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Please help me quick with this mapping/modelling/converting thing, I am starting to get crazy!!

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Hello guys!

I spent my whole day trying to put the Vice City map into MTA SA:BLUE, I used the scene2res program but there was always something wrong, for example the map didn't load good, it was flickering all the time, the collisions were bad, I mean there weren't even collisions, I just fell through the texture, I couldn't manage to get it to work, the whole map was blurry and low quality, please somebody help me out!

I would really like to make a new gamemode that is set in Vice City, but I don't really understand modelling, I even downloaded the whole GTA VC game, and picked out only the models and data folder for the scene2res program, selected the matching files, but it's not working, then I downloaded the GTA VCS map that was converted from ps2 and psp to pc version, it had perfect dffs and txds, it even had a few col files but they were not working!! I fell through the map, I don't have any idea how can I get Vice City into MTA, but I know that it is possibble, I have seen 3-4 servers that were set in Vice City, one of them was a Hungarian (thats where I'm from, and Hungary doesn't really make good RP servers, most of them use the vanilla valhalla mod) roleplay server, I even asked them how they did it, but they didn't reply to me.

Please guys, help me out, give me tips or any other programs or anything, even if you have a done Vice City map resource and you are willing to give a copy of it to me I would really really appreciate it!

Thank you in advance!!!!


EDIT: I downloaded this VCS map, tried both versions, the psp and ps2 as well, but none of them worked correctly: http://gtaforums.com/topic/686322-storiesrel-converted-maps/
and I followed this tutorial video and used this program: 


Edited by Dzsozi
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Okay, so here's the whole scene2res folder, it also has the output folder, ready to use as a resource, but when you start it you can see that the map is there, but you fall through for some reason, I don't know why, I just can't fix it, I guess there is some kind of error with the .col files, but I don't know what and how to fix it, please somebody help me! 


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^ thanks for "giving" me the thread :P


" I would really like to make a new gamemode that is set in Vice City, but I don't really understand modelling," i don't know stuff about modelling too ( i only know how to mak some stuff like deleting parts etc) "I even downloaded the whole GTA VC game, and picked out only the models and data folder for the scene2res program, selected the matching files, but it's not working,"  "I even downloaded the whole GTA VC game" you were supposed to use eg: san vice or openvice or united "then I downloaded the GTA VCS map that was converted from ps2 and psp to pc version it had perfect dffs and txds, it even had a few col files but they were not working!!" because there is seperate download for the collisions

look at the thread again

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Okay, so I couldn't manage to fix this VCS convertion, for some reason the collisions were not working, I tried lots of things but I always fell through the map, I have been trying this for the 2nd day now, I downloaded VC2SA as you recommended, I am going to try it with this mod now. I don't know what should I do if it is not going to work...

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Alright, I don't know what to do, I just want Vice City into MTA, but looks like it's not going to happen. As I wrote, I tried VC2SA, finished converting, started the resource, and now my MTA just loads after downloading the files. It keeps loading and nothing happens, it is loading for like 15 mins now, I even reconnected to the server, deleted the resource from the downloaded resources, and the same happens. Any suggestions? How the hell I could get Vice City into MTA? I really need it, please guys, somebody help me out!

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I don't have a low pc, it should have loaded, like it loaded before with the converted VCS files.

Also, what load do you recommend to use? If not static then stream or distance? Which is better and why? And one more thing, could you give a link for the models and data that you used in your GTV project, or tell me how did you do that? I think it would help a lot and I would really appreciate that!

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 If not static then stream or distance

one of them (i use stream)

" Which is better and why " im not sure , propably @CodyL can answer your question

" models and data that you used in your GTV project "

i used san vice and added bunch of gta 5 stuff in there which takes a bit of time (basicly convert rename , convert rename , convert rename and repeat 696969696969 times ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Edited by ThatsMe
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Distance = Only load objects that are within a certain distance, unload when they get out of that said area.

Stream = Load objects when they stream in, unload them on stream out.

I would recommend stream since it has a dynamic distance depending on the size of the object.


A myself don't use either instead I put together my own that can out perform both stream and distance.

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Okay, so I would like to go back to the VCS PS2 convertion and try to have it as the map, VCS's map is also even better, looks better at some points, has different models for example the ferris wheel in downtown, etc. and scene2res didn't output any error when I started the convertion so I GUESS it has all the models and ipl/ide files correctly. I linked a gtaforums.com topic, and there is a download link for the map with blank collisions and there is one more link for normal (?) collisions.

Since I don't really understand this whole thing, how these things really work, I would like to know what blank collisions mean? My guess is that basically it is a collision file without collision. Am I right or not? If I am right, then - here comes the second question - how can I make them real, "normal" collisions? Or how can I make it work, I mean, there is the download link for the collision files, but there are 16 .col files, some of them contain lots of collisions (I checked it with collision file editor II) and some of them contains 1 or 2 collisions, but they are all named col and a number after it. So, how can I assign these real collisions to the .dff models, even if they don't have the same file name? I just don't understand this whole thing, I would really appreciate if someone could give me in-depth instructions for achieving Vice City as a map resource for MTA.


BTW I could make Vice City into MTA, kind of half way, because there were lots of errors about missing models and unknown definitions, and in-game lots of buildings were flickering or missing, or there was a SA object, but the collisions and textures were fine.

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