cash and !teams is not part of mta in the first place, that is an addon.

4- locked due to there being not 1 suggestion here applicable or not discussed elsewhere

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1. You DEFINATELY need to have motion and stuff to see when people are opening your car door and things like that.


2. In RPG show the money you have in that money thing at the top right so you don't have to type !cash

the rps servers are only running a script which lets ppl play rpg, its not made by mta

3. Teams should be !team reap so that they can't friendly fire you or betry you.

hard to do, guess you gotta wait for blue

4. Add pedestrians

maybe blue

5. Add regular cops

maybe blue

6. If possible, make more then one bank (one on each island)

blue (map modding)

7. Make it so you can buy weapons

mta 0.5.1, check the news (or whatever its name will be)

8. Make it so you can drive by when in the passenger seat with somebody

blue maybe

9. Make it so you can drive by with a pistol

blue maybe

10. Make the driving smoother when in a car with somone


11. Take out pausing and only put in afk, and you have to stay afk for atleast 5 minutes to stop people from using it as pausing


12. Add boats!!!


13. Add the seaplane (and maybe an airplane or two!)


14. Take out fire


15. Finally, Add a sniper rifle, and make it so if you shoot someone in the head, ir hurts them more

blue, tho im not sure if headshot damage can be altered at all

when i say "blue" it mean blue will most probably feature this and it isnt possible on the current core

also search this section for more info, most of your points have been discussed before

edit: meh, posted at same time

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